Thursday, February 11, 2010

Toy Story 3 Trailer

This is the second Toy Story 3 trailer. The only real change from the 2nd to this one is the addition of Michael Keaton.


  1. Is it wrong that I get chills and my eyes well with tears of anticipation for this movie? I would see this movie regardless if I had children or not, which I do.

  2. I actually can't wait :D AND it's released the day after my birthday and on the day of my friends birthday, and even though we'll be attempting to drive to London that day, i have a feeling we might be finding a cinema that night...

  3. Ugh. I'm one of those adults who just doesn't care for animated films. I've

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Cannot. Wait. My Four-Year Old are so into this movie right now. LOVE.

  5. These movies always seemed like a huge rip-off of "A Christmas Toy". And "A Christmas Toy" had Muppets...these movies just have never had any appeal for me, I cannot STAND that type of animation. I find it so annoying! But hey, whatever floats people's boats. Not that I even go to the movies anyway, LOL.

  6. I can't wait, either. Love animated movies. Hanks and Tim Allen are perfect voices for Woody and Buzz.

    The first one is classic. Lots of "adult" jokes in there, too.

  7. RocketQueen, I wanna hug you. I want you to understand the joy that the rest of us get out of this movie. It's the first kids movie I went to that both parents and children could sit through.

    And it's in Imax 3D!! SWEET! I may make the kids go see it with me. Even though they're now 18 and 16....

  8. Lol @ mngddess. I'll just have to take your word for it. I tried Finding Nemo, I tried Toy Story 1, I tried Lion King, I tried the Where Wild Things Are...I can never get over the feeling that the words and message are for kids and I spend too much time rolling my eyes.
    I'll take the hug anyway, though :)

  9. RocketQueen and mngddess: THANK YOU. I always feel like a... hater for not liking animated films but I just have no, I dunno... patience for them anymore. A lot of my friends are film buffs and I get the feeling that they might feel that I don't love film to the depth they do, but I just can't get enthused about this sort of stuff. Some animation can move me ("The Snowman" and a few others) but for the most part, I just don't feel the love.

  10. My kids are teens and I still can't wait to see this! I might have to rent a little kid, but then again, my 16 year old daughter will probably be into seeing it, especially at the IMAX theatre.

  11. RocketQueen....try A Bug's Life. Seriously good film, regardless of the animation. Can't go wrong with voices like Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey.

  12. RocketQueen: Maybe The Incredibles or Ratatouille might be a little more grown up for your tastes. Good story telling by Brad Bird.

  13. Thanks for the love everyone - especially you, Mango! :)
    I'm thinking I'll ease into it with Fantastic Mr. Fox - that one looks good to me?!

  14. A lot of times animated movies don't float my boat that much, but 'Wall-E' was an amazing movie that just happened to be animated. I've heard 'Up' is even better, but I haven't gotten around to watching it yet.

  15. I just saw Meet the Robinson's for the first time the other day and I seriously got choked up and teary eyed. Very good message in that movie.

  16. omg if you dont like it, dont worry about it! These are KIDS movies! I grew up with Toy Story and I cannot wait to see this haha

    I just about lost it when I heard Take my breath away...ahahahh
