Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dessert After Your Double Down Sandwich

Earlier this month I posted about how I was awaiting with bated breath the arrival of the new Double Down sandwich from KFC. When it came out it was glorious. I almost wept when I ate it. I will admit though that after having about 20 of them in the few weeks they have been out, I may need a break. And thanks to the people over at IHOP I have a break coming. Building on the success of the Double Down and knowing that people love a dessert, IHOP has come up with their own version of The Double Down using the ingredients they use best. Pancakes and cheese.

IHOP's Pancake Stackers consist of a crustless cheesecake filling surrounded by two buttermilk pancakes and topped with a strawberry, blueberry or cinnamon apple compote and whipped topping.

And if you don't want just the dessert, they are more than happy to make it part of a combo meal. A combo meal? Yep. It includes Pancake Stackers with strawberries, two eggs, bacon and hash browns and it can be all yours for just 1,250 calories.

I guess I know what I am doing after work today.


  1. This I will like. I had the IHOP cheesecake pancakes a few months ago and this is like that, times two.

  2. Yum. This would be better than the double down, by far.

  3. 1,250 calories in one sitting? holy mary. =O

  4. oh good Lord, that looks tasty.

  5. I don't live in the States so I've never been to Ihop nor KFC :( It looks and sounds delicious but that also sounds like an heart attack waiting to happen (lol)

  6. Anonymous12:07 PM


  7. I'll take my angioplasty to go, please. Jeesus. I'd never eat that, or the double down. Whenever I eat fast food my stomach hurts right away.

  8. enty, you'd get along just fine with my co-worker. he sent out an email yesterday saying he was going to have kfc for dinner and ihop for dessert.


  9. That is actually looking really good, though I know I'd be sick from eating it!

  10. omg. i'll take my future diarrhea to go.

    ick nast. someone had to say it.

  11. You know the Double-Down has less calories and fat than a Big Mac? It does have twice the sodium though.

  12. Anonymous12:26 PM

    This looks delicious. To me, the problem with the KFC double down is that you would have to hold onto the chicken to eat it, and I don't like getting my fingers greasy. But this calls for a fork, so I'm good with it.


  14. I want to go to an IHOP even more now. Cheesecake filling + pancakes = massive levels of win.

  15. I haven't eaten bread in months, so the KFC double down was great. Too bad I can't do this double down cause it looks delicious!!

  16. @Syko...I at my KFC DD with a fork? I didn't even think about touching it. EEE!

  17. Why ruin this delectable meal with a topping of healthy fruit?

    I wonder if they make this in oreo cookie cheesecake?

    (and a side of Lipitor)

  18. i think it's unconscionable with the obesity rate soaring in this country for companies to come up with shit like this. they'll make money though. and that's apparently all that matters in the good old US of A these days.

  19. What nancer said.
    This makes me ill just looking at it.

  20. I haven't had a true KFC double down, mostly because I haven't found a KFC locally yet; however, I have made a diabetic* version of the Double Down that was awesome.

    *I'm not diabetic, but like to choose the "healthier" option when I can find it...because it means I have to exercise less.

  21. I don't get all the uproar over the double down. I mean, there are LOTS of things that are worse. At least there is no sugar and like 3 carbs in it.

  22. Anonymous1:11 PM

    If we're going to worry over the obesity rate soaring in this country, then a lot of businesses are going to have to shut down - Fannie May chocolates, Dairy Queen, Ben & Jerry, Sara Lee, to name a few. I think the responsibility for eating healthy falls on the person doing the eating, and we don't need to have companies force it on us. There are a lot of people who have trouble gaining weight (I have a daughter who is 5'7" and 97 lb., and she's not anorexic or bulimic, just has a killer metabolism). Why should she be denied caloric treats because others can't control themselves? Go, IHOP and KFC!

  23. Ugh that looks frickin disgusting. I don't even eat 1250 cals in a DAY, let alone in one meal...

    This is why (amongst other things) Americans in general are fat as hell...

    And I'm actually ok with the grilled version of the DD if you make it yourself grilled with LF cheese and use PAM to cook it instead of butter. Oh and use turkey bacon blotted really well...Lots protein, almost no carbs, and if you split it in thirds you can get a few meals out of it *shrug*

  24. Speaking as the unofficial official fat person of CDAN, not only do I find the Double Down disgusting, if I got anywhere near it, I'd immediately gain weight. Fat people aren't the ones eating this thing. The IHOP thing looks equally repulsive.

    As for "controlling ourselves", why should anyone need to do that if your daughter doesn't?

    We need to leave the food industry the hell alone and start accepting that not all people look alike. And also learn a little about the reality of health and obesity. Fat senior citizens live longer than thin senior citizens. Fat people have longer survival times from all forms of cancer (not just the ones we're "more prone to"). Etc, etc, etc.

  25. Just Another Blonde, if you don't eat a minimum of 2000 calories a day and are physically active, you're underweight which can be as hazardous as morbid obesity.

    Repeated studies have shown that thin people woefully underestimate their calorie intake.

