Tuesday, May 04, 2010

David Boreanaz Gets Tired Of Paying Hush Money - Confesses To Affairs

I don't think it is much shock to anyone who has read any gossip for the past year, but David Boreanaz confessed yesterday to Kneepads that he has "tainted" his marriage by cheating on his wife. What finally brought the public admission was a shakedown by one of his mistresses. She had been getting regular hush money from David, but must have wanted to buy a house or something because she hired Gloria Allred and then demanded a six figure amount of money or she was going to talk. I say so what. Let her talk. I mean seriously David, everyone in the world knows you have been cheating on your wife. Even if they didn't know about it before the Rachel Uchitel thing, they certainly have known about it since Thanksgiving when the Tiger and Rachel and David & Derek thing broke.

Maybe David had told his wife it was just one time. You know, he got drunk, he didn't know what he was doing and she was pregnant and so he was feeling left out and blah blah blah. Basically though he has accused Gloria Allred of running a legal form of extortion.

"I was associated with a woman who I was involved with and had a relationship with. She asked for money. I felt as though I was being blackmailed or there was some sort of extortion."

It's funny because he makes it sound like there was just one woman. Come on David. You better spill it all now because it will all come out in the next few weeks.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    And Jesse James heaves a sigh of relief as we move on to the newest man-whore.

  2. He should have gone to the police if there was an extortion attempt ala Letterman, Pitino

    I love Bones but he is a scum for cheating

  3. Anonymous9:45 AM


    In one of the gossip sites Boreanz says Infidelities not Infidelity.

    I like this guy thought he was different guess anyone that is an actor is a man-whore lol.

  4. Well at least he admitted it BEFORE it was spread all over the place. Nip them HOES in the bud.
    He is right about Gloria Allred. She is a piece of shit that does nothing but trot these HOES into the limelight to garner attention. I am SO SICK of these shameless homewreckers who want to portray themselves as being heartbroken and misunderstood. YOU ARE A HOE. HE DOES NOT, WILL NOT, AND HAS NEVER CARED ABOUT YOU. Play your role or MOVE THE FUCK ON. NO ONE FEELS SORRY FOR YOU!!!

  5. why do these dickheads get married and have kids!! if you want to boink everything that walks by, friggin stay single!!! I still don't understand how the wife thought he wouldn't cheat on her~she is the mistress from the first marriage!! what the hell is wrong with these women?? Yuck to all of it!

  6. How many blind items has he starred in?

  7. Gloria Allred is running a legal exortion. I wonder if she is violating any ethics rule b/c just because ur attorney is shaking some1down does not make it any less depiscable.

  8. Lady J... COMPLETELY AGREE with your comments! Can't stand Allred who tries to portray herself as some champion of women's rights when truly she is doing nothing but EXTORTING money for these cheap slags!
    BTW, no offense but a HOE is a gardening tool, while these trashy ladies are accurately called HO's :-)

  9. LOL @MacVixen

    I got myself all worked up :)

  10. MacVixon, my hoe thanks you for setting the record straight. She's always been an outstanding garden tool, standing by me in the face of giant weeds. I only wish the shovel were more like her.

  11. Gloria Allred is nothing short of a mob boss,shaking down cheaters for cash. this is just shameful.

  12. @Mikey - Hahahaaaaa! That was friggin' hysterical! Love it!

    Lady J & MacVixen - I whole-heartedly agree with both of you aswell. It would be awesome if David, Jesse & Tiger sued the pantsuit off Gloria Allred for extortion. Kneepads would have a field day with that one!

  13. Somehow I always erase this stories when I watch Bones.

  14. boy just makes Rachel Uchitel look like one classy broad doesn't it. One married guy..a mistake. 2 or more just makes you a Ho

  15. Agree Jax. Allred is utter scum. SCUM.

    And Enty's right - everyone knew about Boreanz. What I find interesting is there are reports the woman in question may be Uchitel (Tiger's ho). She was certainly one of Boreanz's bitches. Ugh. This whole thing makes me want to take a shower.

  16. What @skeeball said! Why do these fucking man-hos get married?

    Yes, Michael K confirmed that it was Rachel Urchitel. Wow, could she BE any more low class and slutty?

  17. allred is the ultimate ambulance chaser. do. not. like.

    i hope the wife leaves his ass. cheating is a deal breaker. buh bye.

  18. Angel ain't no Angel

  19. you know, i'm not saying what he did to his wife and family is acceptable, but i honestly feel that anyone who runs out and get Gloria Allred to represent them for something like this is just a famewhore. G.A. always acts like she cares and wants to help, but i think she might be a sociopath that truly enjoys making peoples lives miserable...just my thoughts on that awful woman creature

  20. There are a few CDAN folk who are going to be very dissapointed by this news. Another one bites the dust. I think we should just assume they all cheat and are at least bi-sexual. Then think how nice it will be to find out someone isn't?

  21. @Lady J-Nip them HOES in the bud...Priceless! Completely made my day!

  22. Yeah, Gloria Allred lost all credibility a long time ago. She's a disgrace to her profession, and the idea of actually initiating legal action on behalf of someone's spurned mistress is beyond ludicrous. What legal basis do these claims even have? Is she trying to set a precedent, like the original Lee Marvin palimony case? And how these skanks actually have the nerve to present themselves to the world as wronged women is beyond me.

  23. Her John stopped paying and she wants her money. Gloria Allred is a MASTER PIMP. Shaking down John's on behalf of her whores. Lest we forget she gets a big cut.

  24. DB could have avoided all of this if he didn't cheat, cheated with someone equally famous with something to lose, cheated with a pro, and/or cheated only after getting a signed non-disclosure agreement. Now he's stuck with paying out hush money or letting her sell her story. This has been going on since the beginning of Hollywood. Nothing new here.

    It would be interesting to know if Jesse would have paid Bombshell off if given the option.

  25. As the Duke of Wellington put it in a similar situation: "Publish and be damned, Madam!"

  26. I'm guessing after seeing how much money could be made after the Tiger/Jesse James affairs, this whore started seeing $$$$$. Ka-Ching! If you're going to do this, at least be honest about what you are... a prostitute. Hmm, would that make Gloria Allred a Madame?

  27. The whole "go to a lawyer, get hush money" thing is suspect. So I guess Letterman's blackmailer got busted because he did it himself and didn't hire a lawyer?

    However, maybe Gloria Allred is doing married women a favor. If every man who cheats has to worry about a scorned mistress suing him for hush money, there might be a lot of husbands who stay at home more...or guys in bad marriages who go to therapists or get a divorce instead of lying and cheating both their wives and other women.

    (It's not going to do anything to prevent stupid single women from sleeping with married men whose wives "don't understand them", though...in fact, I suppose it might encourage it...have an affair with a married man! Be financially set for life!)

  28. All these men could save themselves a lot of trouble if they just kept it in their pants. Are men and women that different? I've never considered cheating. I like sex a lot but would never risk my marriage for it. Hell, I'm getting more than I want with just the one man. Do men really want it that much more?

  29. Nice Mikey! That was awesome.

    I found this news disappointing. What a loser.
