Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More On The Rielle Hunter Interview

This morning on Good Morning America they interviewed the reporter who interviewed Rielle. They got some more information from her about Rielle and also the relationship between Edwards and Rielle and even Elizabeth. The main point of the story though was I think to address those GQ photos. Yesterday Barbara Walters said that Rielle had called her and was repulsed by the photos and thought they were only going to use headshots. Full stop.

This is a videographer. She knows photography. So, if she thought they were only going to use headshots then don't you think she would have worn pants? Oh, well maybe she does walk around photo sessions in just a man's shirt. It's possible I guess. Please. She knew what she was doing and GQ even provided video to ABC where the photographer asks Rielle her opinion of the photos. That is about 1 minute or so into the video below. It is worth your time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What? Rielle dishonest?

    Say it ain't so!

  3. This chick is CERTIFIED!

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I saw the video last night on the Inside Edition. Between her and John Edwards lying you can't tell when the crocodile tears are real or not lol. When I heard Babawawa saying that Rielle was crying because of the way the pictures came out I was yeah right trying to be all innocent. I am sure that you have to sign for those pictures in order for them to be shown just like hillbilly cyrus was crying not knowing that her sexy picture was shown without her knowledge.

  5. oh god,when will everyone get over the obsession with this fuckwad,his ho and his 'abusive' wife. all 3 are irrelevant at this point.

  6. I could care less about this woman...BUT I am going to second RocketQueen's Bitch, Please!

    Or as Lafayette would say:
    Hooker, please!

  7. Anonymous11:03 AM

    LOL@hooker, please hahahaha

  8. Oh no, a woman who would sleep with a married man whose wife has cancer LIED! I am so SURPRISED. I thought that she was a DECENT PERSON.

  9. She's only just started speaking out and I'm already tired of this fake, crazy, lying bitch. Ugh.

  10. As Judge Mathis would say "You're a liar and a cheater"!

    Enough said.

  11. Whenever I see these idiots (who have some celebrity because of what they sucked or allowed to be sucked or fucked or what-have-you), I always think of the Don Henley line, "baby, ain't you got no shame?"

  12. I'll second that "Hooker please!" and throw in a hard side eye.

    Oh, and btw, she looks absurde in those clothes posing next to dolls. WTF is THAT about?

  13. maybe if she kept her pants on she wouldn't have gotten pregnant to begin with.

  14. It must be a cold day in helll. I agree with something Elizabeth Hasslebeck said. If you are posing with Kermit the Frog, keep your pants ON!!!!!

    The woman is a videographer and saw the photos. She knew what was going on. I can't believe her actual defense is she was pantless because she thought it would just be a headshot. So she normally walks around in front of others in just a shirt. You know, I might actually buy that one.

    Bottom line, she is embarassed that her true trashyness came through on film. Take a good hard look at yourself Rielle. This is YOU!

  15. Based on the clip, I believe Andrew Young's statement that it wasn't his idea to claim paternity, and I'm glad that he is pointing out (as I assumed) that her claim that she had no idea that the monthly payments to her were hush money is bullshit. What the fuck, hooker? What else would those payments be? "I admire your vagina, here's $6,000" are not standard monthly payments, right?

    To be honest, though, I would take anyone's word over hers. She's a thoroughly dishonest person. And I think much more of a true prostitute than a typical sex worker - she accepted more than $100K to shoot 6 'webisodes' that were deemed too embarrassing to broadcast by the professionals in the Edwards campaign. So her smug announcement that she was making no money from GQ seems a little misplaced. And the clip shows that she knew full well what her pantsless images looked like, pre-publication. Nice try though.

  16. lol @ "I admire your vagina, here's $6,000"

  17. PUKE!Looks something off of 'beaverhunt'
    I do Feel sorry for their unfortunate spawn they procreated AND the older
    Edwards kids.

  18. Oh come on folks-- who doesn't walk around the house pantless when having complete strangers over?
    I always invite them in to sit on a bed with Kermit and Dora. While I try to appear dazed and confused.


    (by the way does anyone else think it's more then odd that she took off her PANTS but kept on her PEARLS?)There isn't an eye roll big enough for that tripe.

  19. Yet another good reason not to Stick It In Crazy, even if it is blonde and somewhat attractive...at least a hooker is upfront about what s/he does--you know what the deal is from the get-go.

    Those poor kids...they don't deserve any of this crap. *sigh*
