Thursday, February 04, 2010

Two Weeks Of Rehab Is Enough For Brooke Mueller

Apparently Brooke Mueller doesn't need to stay in rehab as long as most people. Despite a drug problem so severe that she flew across the country while recovering from pneumonia and attempting to have friends smuggle drugs to her in the hospital, Brooke is ready to leave rehab and move on with her life. Radar Online says she will leave as soon as today so that she can be in court in Aspen on Monday and say everything is great with Charlie Sheen and that she was mistaken about the whole knife thing and he is a good guy and that things got out of hand Christmas morning because Santa didn't eat his milk and cookies.

All this is doing is, well, nothing. Two weeks of rehab is not enough. If you make the commitment to go to rehab you should see it through.


  1. What what? Did I miss some of the story? I didn't know it came out that she was definitely in rehab but also...had people try to smuggle her drugs??

  2. oh, i'm sure she just couldn't stand to be away from her babies. yeah, that's the ticket.

  3. She wasn't in rehab, she was just recovering from the pneumonia in a peaceful setting! How dare you sully her good name, Enty! ;)

  4. Forcing someone to go to rehab never works. :(

  5. Well, expect another giant fail in the near future.

  6. I don't care a lick about her or her pimp husband.

  7. actually, forcing someone into rehab CAN work---like by way of an intervention. if the people helping an addict stay sick withdraw their support, it gets them to go and in many cases, it works.
    that's just not what happened here.

  8. Nancer, it really depends on the person’s willingness to admit that they have a problem, and that they need help. Forcing the issue, like an intervention, can have positive results short-term, but long-term results aren't necessarily great.

  9. Just waiting for the next blow-up.

  10. My brother died of pneomonia at 39 because of alcohol abuse. Brittany Murphy died of pneomonia induced by drug / alcohol abuse. I wonder how long Brooke's got left.

  11. Yeah, but there's all that good meth and shit waiting back in LA! Who can resist?

    She was in my hometown.

  12. ...for her rehab, that is.

  13. Those poor babies of her and Charlie. Don't have a chance in hell. It's pretty bad when someone is making Denise Richards look like a great mom.
