Wednesday, February 03, 2010

LOST - Possible Spoilers

So, I watched two hours of LOST last night and this is what I have to say. Umm, I know I drank a little last night but I don't understand anything. I even watched it twice. I blame part of the problem on the fact that I was doing more than one thing at once. Like breathing. Seriously, I have come to the conclusion that once the show ends I am going to find a book that details each episode and watch and read at the same time. Of course I think at the end of all this I am going to be disappointed and it is going to be a dream of a passenger or it is going to be a television show and someone will yell cut and everyone will walk off the set. The producers said they knew what the ending was going to be whether they shot 13 episodes or 300. To me that means none of what we are seeing really matters because in 13 episodes they would have not had time to set up everything. It will be a very simple ending involving all the original cast. So, either a dream or a television show. Feel free to discuss the show. I will have a post each week where you can discuss and feel free to throw in spoilers.


  1. I recorded it and plan on watching it today. I did watch the hour long recap show beforehand. Now that shit was confusing! I think it got way too complicated after the 4th season was underway.

  2. It's like reading Shakespeare in Old English. you spend half your time looking at the definitions section for the real meaning of the words...

  3. 3 hours of Lost for me last night!

    I made the hubby and kids crazy by shushing them LOL.

    ENTY Bite your tounge! Millions would be PISSED if it turns out to be a dream thing.

  4. My belief: just about every person now has a duplicate (who may or may not be alive). Oh, and the island has a duplicate as well. That's why Juliet said "it worked." They all got the chance to continue their lives as if the plane hadn't crashed. It's like 'Sliding Doors,' but both timelines are real.

    I think it's genius. I can't wait to see what they do with the non-crashers, but it looks like they're headed towards proving Locke's point - that they were all better off on the island. It made me sad every time they showed Rose - one of her is now going to die. But at least the other one is still happy with Bernard. :)

    My favorite reveal - the identity of the smoke monster.

    Did anyone not know that Sayid was going to come back from the dead?

  5. I remember when this show first started, thinking, "Wow! That looks like a COOL show," but for some reason I wasn't able to watch the pilot. I decided to wait until reruns so I could start from the beginning. By that time, it seemed like it had already become so convoluted that I decided not to commit to another weekly series.

    And now, boy howdy!, am I ever glad I made that decision.

  6. Or, for my fellow nerds, it's just like the episode of ST:TNG where the transporter malfunctioned and one Ryker made it back to the Enterprise while the other one was stuck on the deserted planet.

  7. has a great interview with the writers that sorta explains the two storylines going on at the same time. They called it "Flash-Sideways".
    Give it a read; it could explain things for you. It helped me understand last night's episode better.
    FYI - the last episode scheduled for Sunday, May 23, 2010.

  8. Mooshki, I completely agree with your assessment. Time-travel and parallel universes have been running themes from the beginning, IMO.

  9. Mooshki - I must have missed that part...they revealed the identity of the smoke monster?

  10. i drank too and i for sure know that i have to watch it again!

  11. Okay, there are clearly two realities. Everyone on the plane which landed safely at LAX is due, I think, to Juliet's setting off the bomb successfully.

    What about the Temple people, or the other others? And the sunken remains of the original others? Very confusing. And John Locke is really smokey the monster?

    This should get interesting.

  12. Sayid coming back from the dead did surprise me, but that was mostly because there was so much going on around it, I never gave much thought to it.

    As far as the timeline goes, I think it's a simple what if timeline. What if the plane didn't crash?

    My main question coming out of this was what the Fake Locke meant about Richard being released from his chains before he promptly kicked Richard's ass. Do you guys think it was literal or figurative chains?

    Go to this site if you want a recap of each episode...very witty and well written.

  14. oh, Babs, that is EXACTLY what happened to me, too!

  15. @Derek, I think it was literal chains. I loved that look he gave Richard when he said it....awesome TV!!

  16. I'm so glad that I never watched this show. Way too much for me to try and understand.

  17. Anonymous11:19 AM

    i never watched this show either. in the beginning i felt like i was missing out, but missed the boat. however, like others that have posted before me, i kinda feel like i'm not really missing anything

  18. I think that Jacob is now in Sayid's body he and fake Locke will be the battle between "good and evil"

    and I want Jack and Kate together.

    so sad about Juliet. I cried again watching Sawyer

  19. Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Darlton (the producers) confirmed that John is actually the smoke monster now. They also inferred that Sayid is not Jacob reborn. So it looks like something possesed him, but not Jacob.

    I love this show. It is such a shame to see so many comments from people that don't care.

  20. @warmislandsun~so much for my Sayid theory! Darn, I never get those right!!!

    I love Lost so much that I watched all the other seasons on DVD since early summer to prep for this final season!

    *turns red*

  21. Damon and Carlton said many seasons ago that it won't be a dream in the end, so you don't have to worry about that!

    I also thought that Esau (guy in black, Jacob's brother)took over Locke's body, and that he was also the smoke monster. :/

  22. Re: Locke/Smoke Monster
    My take is that "John Locke" is now inhabited by the "Man in Black" (played by Titus Welliver last season), Jacob's nemesis. The "Man in Black" is the smoke monster and since John Locke is the Man in Black he's also the smoke monster.

    I like the theory that Sayid is now Jacob. Interesting....

    I'm good with Jack and Kate, since I really liked Juliet and Sawyer together.

