Thursday, February 04, 2010

Face Of Prada - Nick Snider Tries To Ummm Blow His Way Out Of Trouble

I haven't ever heard of Nick Snider and I can't recall actually seeing his face in any Prada campaign, but I guess he is a big deal. Nick who is 21 is the male face of Prada and was ranked by Forbes as the 5th most successful male model in the world. All of that didn't help Nick when he was arrested in Little Rock, Arkansas after causing a disturbance at a friend's house.

While being transported to be booked, Nick played the don't you know who I am card. The Smoking Gun quotes Nick from the police report saying, "I am a very famous model." Yeah. Whatever. The policeman was just as impressed by this statement as me. Nick, apparently realizing he was not going to get off that way suggested to the policeman that if Nick got off then he would make sure the policeman got off also. "If you stop I'll suck your d**k and balls if you let me go." Well, that didn't work either, but Nick was determined that he was going to get off and he didn't care who he got off to get off. When they arrived at the jail, Nick offered the same deal to the person who booked him into jail. That person also declined. However, the policeman and the person doing the booking did add another charge of attempting to influence a public servant. Nick was released on $780 bail and is due back in court in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile for all of you who actually know who this guy is he will be at New York Fashion Week walking the runways.


  1. he knew he was in arkansas and he still tried to get out of it by saying he's a male model? hahahaha.

  2. Don't know him, and he's irrelevant... he's just a fucking model... as in sits there and tries to look pretty... big deal.

  3. Zoolander and Hansel would not be amused, Nick. You should never try to derelicte a public servant's balls.

  4. If you have to say "I am a very famous model", you aren't.

  5. He should have offered them a full set of teeth.

    (Sorry. I lived down that way and could not resist.

  6. Wow, I've seen tons of photos of female models without their makeup, but it's surprising to see how different a male model looks without HIS stylists.

  7. man on man doesn't work with the po po in the South. He's lucky to be alive.

  8. Hey babe when we chillaxin!? Seriously?

  9. I was going to say something, but Sporky's comment threw me into a gigglefit and I forgot what I intended to say. Heart!

  10. The day models have any sway or influence in the lives of ordinary folks is the day I throw in my towel with Republicans.

  11. Haha, this is how I get out of trouble with my husband...just suck dick and bam, trouble's forgotten!

  12. 0 - glad you got the reference.

  13. LMAO at Sporky. Hahahahahaha. First time I've ever laughed out loud at a comment. Thanks.

  14. I love that he actually tried that line. Can't fault the guy for trying!

  15. Was that the wrong thing to say? I am not familiar with the correct protocal in situations like that one.

  16. I like how he threw in dick AND balls. Like maybe the dick wouldn't be enough, so he added some teabagging to sweeten the deal.

  17. @*girl - I spit my water out when I read your comment. Thanks for the laugh. You too Sporky!

  18. Stupid guy, doesn't he know that in Arkansas that's only going to work if you're a female model?

    Just because offering sexual favors will help your modeling career doesn't mean that it's going to work with Arkansas cops.

  19. No way is that the same guy! His whole face shape is different in the top photo!

  20. @figgy it is called photoshopping. They do it to boys too.

    This reminds of the Dell Dude who lost his sweet new multi-millon contract with Dell after getting popped in NYC for buying 10 dollar bag of weed.

    Haven't seen him since. Bye Bye Face of Prada.

  21. I laughed at tons of these comments--thank you everyone.

    And I have to wonder what kind of a disturbance gets one arrested in Little Rock. They've gotta be used to partying by now!
