Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shocker!! Larry King's Wife Married Him For Money

US Weekly is reporting that Larry King's wife married him for his money. Really? What gave them that idea? The fact that Shawn Southwick is not an ugly woman and that Larry King is the living incarnate of Mr. Burns. I will say that she has managed to stick with the marriage for a long, long time so it makes it a little easier to understand how Katie Holmes has managed to stay with Tom Cruise. At least Tom isn't ugly and it isn't like they are even spending the night in the same room or the same floor. A couple of pictures a week with the kid doesn't seem too tough.

The main source for US Weekly's article is the wife Larry had before Shawn. She says that everyone raised their eyebrows when he said he was getting married. I think they were raised because no one thought despite how how much money the guy had that someone would actually go through with marrying him.

Meanwhile, Larry's lawyer says the divorce might not even happen now. Apparently he and Shawn might reconcile.


  1. i am sure he was under no illusions that she married him for love. right?

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The ability of most men to assume they are fatally attractive to women no matter the extent of baldness, beer bellies, bad breath and lack of personality never ceases to amaze me. He may have not realized it was the money.

  3. Tara Reid was probably with that 'very rich' man for money as well. :D

  4. Enty - don't insult Mr. Burns!

    Larry King is REVOLTING.

  5. @C - I saw a picture of Tara's now ex-fiance this morning for the first time...that's an interesting eyebrow situation he has there. Michael K would certainly have something to say about which team he plays for based on those alone!

  6. Why doesn't Larry just have Shawn on the show and ask her!d

  7. It's so creepy, for her to marry that bag of bones just show what people can do for money, gross...

  8. I have NO doubt that Larry deluded himself that she married him because he's a roaring sex machine.

    Seriously, it's hilarious how many old guys think their young trophy brides are not in it for the money.

  9. whaaa??? noooooo....

  10. They are reconciling because she JUST read the fine print in her pre-nup so she has no choice but to stick around.

  11. She married him for money. He married her because of the way she looks. One isn't any worse than the other.

  12. Poor Larry looks like a little old turtle caught out of his shell.

    If I were Shawn I'd just wait it out. It can't be long before he buys the farm.

  13. I still suspect it's because he can lick his eyebrows...and probably part his hair (what's left of it) with his tongue.

  14. at the risk of sounding like a country song, she gave him the best yrs of her life. i hope it was worth it.

  15. Oh please Mr. Burns is in no way the celebrity Asskisser that Larry is. Did anyone; even Larry; think she was marrying him for his looks and personality?