  23. My friend and I were discussing this last night, we also think Jacob took over Sayid's body. That is why the new Others had to drown Sayid, he needed to be dead in order for Jacob to move in. Not positive of course, just speculation.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. When Esau/FakeLocke beat up Richard I shouted at my tv "DON'T HURT THE PRETTY!!!"

  26. Can anyone translate the title of the book in the cave?

  27. I started writing a post but it became way too long. I am a Lost Fan. And I loved the season premiere! It had everything!

    MiB=Smoke Monster. He's a shape shifter. He's not so much inhabiting John Locke's body, he just took the shape so he could get to Jacob.
    I do believe that Jacob has taken the shape of Sayid. And I think that the two alternate timelines/ realities will eventually show that everyone ends up where they're supposed to be.

  28. Marina, I was wondering about the book too. Look in the Forum on Lostpedia. com or on dark Ufo...someone will have a screen shot soon, I bet!

  29. And also...*L*...enty, you should read "The Dark Tower" series by Stephen King. Lost has numerous ties to it.

  30. HH, I'm pretty sure the book was Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Rushdie. At least the cover looks like my copy.

  31. I need Cliff Notes for Lost.

  32. anyone seen that funny youtube video of the fake lost writers making it up as they go along? i'd link to it but i'm too lazy

  33. Well, John said, after the guys were taken care of by the smoke monster, "I'm sorry you had to see me like that." Was Jacob the smoke monster, too?

    I really enjoyed it and since I'm a fan of long discussions about alternate dimensions, this was just up my alley!

  34. BTW, do you think they chose the name John Locke because of the seventeenth century philosopher? That's something that my husband and I have both discussed.

  35. Tara, yes. Several characters are named after philosophers, scientists and authors.

  36. Here is my new theory on Jacob. When Sayid was brought to the fountain, they noted that the water was not clear. Then when Sayid was put in, he struggled, because JACOB WAS ENTERING HIM! There it is. Jacob was in the water and now he is in Sayid!

  37. I love this show! It MAKES me use my brain.

    Absolutely real chains for Richard. Remember the slave ship in the middle of the jungle?

    @Tara absolutely I think they named Locke for the philosopher.
    When Sayid came back I said to my
    sister "Lazarus!"

    It was good to see Boone and funny that the writers "changed time" and had Shannon stay in Austraila.
    I like the new time line, This is getting good.

  38. i LOVE this show... here's me attempting a theory...

    smoke monster = man in black = john locke's body = evil

    it all has to do with destiny and there will ultimately be this battle of good and evil...

    so locke's destiny was that he "had" to be on the island because evil would choose to inhabit his body (which is why he was able to walk when the plane crash and has escaped death several times) in the final battle of good vs. evil.

    jacob = good (almost jesus like with his deciples trying to protect him) will inhabit sayid's body. jacob went through and touched each character at some point in their lives, but he never touched sayid (i don't think). sayid was a torturer and a killer with no soul, but he has proven otherwise since being on the island... and has, himself, escaped death a few times... i'm still pondering more...

    my brain hurts! but that's what i got so far...

  39. Okay, I'm missing something here. I didn't see Richard in chains or Sayid in the water. Was that in the teaser for next week?

    Also, OT here, but I've been trying to go to the forums forever and cannot access them. Is it my pc or does everyone have this problem? Is it even used?

  40. I, too, tried to watch the pilot. The last thing I saw was a guy standing on a beach getting sucked up into a still moving airplane engine. And then I "lost" interest! hahahahahaha

    But I know how it is to love a television show. I hope it is as good as everyone wants it to be! It certainly has a huge fan base. So, rock on, Lost fans!

  41. Sorry I don't want to be a know-it-all jerk, but as a literature prof. I am obliged to point out that Shakespeare in NOT olde english; it is middle english.
    I am off to google different interpretations of last night now. I am thoroughly confused but am SO enjoying the ride.

  42. And then we realize that the whole show was the imaginings of a small autistic boy playing with a snow-globe.

    ...wait, that was St. Elsewhere.

  43. @ Majik- hahah thats what i was going to say!

  44. Locke's name was definitely on purpose. His alias when he got off the island was Jeremy Bentham, who was also a philosopher. I'm going to pretend that I didn't squeal a bit when I first saw that.

    It seems most plausible that Jacob is now Sayid, in some way or another. I'm just glad that he's not gone. I like looking at him.

  45. I want to know when the real John Locke will rise from the dead. You know at some point it has to least I keep telling myself that.

    I have never been on the Jack/kate/Sawyer trip and that over doing Juliets death THREE times in five minutes was waaay too much. I get it ..Sawyer has a broken heart..jeez..

    I like the new Sun/Jin ( the ones who landed in La la land ) angle..they are some of my faves.

    I love that Hurley saw Jacob and said "anytime you wanna talk dude" :D

    I loved the JAck/John Locke meeting in the LA airport lost luggage lounge...spinal surgery?

    And I loved the reveal for its pure ass kickery. Smokey-MiB was such a gangster! The Richard scene at the end was great. I figured out season 5 finale who Smokey was so it wasn't a big shocker.

    The rest...meh..

    I hope the rest of the season picks up momentum.

  46. I was LOST too, Enty. I kept asking my husband for updates and he kept telling me to be quiet and look it up on Lostapedia. :( I definitely need an episode recap or Cliffs Notes or something.

    I was happy to see Charlie...he was one of my favorite characters....even if it was just for a second.
