Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lindsay Speaks - Out Loud - Actually Talks

Lindsay Lohan must have been pretty bored last night because she called into the radio station where Ryan Seacrest works. Not realizing it was actually 8pm and not 8am, Lindsay got to talk to Jojo who must have been auditioning for a job at Kneepads radio. Or he wants to sleep with her. He sent Lindsay flowers and then lets her talk about what she wants to talk about. Where are the questions? Lindsay must have known this interview was going to happen because she managed to hold herself together long enough to make it through three or four minutes without too many drugs, her crack pipe or her whiskey, and what sounds like just one cigarette.

I think all of you will be able to listen to the player, but if for some reason you can't, it is just a repeat of the same stuff she has been saying and that you have read everywhere else. The only difference is you can actually hear her talking and don't have to try and imagine what she sounds like.


  1. I think Lindsay is finally realizing that her 15 minutes of fame is slowly slipping away, and that her reputation in the movie industry has finally gone to pot (no pun intended). Take my advice and straighten your ass out!

  2. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I am bored with this trashy girl that has lost her way.

  3. She would have faded away a while age if not for the 24 hour news/internat/paps coverage. Can we have a LiLo blackout out please??

  4. did you see the pics she took with Tyler Shields? i swear dude is just taking them to sell once she's...gone.

    the vultures are here..time for rehab.

  5. I don't think she realizes she has a serious problem for rehab to work.

  6. It's Gia, all over again, isn't it?

  7. Jax that is a good call. God, those pictures are awful. But the one thing that people keep saying online is that she has a gun in her mouth. I saw photos where she posed with a gun close to her mouth but it isn't IN her mouth like she is about to shoot herself. Just a nitpick.

  8. gun picture is so disturbing. :(

    god, i hope she makes it.

  9. The looks sick and creepy, but it's also sad when I hear her voice and all I could think of was her in Mean Girls.

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  12. Every story about her gets a big yawn and an eye roll from me. I can't even listen to that interview; she's so annoying and full of sh*t.

  13. Disturbing pic indeed. If that was my daughter's pic I'd be dragging her by her hair to a court ordered hospital visit.

  14. i hate this bitch, part 4,283.

    soooo sick of lindsay non-news.

    she's working? well, i guess it IS a lot of work snorting up lines.

  15. @jax - got links to those pics? I'm not sure who Tyler whoever is?

  16. I couldn't listen to the whole thing. Her asthma seems to be getting worse she sounds extra horse and can't catch her breath.

    Plus she suffers from the "I have 100x on my plate" syndrome sooooo busy I ammm. Meanwhile none of those things have any revenue stream or merit.

    The best thing she could ever do (and won't) is too move out of LA and go somewhere quiet for six months. Then take small supporting roles like Drew Barrymore did to get people to trust you again. Then go for the big roles.

    But of course Lindsay thinks she is Marilyn Monroe and is just a victim of her "fame".

  17. Someone needs to pull a 5150 on her. NOW.

  18. I'm numb on this subject. As a recovered addict, I don't like to think of anyone trapped in a cycle of chemical dependence. But as a human being, I'm just sick of her. She has nothing to offer, and when she says don't believe anything, it's all untrue, it's all made up, I have to ask: The tabloids say you are staying out late at clubs and looking ragged. Which can't be untrue. Look at you. Sheez. Time for all of us to move on -- I'm not going to weep for this girl.

  19. RQ-

  20. Those pictures....yikes! Esp. the last one w/ the blood. I like that she says she doesn't pay attention to WHAT the tabs say but cited specific story instances.

    She sounds fairly coherent here, actually.

  21. Sometimes I think of all the potential she had, what a fresh, bright talent she was in Mean Girls and Freaky Friday, how cute...she could've had it all. And yes, she's responsible for her actions and she has to own all the shit she's brought on herself but still...I'd pay someone for the opportunity to bury Michael and Dina Lohan in the sand up to their necks and cover their faces with honey and leave them to the mercies of the ants. What those two have done to their daughter goes way, way, way beyond bad parenting. They make Joe Jackson look fucking responsible, and I hope something horrible happens to both of them.

    Even if she wanted to pull herself together, what possible role models does she have? At least Drew Barrymore had Steven Spielberg, she had normal people she could look to for a template of what a health life looks like.

    Sorry. Mom rant over now.

  22. thx, jax - haven't made it over to DListed yet today!

  23. I keep hoping that LL will pull a RDJ or DB, get sober and start working again, but I'm not sure if it will happen. I don't know if the poor girl ever even had a chance. On one hand I feel for her for being the breadwinner of her family and pushed into the spotlight at a young age and on the other hand I don't. I do feel guilty about not feeling for her because as someone isn't/hasn't been a drug addict, I haven't been in her 'shoes' (generally speaking).

    It seems as though she doesn't have any sort of support system at all and thats really sad.

  24. BTW, has no one told Lindsay the movie she is about to "start". She got fired from last week.

  25. I know at a certain point people should stop blaming their parents for their problems but i think her problems would never have occurred (or occurred to a much lesser extent) if she had parents who gave a shit about their children rather than the money they can make off of them.

    I feel sorry for lindsay - she is being enabled by her own mother - the person you should be able to trust to care for you and want the best for you. when dina cries at her funeral it will only be over lost future earnings.

  26. i get tired of everyone referencing mean girls etc., umm from what i've read she was a mess back then, just hid it better.
