Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kelly Clarkson Tour Sponsored By Cigarette Company

Do I smoke? No, but I don't really care if people do smoke. I also understand that in many countries in the world, cigarettes don't have the same sense of taboo they do here now. In Indonesia, a cigarette company is sponsoring the tour of Kelly Clarkson. People in the US are all in a uproar that Kelly could take their money. Really? How many tours and events are sponsored by alcohol companies? Would we care? No, we wouldn't. Until a few years ago, Winston sponsored almost everything in sports. Go to your local symphony or opera and see who some of the biggest sponsors are. Tobacco companies. Alcohol companies too.

Do I think they are bad companies? Absolutely. But, I also don't blame symphonies or operas or ballets from taking the money. Do they support kids smoking by taking the money? So, how does Kelly by having them sponsor her tour?


  1. Puh-lease.

    I'm the biggest non-smoker there is, but this does not offend me in the least. People in this country get up in arms about everything.

  2. Yeah, I'm kinda 'meh' on this, too. Here in Vancouver, Benson & Hedges used to sponsor our Symphony of Fire - an amazing international fireworks competition that happens every summer. Since refusing to further accept tobacco sponsorship 2-3 years ago, the event has been in jeopardy ever since. I really don't think sponsorship of these events encourages anyone to pick up smoking - hell, take their money and run.

  3. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Who cares? I don't like to eat at Burger King, but I'm not offended by their commercials.

  4. The way I see it, sponsorship is advertising from the sponsors point of view, and an endorsement from the sponsored's.

    Personally, if I were in a position of seeking sponsorship, I wouldn't accept it from somebody I wouldn't be comfortable advertising.

  5. It is not like she is in a position to be picky. I don't blame her. People can make their own decisions on whether they want to buy what the sponsor is selling.

  6. Anonymous11:08 AM

    If we were to stop every type of company to sponsor an event where will they be???

  7. I don't see it as a problem. Alcohol it's more dangerous (imo) because by drinking and driving you can kill someone else, by smoking you'll be killing yourself (eventually) and it's your choice.

    It's just that alcohol doesn't give you cancer, but it still damages you liver. That's the double moral

  8. Doesn't bother me. I don't smoke but I don't care if you do as long as I don't have to smell it. My dad died of lung cancer and both parents were smokers. No one forced them to smoke and they paid for cigarettes with their own money. A tour sponsorship does not influence my opinion of Kelly Clarkson in any way.

  9. She responded that she didn't know they were sponsoring this particular date (not the whole tour). She said she thought about cancelling the concert but that wouldn't be fair to fans. She said she's a non-smoker and doesn't support smoking and this was done completely without her knowledge.

    Regardless of whether she knew or not...jeez...don't we have bigger things to worry about?!?!?! How about people teach their own kids/loved ones about the dangers of smoking rather than relying on public figures to be role models. This is one concert taking place in a remote part of Asia THOUSANDS of miles away. Sheesh.

    My grandparents died of lung cancer and I'm a non-smoker (as are my parents).

  10. @Syko: But you have to admit the BK commercials are pretty creepy. :P

    I don't have a problem with the sponsorship.

  11. Anonymous11:57 AM

    LOL @ Syd. :)

  12. It IS kinda icky. I mean I do think tabacco and alcohol companies ARE bad and while I am not all up in arms about this yeah maybe I would hesitate to go when I knew who was backing up the concert.
    I dont think its overreacting at all to back up your convictions with action and not support certain events that are backed by things I personally have seen help kill my family members.

  13. *oh, and i also think the BK ads are creepy as hell ; )

  14. I hate smoking and wish it were illegal, but it is legal and will be forever. Therefore, what's the big deal. Going to this concert isn't going to make anyone think "Hey, I think I'll buy a pack of those on the way home." If we want to get upset about Indonesia, how about their horrific stand on women's rights? That's why no female artist should do shows there.

  15. When her tour is sponsored by Jesse James, I'll be concerned. Til then - meh.

  16. i am a smoker and i'm more offended by other people being offended by tobacco sponsership. it's just like taxing smokers instead of educating them. they want to punish people instead of teaching people from the get-go of the dangers and then ALLOWING them to make their own decisions (what a novel concept)

    a sponsorship doesn't mean "hey everybody, go smoke right now!!" it's promotion, but people can decide for themselves to participate. i love vodka. does the new svedka commercial sway me from my kettle one? nope, but they can waste their money trying! ;)

  17. Sponsorship is cool. Here in Vancouver we had an Indy race sponsored by Molson, and fireworks sponsored by a tobacco company (I honestly can't remember which one). Everyone was freaking about the fireworks and tobacco company but no one really seemed too concerned about beer and driving.

  18. @audieh1 - see my comment at the top. It was Benson & Hedges.

  19. i'm sick and tired of the demonization of cigarettes. as long as they're legal, then advertising them is also legal. and i'm tired of the uptight assholes who get on their high horse about something like this.

    i can't wait for everyone to find something else to obsess about. when it's something YOU do or YOU buy, then i hope you understand how it feels. then i'll come back and say 'i hate X and i hate people who do X. X should be illegal!!'

  20. I can't see the issue. It'd be different if it were something illegal or immoral, but it's just unhealthy. To me, it's no worse than being sponsored by McDonalds.

  21. Who cares? Its not like her target market is kids watching Dora the Explorer.

    "People in the US" need to get a life!

    Funny that some of you don't like the BK commercials. One of my best friends is deathly afraid of the King. So much so that one time her brother snuck up on her wearing his masked and I think she almost peed herself.

  22. smoking is nasty, and i feel for all the people that do so...aside from the obvious cancer issue...eww on smoker's skin and teeth...and smell, no matter how much they think they don't.

    poor kelley tho...she needs the sponsorship, i'm sure it's not her first choice. business-wise, it so must suck to be in that position.

  23. The BK ads are WAY creepy. Especially the one where the King stands over the sleeping person. (shudder)

    As for the cigs to each their own, but as I told a friend recently,
    "Don't make me mix your chemo."

  24. Not a big deal to me either.
