Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Price Of Beauty Reviews Coming In - Jessica Simpson is "Ignorant" "Offensive"

I was willing to give Jessica Simpson the benefit of the doubt and think this concept of her traveling the world looking for beauty was a decent idea. Kind of like Anthony Bourdain but without the food, long monologues, booze or cigarettes. In other words everything else better be pretty good. Unfortunately no review I have read yet says that she even comes close to being good. The Washington Post even called her offensive because of how ignorant and immature she is when dealing with other cultures. They also compared her to the worst contestants on Amazing Race. The ones who just have no clue or idea about the rest of the world. And that review was one of the better ones I read.

I actually want the show to do well. I think she needs the show to do well. I will say there is a lot worse stuff on television. Here is a clip of the show, but it is from VH-1, so it is the best they could find.


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I would be surprise if this show even makes it for the season. I really don't like her or feel sorry for her.

    Did you notice the blank stare LOL?

  2. video doesn't work for me but i did see a clip on The View yesterday and it looked funny to me.

    anyone ever think maybe Jessica IS ignorant to other cultures and the premise of the damn show?? girl can't win. i've never seen someone SO vilified for doing nothing.ever. it baffles me.

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I'll agree that some of the "Ew, they eat WHAT?!?" moments (ie: Jessica and Casey gagging on fried worms in Thailand) are tasteless but in general, the clips I have seen are positive.

  4. Yeah, I was kind of afraid of this. Let's face it: we all know Jessica isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, which is okay if the show is filmed as her attempt to LEARN about these cultures.
    I gotta say though, Americans are viewed pretty strongly in the rest of the world as being ignorant of other cultures (right or wrong), so perhaps these reviewers are just trying to fight that stereotype by claiming her ignorance doesn't represent other Americans?

  5. I agree with Jax -- that's the premise of the show. It's on VH-1, for crissakes. It's not supposed to be high-brow.

    To me, the show doesn't seem too much different than GOOPy's "On The Road Again", except that Gwyneth's ignorance came across as annoying, where Jessica's only seems genuine. I also have more hope that Jessica can learn as the show goes along than I ever had with Gwyneth.

  6. Wow, this is great. I actually commented before on this site that I didn't like Jessica because of exactly this! (I am European and have found some of her views offensive and ignorant.)

  7. great comments...I have hopes her show will do well. It is Jessica Simpson after all and we know what to expect. With that said, I think she comes across very sincere and given that this was filmed right after Tony Romo broke up with her, I applaud her for moving on so gracefully.

  8. I don't think she is there to learn. Giggling and gagging about eating worms is one thing, giggling during meditation with a Buddhist monk is another thing entirely. I wanted to slap her HARD, and I don't even believe in violence. When she compared it to how she giggles in church, I was stunned. When it came to neck rings, she seemed more genuine. As long as they stick to beauty and leave religion alone, the next episode may not be nearly as cringe worthy.

  9. Soooo...is this America's way of getting JS killed? Cause it might happen. Some people in the world don't play when it comes to religion and culture, especially when you insult it, inadvertantly or not.

  10. I don't know how she's gonna get along with the Muslims, but I would advise her to take it a bit more seriously. Buddhists aren't known for public executions. :/

  11. Man...I think there's going to be a "chicken from the sea" debacle all over again

  12. I'll bet you $500 right now at least HALF of all Americans would come across exactly the same, evne with the very best, educated intentions.

    I'll also bet people in other countries have a totally skewed view of America, too--thus truly ignorant of our culture(s).

    What the hell did they expect? GD, she's at least going to other places and seeing the way the world lives.

    Sheesh. Give the girl a break for fuck's sake.

  13. she's a hot retarded piece of ass.
    damn she's dumb, but great in bed which is all that matters.
    take notes girls.

  14. She needs a basic education.

  15. It has nothing to do with education, selenakyle. It's basic manners and respect for other cultures. She's not a 15 year old girl. She's a grown damn woman and had her chance to act like one. Instead, she decided to act like "a hot retarded piece of ass" who has never been out of the country. I'm willing to bet she's travelled more than "HALF of all Americans" and has been exposed to more than just Texas. I gave her a break, didn't expect a whole lot, and still came away from the experience completely disgusted.

    I'm noting that she's alone, sandman, so I'll keep every one of my IQ points, tyvm. ;)

  16. I cant watch that clip either - but I agree there are twp different ways of approaching cultures you know nothing about - with respect or without it. It has little or nothing to do with how well educated you are, and much to do with your attitude towards others.

  17. i'm taking notes on how to avoid dudes like you,sandman ;o)

    well i'm going to Beijing in May with my HD camera..and i can guarantee you i can come back with 32G of tourists doing the exact same thing..from everywhere. people eat weird shit everywhere. ask a Tibetan monk to eat cheese wiz and see what happens.

  18. Personally, I'm offended by Paves.
    I don't know why I dislike him and blame him for breaking up Jess & Nick.

  19. Enty..i'm curious are these review american or foreign?

    I'd love to read a review from the country she was in.

  20. I csn't see the video but on each interview I've seen her in I don't hate her. Now her sister Asslee... that's entirely different story.

