Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jesse James & Sandra Bullock - Everything You Want To Know

It seems like about once every two or three months, there is some story in the gossip world that just explodes. Once that first little match is set then it just goes crazy. I have been trying to keep up with every little thing about the Sandra Bullock and Jesse James story and I thought I would share the best of what I have found. Or the worst.

TMZ, which I thought was in danger of becoming all Michael Jackson all the time has switched gears to all Sandra all the time. I'm not sure they even talk about anything else. They have a story about Sandra and Jesse hiring lawyers which seems like a really good idea. What doesn't seem like a good idea are Michelle McGee's refrigerator magnets spelling out white power.

My friends over at X17 have a story up about Sandra breaking down when she got e-mails from Jesse's kids. I feel so sorry for them, especially the little girl. She has pretty awful luck when it comes to parents.

Betty White is ready to kick Jesse James' ass, while Rosie O'Donnell has plenty to say about it and her new show. And finally, the mistress herself, Ms. White Power 2009, has made a video making fun of Jesse.


  1. I already have everything I want to know about the situation--Michelle is a skank whore opportunist extortionist and if JJ didn't have children to care for he might as well be a dead man.

    Worst part--the unprotected sex. If he gave SB an STD (or multiple STDs) he ought to have his dick ripped off without anesthesia, then shoved down his throat and his lips sewn shut.

    Can you tell I'm biased on this matter?!

    Disgusting and inexcusable.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @selenakyle~ Biased or not, I second that idea.

  4. I'm pissed she lives in my city(San Diego). If I ever see her around here, I'll beat the Nazi snot outta her!!! I've got a BIG can of pepper spray that I'll use on that B*$#&!!

    I have a nickname for my huge can of pepper spray, it isn't a nice nickname, but it is right up "Ms. Boobshells" alley. It begins with an "A" and ends with a "z" and is associated with the Holocaust.

    Team Sandra!!!

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    There is no way that JJ was able to hide ALL of his antics and beliefs. I will look at SB differently. She may not be a card carrying bigot, but what the hell?! SHE'S 40 Y/O.

    If she were in her early or midtwenties, it would be easier to understand.

    Needless to say, some bigots and racists are smart enough to know when to "be themselves". Hey, external bigotry affects greenbacks.

    Who among us believes that JJ has some type of Neo-Nazi tat? Count me in!

  6. The "EuroAds" whatever-they-are thingies that keep popping up on here today are pissing me off! Grrrrrrr.

  7. I personally would pay BIG money to watch Betty White place the hurt on Jesse James. And I have no doubt that she could do some serious damage.

  8. Miss Jenny I am in SD too. Pure Platinum (where she strips) is about 5 minutes from my office. I should go down there and put a "CDAN thinks you are a skank" sign on her car or something.

  9. "kimmpie1" - Haha!! I live in Hillcrest, so I am close to that place too!

    Let's go throw pennies at her while she's on stage! Haha!



  11. I have no problem with heavily tattoed people, I know many - male and female - and most of them are just awesome, sweet people who wouldn't harm a fly. But this one...she just looks dirty to me. The whole white power thing is just disgusting. But like Ice Angel said, she is getting exactly what she wants - fame. I'm sure she'll be able to make a buck from it too.

  12. And I keep getting an annoying popup too...no matter how many times I close it, it comes back. I might stay away from this site for today...

  13. This should send a strong message to all rich married men. Just becase someone gives it to you for free. Doesn't mean you should take it. Nothing is free, if Jesse was smart he would of funded his mistress instead of tossing her away when Sandy came back from filiming The Blind Side.

    In this day and age the average person is media savy. She knew she had a story to sell and if Jesse wasn't going to pay her to keep quiet. Well, it is her story to sell.

    We need the good old days back. When mistresses had apts and credit cards paid for. At least Sandy could of enjoyed her Oscar win and not have all this on her doorstep so publicly.

  14. It's amazing to me just how much more classless and revolting this Michelle McGee is than all of Tiger Woods' hos combined. She really is a disgusting, opportunistic and parasitic famewhore, regardless of her appearance. Not blaming her completely, because Jesse is obviously a total douchebag as well, but she's been bragging and milking this story for all she can. It's disgusting, and anyone paying her ought to be ashamed.

    /end rant

  15. I've been getting the pop-ups since yesterday. I think Vanilla Gorilla and Boobshit spread their viruses to CDAN.

  16. @selenakyle & lilbitsolo: Holy shit! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! Or her fans, for that matter. This will hopefully happen to the guy, at least metaphorically; shot down by every woman he approaches (penis ripped off,) media blackout (lips sewn shut,) and, instead of putting his foot in his mouth....the dumb fuck! Short of actual physical violence, this will have to suffice. But then again....

