Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cannes Photos Day 6

Glenn Close
Ryan Gosling & Michelle Williams
Marion Cotillard
Billy Zane
Lindsay Lohan
Naomi Watts
Jesus Luz
Sabrina Ouzani & Lambert Wilson
Dominic Cooper
Dree Hemingway


  1. I love Michelle Williams' look - are she and Gosling dating?

    Dree H. is so gorgeous that I'm a little surprised at how much this look fails...

    Oh Lindsay.

  2. lindsay go home and go to class.

    someone smack dree hemingway's stylist, pls. hard.

  3. I have not been liking Marion Cotillard's style lately. I know she's endorsing Christian Dior but the clothes that she's choosing lately are pretty ugly.

  4. Why does Lindsay's dress look like it was cut with dull scissors?

  5. @Sporky - yeah, I saw a closeup of Blohan's dress it it really does have little threads hanging from the lining??

    I kind of like Cotillard's outfit.

    Gosling & Williams - I approve - sadly, they're probably just promoting their new movie.

  6. Ugh, why is Lindsay there!???

    I think Lambert Wilson is wearing a thong. Look closely.

  7. who looks worse..bLowHard or the hemmingway chick? both of 'em have great shoes tho..

  8. I love Marion C but that outfit is the shits. Same with Dree. beautiful women wearing some ugly ass clothes...

    And does Michelle Williams EVER looks bad?

  9. Just Another Blonde - no, I think MW is one of those perpetually cute people. I LOVE that dress! Would've been cuter with flats though, he legs are so skinny that those platforms look like ski boots! *L*

  10. Are Ryan and Michelle dating? I think they are cute. And if Lohan doesn't show up for court on Thursday that judge BETTER put her ass in jail.

  11. Why is Madonna's "son" there?

  12. I thought Michelle Williams was Carey Mulligan for a sec.

  13. Jesus Luz at Cannes? WTF?

  14. Jesus can go anywhere he wants. Especially if it's over to my place. I really need to go to Brazil!

  15. Michelle Williams is way too thin.

  16. Rocket Queen - maybe the dress was longer when she got it, and she didn't think it was "sexy" enough, so she used the same razor she uses to chop coke with to make it shorter! Why not, they're both white?


  17. @Sporky - you know she'd totally do that, too *face palm*

  18. Michelle Williams looks amazing, but I too thought she was Carey Mulligan at first lol.

  19. MW is soo cute there. WTF is Ryan wearing though, Randy Quaid's christmas outfit in Christmas Vacation movie? All he needs is the black dickie.

  20. Wow, Lindsay looks much better than this Dree Hemingway (whoever she is). What a mess!

  21. I can't believe I just wrote that...

  22. MW needs to put down the coke and eat a sammich. girl is WAY TOO THIN for her frame,we all know on Dawsons' creek she was the 'chubby' girl back the. and when i say chubby i mean,normal for us,chubby for tv.

  23. Billy Zane used to be hot but when I see him now I sing the Mr. Clean song.

  24. Who in the hell would invite Lohan to a Chopard event?? C'mon, everyone knows what happens when she gets near jewelry!

    Michelle & Ryan do look adorable together. Love her look but agree the shoes are waaaay too chunky. She should've gone with a simple CL pump or strappy sandal. Her hair looks fabz.

    I'm ashamed to admit it but I do find Billy Zane to be the hotness. It was his role in Titanic that did it for me ... hot, rich, bad boy = yum (minus the whole abusive part of course).

  25. Dree Hemingway (whoever the hell she is) looks awesome from the ankles, down.

    I'll be really happy when Cannes is over & we stop getting assaulted with pics of male celebs in creepy Euro cheese fashion (Gosling's Matlock attire & Zane with his shoes/no socks)

  26. Gosling and Williams - YES !!! - How the he** did Blohan get on that red carpet, she looks pathetic !

  27. I think Gosling and Michelle did a movie together and are possibly promoting it now. So I wouldn't jump to the dating thing.

  28. Wow!! Michelle Williams looks absolutely gorgeous!!! I love her hair...wish my hubby wouldn't freak out if I cut my own like that...

    I thought Marion Cotillard was Kristen Stewart at first glance. How funny!

    I've been a Billy Zane fan since Tombstone. He's the prettiest man I've ever seen...

    Naomi Watts needs to eat some more if she's going to play Marilyn.

  29. The only women in these photos that look decent are Michelle WIlliams, Glenn Close and Naomi Watts. All the others look like they're getting ready for the stroll. Of course, BloHan probably IS already on the stroll, but really, Marion? I thought French women had unavoidable good taste. They sure act as if they do.

  30. Whoever Lambert Wilson is, his pants are soooo far up his crack...

    Gosling and Williams are IT for me right now with that styling! They looks so fresh.

    Love Naomi's dress but it looks ill-fitting (or am I missing something?)

    Who is Dree Hemingway? Girl needs a stylist stat!

  31. Dree, go comb your hair and hand over the shoes.

    Glenn Close looks great...the rest of 'em? Meh.

    I need to go back and look at Michelle Wiliams, I thought it was Carey too.

  32. Love Michelle's hair, but the dress and shoes are wrong for her stick thing legs.

  33. i think michelle looks darling. love the dress.

    doesn't lindsay have a whole house stuffed with great clothes? how come she doesn't wear them? she looks like shit. dress is too fucking short and it's ugly. so is she.

    i hate the bitch.

  34. I was enjoying the photos - Close and Watts look awesome, Cotilliard is lovely and MW looks amazing - I also thought she was Carey Mulligan. Her and Gosling make a cute couple, but as someone else said, they are promoting a movie. Then I came across Lohan and heard a car crash in my head. Why??? She looks good, for a semi-bloated (face) crackhead, but I'm sick to death of her in my face every time I log onto the tubes. She really needs to get thrown in rehab for about a year.

  35. Cotillard's trying to audition for Catwoman. :P

  36. I must admit the first thing I looked for was Billy Zane's driving gloves.

    Love Gosling and Williams. Hope they ARE together.