  21. jax, you nearly made me choke on a jelly bean! I would love the opportunity to offer cheese whiz to a Tibetan monk... respectfully, of course.


  23. The woman cannot WIN, ever! On a network that shows Rock of Love Bus, Tool Academy, I love New York and Real chance at Love we are dissing Jessica Simpsons lack of sophisticated knowledge of other cultures? Seriously? I really give up it seems I am too soft to live in this "Brave New World" but I cannot find the time to be rude and hateful about a girl who has never knowingly harmed anyone because she got a case of the inappropriate giggles and couldn't eat a worm, hell, I can't eat a worm either and I'll bet most of the posters on this site can't! I always hear a lot of whining about how "Americans don't know about other cultures" STFU already! She is obviously trying to learn and her reward for trying to learn is to be ridiculed so what is the incentive? But really I would prefer if she stayed out of the spotlight I can't stand much more of seeing her publicly stoned to death by people with a superiority complex because obviously they know SO much more than the rest of us ignorant folk out here.

  24. Surely it isn't that bad???

    I am not current on what is considered beautiful from around the world (besides what I read in the beauty mags..) So I guess I would be considered a big ole baffoon as well.

    I think I will at least watch one of the shows before slamming the poor girl.

    But love her or hate her.. she made 50 million last year. Perhaps she knows way more than anyone will give her credit for.

  25. Man...I think there's going to be a "chicken from the sea" debacle all over again

    Actually Jess, I think that's what they may have been hoping for. The chicken of the sea and buffalo wing comments are what propelled her from a C lister married to a B/B- lister (Nick was more famous for his band than she when they married and had their TV show) to being a star. I think they're hoping the ugly american shown in this show will be perceived as more Jessica as Lucille Ball-naive hijinks and return her stardom.

  26. why is anyone pulling so hard for her? she IS ignorant. she's dumb. she can't sing and she can't act.

    when i rule the world, she'll go away and take lindsay and paris and many others with her.

  27. Sea Horse, I was thinking the same thing...I don't have VH1 and I can't see the video, but surely it can't be worse than Bret Michaels' Bus of VD?

    I root for Jessica because I think she seems really normal and kind of sweet. She may not be a big reader but I don't think she's that dumb.

  28. I didn't find her disrespectful at all. She was clearly embarrassed by her giggle-fit. Haven't any of you ever had an inappropriate, yet uncontrolable burst of laughter? I think the producers are editing this show to show her learning about other cultures. You people act like everyone should just be born with worldliness and sophistication. Think hard about growing up with her creepy, control freak father, and ask yourself how she was suppose to gain this knowledge and sophistication. I will take 100 Jessica Simpsons any day over that insufferable asshole, Tony Bourdain. I really, really hate him.

  29. I watched the show last night and I like it and her the reason for the show is positive and I understand what she meant by laughing at church and with the monk. She was mediating(sp) for about 45 minutes which doesn't seem like something that would have made me laugh especially while sitting Indian style.

  30. @RJ - Bourdain really is insufferable.
    I used to really like him after reading Kitchen Confidential, but he constantly shit-talks vegetarians as if we don't have an appreciation for food and showed a bit about cock-fighting in Thailand in a recent episode that made me just sick.

  31. I caught a bit of the show last night, and I think what bothered me about it was Ken & Caycee coming along for the ride--I understand wanting to have your two best friends with you, but there's also a kind of groupthink (for want of a better word) that you get into when you're with some of your friends, and I don't think it lends itself as well to venturing into new situations. I keep thinking it might have been better if she'd had one friendly but more sophisticated person with her who wasn't already her BFF; it might help her "stretch" a bit more. (Is this making any sense?) I don't have any problems with her personally; she seems like basically a good-hearted, kind person who's neither educated nor sophisticated, and I'd sure as hell rather see her pull in $50 million than various other "celebrities". *cough*Lindsey*cough*Paris*cough* It'll be interesting to see how the show goes from here.

    (On a totally different note, if you're not already watching RuPaul's Drag Race on Logo, definitely check it out! Never thought I'd see Henry Rollins judging drag queens on their ability to rock out, but then again, he probably didn't, either. ;-)

  32. I think Jessica is adorable, real and most importantly 100% herself. She has never claimed to be 'wordly' and I think it shows her genuine nature when she admits to the mistake she made during the meditation and compares it to when she used to go to church. I also agree with Robin - she has 2 of her best friends traveling with her...it's not going to be the same experience as an Andrew Zimmern or Anthony Bourdain (who I can't stand). Anyway, I hope this show succeeds and I look forward to seeing more of her. Don't forget, it was really her personality that made her popular and relatable with a good portion of the American public.

  33. @nancer I'll vote for you!

  34. It wouldn't kill JS to do a little research about the cultures she's visting before she goes. Crazy right, to think before you act.

    And nancer, I'll be an asset to your administration, so don't zip me off to space.

  35. She was clearly embarrassed....

    The show probably wouldn't be very good if Jessica showed "intelligence", social graces AND knowledge/awareness of other cultures.

    Let's make fun of Ken Paves instead.
