Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Random Photos Part Two

A 7 month pregnant Claudia Schiffer. She really doesn't look it.
Apparently this is a picture of Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney going on a date. It looks to me like they are moving or they plan on smuggling a bunch of food out and Jason likes to bring his own hangers for his coat.
Delphic - Stoke On Trent
Jennifer Garner is spending more time with Seraphina.
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel in Switzerland. They look like they are ready for some extreme sports.
Psyching themselves up. Whatever it is it is probably really dangerous.

Katherine Heigl is now a brunette. Here she is with her daughter.
And handing off her daughter and
continuing on her way.


  1. -7 months of pregnancy? wow
    -Jennifer garner is looks tired
    -I always think that Heigl adopted her baby for publicity :(

  2. Who is Claudia's baby daddy? So does this mean that the only supermodel left without child(ren) is Naomi and Tyra?

  3. Not that I give a crap about anything related to the bachelor, but that picture of them looks more like a "someone's moving in with the other one" picture.

    7 months for Claudia? Um. Wow.

  4. Excellent commentary with the photos today!!

  5. I usually don't covet things that celebrities have (besides money) but I am LOVING Katherine Heigl's boots. Loving them.

  6. I think that's Katherine Heigl's niece. The woman holding the baby is her sister.

  7. I like Heigl's hair better dark -- it suits her personality better.Dayum, cigarettes are cheap there -- only $5.24 a pack??

  8. yeah Heigl's baby is too old (heavy) to be in a baby carrier like that.

  9. The Mesnick guy looks like a creepy dentist.

  10. Jennifer Garner needs to spend some time with a cheeseburger.

  11. Is the Usher photo and comment a clue?....the sign says MEN.

  12. Heigl grosses me out. Always has.

  13. Montana- Claudias baby daddy would be her husband. This will be their 3rd child.

    Definitely not Heigls baby. Her baby is much too old to be in an infant carrier. (Most only go up to 22lbs)

  14. Ok, Seraphina does not look like Ben. It's bad enough that Violet looks just like Victor, and is even named for him Vi/Vi. But wow, this kid looks nothing like either one of them.

    I wonder if she was the one who had the Blind Item affair with the surfing coach?

  15. When I was 7 months pregnant, I was HUGE.

  16. Jamie's Girl, and everyone, for the LAST TIME:

    Victor Garber is very very GAY. NOT Violet's daddy. Give it up.

  17. I think Seraphina looks like Ben, especially around the eyes. She's a beautiful little sweetheart and she's got dimples.

    I don't see Victor Garber's elfin-like face (and I think Victor is a terrific actor - loved him in Titanic and Legally Blond). Just always thought he had a cute elf-ish type face.
