Thursday, February 11, 2010

Now This Is Gossip - Rielle Hunter & Jeff Goldblum

I have always loved Jeff Goldblum. Now, not so much. Star Magazine is reporting that while Rielle and John Edwards were getting it on, Rielle was also in a relationship with Jeff Goldblum. Yes, that Jeff Goldblum. I don't know what he saw in Rielle Hunter, but apparently it was the same thing that John Edwards saw. Oh, I wonder if there is a sex tape of Jeff & Rielle. Do you think he takes off his glasses during sex? Anyway, Star goes on to say that Rielle even led Jeff to believe at one point that he was the father of Rielle's baby. I know, I know.

Jeff assumed it was his baby because he didn't know Rielle was also sleeping with John Edwards. When Jeff found out the baby wasn't his he broke up with Rielle.

Star's sister magazine The Enquirer is reporting this week that John Edwards has asked Rielle to marry him. Edwards says it is all untrue. He also said that he never had sex with Rielle and the baby wasn't his so even if he is telling the truth with this one he doesn't exactly have a stellar track record when it comes to truth telling.


  1. Nooooo, Jeff, Noooooooooo! Not you!
    Another dream, dashed.

  2. Jeff has been working his way through women for decades. Somehow he has managed to avoid too much of a sleazebag reputation - usually because the relationships seem to last at least a few months. Finally caught up to him.

  3. I kinda feel sorry for Jeff if he thought the kid was his and didn't know she was schlupping John.

  4. I would prefer him with his glasses on :)

  5. What a hot mess. She strikes me as a celeb/power player predator who is always looking to hook a big fish.

    Off topic, but I am surprised Enty hasn't written on Alexander McQueen's apparent suicide.

  6. This doesn't make me like Jeff Goldblum any less

  7. She is a cat with no morals. John E. is just as bad- if his relationship with his wife was that bad, he should have left her before he started in with someone else. But if Goldblum is single, and he didn't know about Edwards, then I can't fault him.

  8. Jeff Goldblum, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
    I really don't know much about his dating history, but for some reason I thought he had higher standards than that.

  9. Did I miss something? Goldblum isn't married and it's not like he knew she was with Edwards.

  10. i've always had a guilty pleasure kinda crush on jeff goldblum. i haven't decided yet if this makes him too icky for the crush to survive.

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  12. It could be true. Edwards did not believe the child was his and wanted a secret DNA test done to prove it. So he knew she was sleeping with someone else. If Jeff was the other man then okay.

    Either way it goes Rielle and Edwards are still in a relationship. And yes I believe that he bought her a new home and possibly even proposed to her.

    Rielle is like Rachel to Tiger Woods.

    These men sleep around for years and all of a sudden they get caught up in something that they can't control.

    Some hot piece finds a way to control them and ends their facade of a marriage.

  13. Some people's sense of taste is all in their mouth and some men lose their sense of taste when they are IN a womans mouth.

    So I am guessing that sums up Rielle's popularity among the menfolk.

  14. I hate to be hard on our gender, but this woman so f-ing busted. don't get it at all. i probably wouldn't care if she hadn't broken my darling jeffy's heart, but i'd rather he be tricked by someone who doesn't look like they were beaten with an ugly stick.

  15. I'm taking a shower. Feel real dirty after reading about this mess.

  16. Isn't he dating like a 20 year old? don't think he makes great choices.

  17. It's true Rielle is no beauty so she must have a ton of "other" skills.

  18. @Cecilia00, speaking of Alexander McQueen did you see Kirsty Alley comment? She said "come back soon, give it another go".

    That's the C0S for you.

  19. Yeah, I'm kinda with Monty - don't see the big deal here. Goldblum's single, Rielle could come off as relatively normal, and how was Jeff to know who else she was f*cking?

  20. As far as I know, he's single and can sleep with whomever he wants. Lord knows, I've been happily single for 20 years and have experienced more than one ahole in my life. That said, I love, love Jeff!

  21. Exactly, he can sleep with whomever he wants, and he is a good-looking man, so why put his dick in this homewreckin', golddiggin' skank?

  22. so jeff was supposed to know he was dealing with a lying, scheming, homewrecking whore?

    come on. even cool, smart people get duped from time to time. i don't hold this against him at all. love him to pieces.

  23. Seriously. Rielle isn't even mildly attractive. Even worse, she seems to be nothing more than an opportunistic star effer.

    What in the heck was JE thinking by choosing not to use protection (presumably)with this hag given all of the predatory women out there? That always baffles my mind. Serves him right though for being such an abhorrent husband.(You too Matthew Knowles, and a thousand other affluent and well known men!)

  24. If I was Jeff, I'd take and KEEP my glasses off if I was banging that horsefaced whore. Who knows, she might look rather attractive with reduced eyesight. Kinda like beer goggles, maybe.

    Is it just me, or does she look like a really ugly Garcia from "Criminal Minds"?

  25. What? Jeff was cheating on me with a woman who was sleeping with John Edwards who was cheating on Elizabeth? Man! This makes my day sucky.

  26. he has managed to avoid too much of a sleazebag reputation

    Are you kidding? Jeff is a known man-whore (which is not to say I wasn't happy to see him on L&O: Criminal Defense).

  27. Rielle isn't ugly...but lets be honest both those men can easily land some of the most gorgeous woman in the world and she isn't anywhere near that category.

    The only thing I can think of for her luck with landing rich sugar daddies is she must be amazing in bed. It is about the only thing that explains it.

  28. LOL@amanda rae, my sentiments exactly!! She is blatently ugly, and haggard looking. Jeff G is a big celebrity, I'm sure he can get someone a little better looking than her!

    The kid is adorable though, I must say.

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  30. I hate..HATE women who are so skanky they're unsure who thier baby-daddy is.

    You dodged a bullet there Jeffy! Now put a wrapper on it.

  31. Lots of women I know still find JG attractive, and that's not always about looks--money, success, power, reputation are part of it, too. We all know men and women who may not be the most physically appealing people, but possess qualities that make them undeniably sexy; sometimes you can't even put your finger on it, but whatever it is, they got it! Maybe that's the case with her.

  32. This woman reminds me of the dead wife of Robert Blake who also tried to hook Christian Brando with the baby.

  33. Mabel, that is exactly what I thought of!!!

  34. I gotta say, I don't blame Jeff G. If someone I was dating told me they loved me and were having a my baby only to find out later they were sleeping with someone else and it was THIER baby, I would dump them too!

  35. Maybe I'm too late but Robert sounds like a guy I'd LIKE!!!