  17. Hahahaaaaaa @ Jillian S!

    Girl, you totally nailed it! Everybody, run a virus scan on your computers! Boobshit is attacking with her STD's via the internet!

  18. She'll be working at the Mustang Ranch in 5... 4... 3... 2...

  19. I have to say one more thing about this mess. As a white mother of an African American little girl we have adopted, Sandra put out a wonderful film that shows just how color blind love is. I was proud to have this kind of movie get the accolades it so rightly deserved. It sends a great message to our young people that love and family comes in many sizes, shapes and colors. I also have a hispanic son and an full blooded Irish son and our blended race family is happy and healthy and loving.

    Then poor Sandra's husband has to pull this piece of trash out of the gutter and mark Sandra's work with the stain of racism, hate, cheap sex and adultry. I honestly hope that this man loses everything for what he did to his wife's hard work, not to mention the work of everyone else in the cast and crew. He is shameless and the lowest form of life along with his pathetic mistress.

  20. What @selenakyle said.

    And Betty White:


  21. I am still suspecting that JJ might not be as much of a boyfriend as a client, at least on the webcam and fetish end of what she does. The fact that there are apparently pics of him in a Nazi hat does little to dissuade me from that.

    I miss the old MTV Celebrity Deathmatch cartoon, because you know a Betty White vs. Bombshell cagematch would be made of pure win.

  22. I still don't understand why some men go for this type of women...it's really disgusting

  23. I think she is done with him. It's a sad case because she loved his kids as her own. She gave him her whole heart and he shattered it in one of the worst possible ways. I hope she divorces him and gets to see the kids still.

  24. I think the saddest part of this is now JJ's ex-wife the porn star is using all of this to get custody of their little girl.

  25. @Jillian hahahaha I think you called it! It's SkankVirusGate 2010! They're infecting CDAN with their bullshit now.

    I still have a thing for JJ (I know it's horrible and I deserve every insult thrown my way for wanting to cavort with someone who is so ick nast) but this parasitic creature is just the worst. She keeps getting worse and worse the more that comes out. WTF did he ever want to do with her? She must be into watersports or some other games that SB just won't allow, bc there is NO excuse for f-ing this hosebeast. None.

  26. Of course Rosie O'Donnell has something to say about it because that's pretty much the only thing she can speak of which might make people stop and listen. Publicizing someone else's heartbreak to be put on notice with a show coming out. She acts like as much of a pig as she looks.

  27. And yeah SB has to be done with him. *I* would be, and I'm not an Oscar-winning actress with a shit ton of $$$ to burn and the entire population of the US backing her.

    Also, does anyone else think the texts released are lame!? God forbid they ever get ahold of some of the texts I've sent my various FWBs- now THAT would be some scandalous tabloid fodder. The crap JJ and this slizzut exchanged is like 12 yr old crap.

  28. Has there been anymore talk that Ms. Bombshell and the porn star ex-Mrs. Jesse James knew each other, or eventually met each other so that said porn star could discredit Jesse and get custody of the daughter?

  29. Babs - So would I! Big dollars!

  30. I'm tired of seeing this c*nt all over the internet. Normally I don't get this worked up over someone I don't know, but I'm truly angry for Sandy B. She's one of the sweetest ladies in Hollywood - and has been since day one. Her hubby sure had her back alright - there's a big, Nazi knife sticking out of it. I just don't want to look at this Nazi skeeze anymore. I wish I could block her or something.

  31. @mesmerizing--Hmmm, you have an interesting thought there!

  32. Is it just me, or does anyone else think this woman is just plain ugly (by White-Power "Caucasian" standards, of course)? She has a sunken, almost skeletal druggie face, which, without all that makeup would just scream (meth?) addict. She is not particularly shapely and has no relatively interesting body features other than her tats (and even those are not very original or well done). Reminds me of something you'd find dancing on tops of a redneck biker bar - screaming for attention. Rotten soul AND ugly.

  33. oooooh, this little girl is such a vile, disgusting little pig!!! i can't imagine what any man, er, guy could see in her. classless troll :(

  34. @mesmerizing I was wondering that too. Even if he was set up though, he still did it.

  35. CRAP- totally forgot the singer who can't sing is Taylor Swift! She is apparently auto tuned to the max! From a VERY reliable source, and they are talking about it in the industry.