  26. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Gosh, Melody 1st, I thought I was the unofficial fat person here (after Enty of course). You know, I hesitated to write that "control" thing in there, but I'm at work and sometimes it takes me several attempts to type a comment because I have to keep minimizing. I'm really trying to say that the companies should be allowed to produce whatever they think they can sell (so long as it's not poisonous or disgusting, like cat meat or something) and should not have to curb their recipes because of a lot of people who are militant about their weight but want companies to produce only low-cal things so they won't be tempted. Lots of people need tempting, and lots of people (like me) just don't care.

    I still don't think I'm explaining myself well, and I need to get the postage on today's mail, so I'm going to stop after I say I have not had the KFC DD, because that doesn't really appeal to me, but I could do some serious damage to that IHOP concoction.

  27. I can't wait until we all get over our ridiculous obsession with the purported evils of carbs.

  28. Carb counting isn't ridiculous. It is evidence based. Talk to any diabetic counselor or dietitian and they will tell you the same thing.

  29. Oh my, my how delicious that looks. I've sworn off bad carbs and lost about 23lbs. Oh, bread, pasta and anything made with flour, how I miss thee. My "dessert" for the last 4 months has been sugar free pudding. Yum-no.

  30. I worked at several IHOPs while I was going to school. There was always something sketchy going on in them. One of them used to take a different cash register out of the attic to use on Sunday so they wouldn't have to pay franchise fees on their busiest days. They just threw the tickets out for that day.

    Of course, there was the usual illegal immigrants working for pennies at all times. Like 20 of them lived in a 1 room shack with not electricity.

    The best was the drug addicts I worked for near downtown Dallas. The hot water heater was broken for six straight months. Do you know how greasy plates and glasses can get after 6 months of no hot water? So gross.

    That being said, I absolutely Love IHOP pancakes!!!!! Yum!

  31. Er, Melody the First - speaking for me and Just Another Blonde who are both SHORT (I'm 5'1") - my recommended caloric intake is 1,200-1,500 (at most). That is not unhealthy based on body size. I regularly eat more than that per day, but I'm also considered overweight.

  32. Food companies can make what ever they want. It is up to us to step away and not buy into it or eat the stuff that they are making us think we can't possibly live another minute without. If no one was buying this crap they wouldn't bother dreaming up stuff like Krispy Kreme burgers.

  33. I love these little glimpses into the lives of the people who post here daily! This has become my favorite gossip site, by far. Intelligence, wit, humor, snark, AND struggles with weight and all the other issues I deal with as well. It's like a little CDAN family, though I'm new enough to still feel like an in-law at the family reunion.

  34. That looks scrumptious. Unfortunately I cannot tolerate sugar since I had my gastric bypass surgery (I'm down 102 lbs. in the past 5 months) so I'll have to pass. But I could make it at home using splenda and other stuff in a tiny serving - and oh forget it, it's just not worth it to me anymore.

  35. can someone send me one of these - i'm in australia so maybe express post would be best!

  36. Melody I'm as of this morning 115 lb. I'm in a "normal weight range" (BMI of roughly 19), albeit on the thin end of it, and I struggle to keep weight on. I easily sit at about 105-110 if I don't actively work on eating more. Even then, I only eat like 1000-1100 cals a day. I'm small boned and like to be thin.

    Just like there is a fat bias in America, overweight/obese people have one against us skinny people too. I get called a "skinny little bitch" (my apologies to Courtney Love), told to eat a twinkie, etc. I LIKE to eat healthy and if I crave junk (rarely), I try my damnedest to make a healthier alternative, like what I suggested for the DD.

    I have also done 4 half marathons and am planning a full one in October, so yes I am active. I do not sit on my ass all day.

    I'm not going to feel bad because I'm thin. I work my ass off to be that way because *I* want to and choose to maintain the necessary lifestyle to accomplish this. Sorry, but most Americans are horribly overweight, not "chubby" or "slightly big". Just like not all overweight people are unhealthy or eat bad food, not all skinny people are constantly starving or not eating enough. I have to see a dr. as part of my health problems I have (non weight-related) and he has cleared my diet plan.

  37. You know, it’s just plain irresponsible to make blanket statements such as “overweight/obese people have one [a bias] against us skinny people too.” Seriously, that’s just mathematically improbable.

    I’m not going to say that you don’t have the right to ideas and opinions; however, I ask you to please offend responsibly in the future. Just remember, blanket statements are friend to no one.

  38. OH. MY. GOSH. I pity the waitress who tries to collect my plate before I'm finished. She can pry it from my cold, sugar induced coma hands. *Insert drool a la Homer Simpson here*

  39. Actually treesap it's not. I can't search for it right now, but I've read statistics on weight bias as part of my stats research and data mining classes.

    And FWIW I couldn't care less if someone is offended by it. That's why they're opinions. I have them just like you do, and it's a celebrity gossip blog so I'm allowed to share them. Block me if you don't like them.

  40. I would love to see the data. Please provide links.

  41. What?! No hot fudge? BS!

  42. My blood sugar spiked a hundred points just from reading this!

  43. Why dont the two of you settle this over dessert? I think I know just the thing... :P
