Monday, March 29, 2010

Padma Doesn't Want To See Her Baby's Daddy Anymore

Padma Lakshmi 'Wants Nothing More to Do' with Baby's Father

I don't know what happened between Padma Lakshmi and Adam Dell, but apparently it wasn't very good. Padma is saying to friends that she wants absolutely nothing to do with the father of her baby. A source told Kneepads, "Her relationship with Dell was nothing more than an on-again, off-again fling. She moved on months ago. The only role he will have in her life going forward is as the biological father of her child. She wants nothing more to do with him."

Adam has been in the news lately because he has been trying to change the visitation agreement he originally signed. Padma is happy with the one Adam previously signed and thinks he should abide by it. She is also apparently upset by the fact he hired a publicist. Umm, why should that matter? I don't recall anyone saying anything bad about each other so there is no damage to spin. This just sounds like two people who were together for a month or two and ended up having a baby together. Well, not together since I don't think Adam was there for it.


  1. She probably doesn't like him because he's WAY too young for her.

    Some people are fixated on a type, and hers is rich men old enough to be (at least) her father.

  2. What does that mean, Adam wasn't there for it? Is Enty saying Padma did IVF w/ Adam's sperm??

  3. Don't know about Adam Dell, but isn't he the brother of billionaire Michael Dell of Dell Computers?

  4. That's just sad. There are some really good guys out there that want to be great dads and, seemingly, Padma is acting like a spoiled child that just wants to take her toy and go home. Will she also tell her daughter that her father wasn't around because she didn't want to allow him involvement in her life?

    Maybe there is more to this situation but at the moment I just feel bad for the dad.

  5. Yes chopchop and I was thinking the same thing.

    I think he was doing something nice and now he thinks he is a baby daddy.

    Maybe they had a fling at first but I think the baby was turkey baster made. Espically since they signed an agreement before the baby was born. Seems all very planned to me.

  6. I'm liking Padma less and less, and this news does't help. She really seemed to whore it up on Top Chef this last season (more than normal) and I'm tiring of the act.

    I totally agree with Shmooey...she does seem to prefer the richer older men.

  7. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Rubbers. Condoms.

  8. I think Enty means he wasn't there when the baby was born.

  9. another bitter woman denying her child for her own selfish BS.

  10. Crap like this pisses me off. You have a guy who is willing to be there for his child and WANTS to spend MORE time with her and yet because of your own selfish reasons you want to deny him. This BITCH has no idea how hard it is for some women to even get a guy to spend ten minutes with their child.

  11. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Right, look at some of the other fathers out there, Jude Law, my ex... and this guy wants to behave decently and be a part of his child's life, and she's shutting him down. I think he can fight it, and hopefully with his family's money, he will.

  12. Yeah she needs to get over it. He is the father of her child and wants to see the child. Their failed relationship and feelings for each other are irrelevant.

  13. Agree with Patty about Padma selling sex on Top Chef. It's getting tiresome.

    However, she apparently had this severe form of endometriosis and her conceiving was some sort of "miracle". I think it's hard to speculate what's really going on with these two - we don't really know what went down between them.

  14. I recall reading somewhere about how she grew up missing and idolising her father, who she thought was the sexiest, most charismatic man that ever lived, who had left the family when she was young, and her saying how it hurt her that she never had the close relationship with him that she craved, and that perhaps that's why she got involved with much older men.

    It seems odd that now she is trying to curtail the relationship between her own daughter and her father.

    I don't want to judge, and I'm not, I'm just saying that unless he was a nefarious influence on the child, it is strange, considering how she feels about her absent father.

  15. Isn't she widely regarded as a gold digger? shmooey, that's really interesting, never heard that before about her father. guess she has some sort of elektra complex.

  16. She's basically saying she wants his money but not his time.

    I smell a gold digger.

  17. @ palealebrew10:

    I have found the interview:

    "he [father] is the most sexy, manic, in-shape, lean, tall, handsome man I have ever met"


  18. Personally, I don't know why anyone thinks this woman is good-looking.

  19. wow...thanks shmooey. that's ...well, that's a weird thing to say about one's dad.

  20. I like Padma, but I don't like this news. Put the child's best interests first and let the dad be a part of the kid's life. If you have to, fake it till you break it, because it is not fair to make the kid "pick which parent they like best."

  21. I like Padma as the host of Top Chef, but I don't particularly think she likes other women.

    I read too that conceiving was nearly impossible and this baby was nothing short of a miracle.

    She'd better play fair with the babydaddy or a judge could tell her to pack her knives and go.

  22. unless there is some unknown reason this guy would make a horrible father, she needs to zip it and let the man be a father FFS. his relationship with his kid is SEPERATE from yours.

  23. She keeps refering to her "miracle baby", told she would never have a child, well honey, you did. Sorry, the baby has two parents and she should be happy the daddy is showing interest in "miracle baby".

    Elle Kaye - so correct about taking her toy home to play. She had help making the toy. Play nice and share.

  24. @califblondy...
    She'd better play fair with the babydaddy or a judge could tell her to pack her knives and go.

    haaaaaa haaa haaa

  25. "I like Padma as the host of Top Chef, but I don't particularly think she likes other women. "

    Blimey. In strong contention for the Understatement Of The Year award.

  26. Ridiculous. I agree with everyone else. Stop being so fucking selfish and let Dad be part of the child's life. She didn't bet on this happening, so now she's freaking out. Ugh. Selfish selfish selfish. And nobody's going to pay for it as much as the little girl. It's her right to know and spend time with her Dad.

  27. She just sounds weird to me.

  28. She wants nothing to do with him EXCEPT TO CASH MONTHLY CHECKS FROM HIM!

  29. She wants nothing to do with him EXCEPT TO CASH MONTHLY CHECKS FROM HIM!

  30. Uhh. I heard that they were friends and made a deal for him to donate. Hence the contract. Then he decided that he wanted more after the fact. She should have went to a sperm bank.
