Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Mel Gibson Calls Reporter An A-Hole

One of the things I really dislike about this WGN interview is they are trying to be cute with the television next to the reporter. What this means for the viewer is we can't see Mel Gibson's really red face. My conspiracy theory of the day is that Mel was drinking. It looks like a Starbucks cup and yet you hear ice at the end of the interview when Mel sucks it down. Starbucks puts ice in clear cups and not the ones used for coffee. If you wanted to hide a certain type of beverage though, the coffee cups make an excellent hiding spot. Just saying.

Anyway, in the interview, the reporter asks a very benign question about whether Mel thinks the public perceives him any differently now than four years ago. It is a fair question. Mel seems to think the reporter should only be asking him about things Mel likes to talk about like Mel and movies Mel makes. The reporter didn't even ask any tough questions but Mel still decided to call him an asshole.

What especially made me mad was this quote from Mel. "I have done the necessary mea culpas." Really? So, you were just faking them? It was something you felt forced to do and didn't really feel were warranted? That to me just says he is the asshole. I guess now he will do some more mea culpas. Maybe a quick trip to rehab or a story about how his new born keeps him up at night. Uh huh.


  1. HA, that's hilarious! Mel just keeps digging his own shithole deeper.

    I STILL want some interviewer to ask "so how does this affect your membership in the fundamentalist Catholic church you built and sponsored? Have you changed your expectations of the other parishoners?" etc.

  2. Mel Gibson calling another person an asshole is like Rosie O'Donnell calling someone else fat.

  3. Totally fair question.
    Mel has gotten his assholes mixed up.
    I liked Apocalypto so much - now I don't think I'll ever go see a movie starring him again.

  4. Mel went off on DEAN RICHARDS! Dean is one of the good guys and is always professional in his interviews of celebrities.

    Mel going off on Dean just proved his a giant ASSHOLE and doesn't deserve the fans support of his movies, church, etc.

  5. Not watching the vid, dont want to see MG. He said something similar recently about the 'humiliation' he suffered. What about the humilation you handed out to the arresting officers you drunken hypocrite?

  6. I think Dean *was* being an asshole, and I don't blame Mel at all for calling him one.

  7. At this point it's funny to me, since I stopped caring about him a long time ago

  8. He definitely looked a bit out of it in that interview. And my opinion of Mel just keeps going down further and further (which I was sure was possible).

  9. @figgy, just to clarify~~Mel DID build the physical church building but SSPX is a sect (Traditional Roman Catholic) that Mel is a part of. He didn't create that sect. You might already know that but I just wanted to clarify that. I was brought up in SSPX, and have since decided to go to "english" mass. Not all Traditional Roman Catholics are jew-hating bigots, though. They are, however, less tolerant of pretty much ANYTHING and anyone than I prefer, which is why I go to English Mass now. The basic principles of that church are just that they would like to keep mass in latin with the same rules as before the 2nd vatican counsel rather than changing. But I digress.

    Mel is an asshole, and I thought it was very funny that he OBVIOUSLY cannot think on his toes, either. His lip kinda moved like they were slurring to me, too.

  10. Up until recently, I really didn't care too much about the whole thing, but now he just makes my blood boil. I see someone who is full of rage and anger. He's a bitter, bitter man.

  11. for me ,the journalist tells about his rant and Gibson doesn't want to talk about it!

  12. Anonymous11:45 AM

    i think they were both wrong. mel behaved like a 2 year old and dean should have picked up on the tone change and not pressed the issue.

  13. Thanks for the clarification @chihuahuenese, I didn't know all that.

    I'm sure that the SSPX really frowns on the kind of shenanigans he's been up to tho, right? I wonder if he still attends? Maybe he's gone to confession, but has he changed his behavior? <--that being an essential part of true confession.

  14. I know some members of the SSPX are super PISSED at him, because of the fact that he (being a public member) could've taken the church from a "crazy sect that won't join the rest of the church" to traditionalist that just want the traditions of mass to be the same. Oh, and crazy-holocost-denier Father Williamson didn't help either. SSPX hasn't issued any formal statement that I know of, but I know it is a sin to get divorced *unless you are beaten or in some cases cheated on*. And it is definitely a sin to have a baby out of wedlock. Technically, even if he were to go to confession, he would not be able to go to communion unless he was back with his wife. To clarify, he would be forgiven for cheating, but the church doesn't recognize legal divorces. They issue annulments for certain reasons, so unless that has been issued, he is *in the eyes of the church* cheating on his wife even if they are legally divorced.

  15. I, too, could clearly hear the ice cubes tinkling as he swigged back another slug of *beverage.*

  16. The "dude" was giving him a chance to be contrite and kiss-up to the general public who--hey, what a novel idea!--actually pays to see his shit movies.

    What a dick.

  17. This is the second interview where Mel has gotten very aggressive with the interviewer for bringing up the subject. I think Mel is just trying to scare future interviewers/reporters from bringing it up. If he makes them uncomfortable they will just drop it.

    Mel is very media savy he knew the reporter would hear him being called an asshole.

    I'm glad the movie flopped.

  18. I have to say I agree with Syd. I think the interviewer WAS being an asshole,

    A stupid drunk comment was all this *ucker wanted to talk about? WTF did he expect mel to say?

    i think the interviewer knew exactly what he was doing, and was playing mel for a reaction.

    That being said I still think Mel has more issues than a truck full of tissues but just how long does ANYONE need to have their nose rubbed into something stupid they did however public it was? Is this more about "you're rich, you're priviledged and a celeb therefore your reaction means that you think you're above it all?

    not negating what Enty says, I've not been exposed to these people, so I might very well have missed something.

    I just think the interview was a f*cking BORE, and bring the subject up was the act of an interviewer wanting publicity and ratings, and an interviewer good enough to know how to get the reaction he wanted. THAT pisses ME off.


  19. oh btw- i think prejudice is a horrendously destructive thing, and my comments above should not be seen to excuse anything mel said. I wouldn't touch the man with a 40 ft cattle prod attached to a 4million dollar check.

  20. I'm with Syd on this one. The interviewer was the asshole. Mel seemed to be there in good faith. Why does he have to redeem himself to this guy?
    Mel was not aggressive - I don't think he knew he was on air when he said "asshole."
    If you hate him, fine.

  21. Sorry Mel haters, I'll be seeing his movie maybe not at the movies but renting it FOR SURE

  22. Way late here (again), but in all honesty I do think it looks like a good movie.

    I'm one of those women who hates chick-flicks, preferring action and vigilante movies all the way.

    I'll prolly Netflix it next year and burn a copy to keep. Yeah, I said it.

  23. I didn't even notice the cup thing!
    I thought he worded the mea culpa thing poorly but at that point he was pissed so anything that came out of his mouth was not going to be good.
