Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Lindsay & Dina Party All Night

How is Lindsay Lohan's life different when her mom comes to town? Well, first of all, Lindsay only parties until 2am. Second, instead of taking her underage sister into clubs her mom goes with her. Nothing like partying with your mom. Dina came to Los Angeles to make sure Lindsay showed up at her deposition this morning on time and sober. Most parents would make sure their child got to bed at a decent hour and stayed pretty calm. Not Dina. She can't. She needs Lindsay's money. If she tells, Lindsay no, then Lindsay will just go running to Dad. Plus, Dina likes the attention. Let's face it. She craves attention. She uses her daughter to get that attention. And money. Speaking of money, Lindsay did get a movie role. Yep. She is going to play a porn star. I know, I know, a role she can pull off without trying too hard. She is going to play Linda Lovelace who was the star of Deep Throat.

I hope the producers are smart enough to not pay Lindsay up front and to put locks on anything that can be sold easily. Not that there will be that much wardrobe.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Every time I see that picture I think of a skunk hahahaha.

  2. A moratorium on all things and people Lohan sure would be nice. It's obvious that they get off on all the attention, be it good or bad. Can we stop giving it to them then?

  3. Everyone knows she is as delusional as her daughter. She is part of the reason Lindsay acts the way she does and why she will continue on her downward spiral. That whole family needs to be shipped to an island to live out the rest of their existence with only each other.

  4. Great parenting Dina. now, Lindsay's fine, right?

  5. Deep Throat...nothing like art imitating (your) life, Lindsay. She probably thinks this is an "edgy" role. Who the hell is insuring this broad??

  6. Anonymous10:19 AM

    For the life of me, I can't imagine how she is getting movie work. The insurance has to be astronomical, and if she even shows up to work it will be a surprise. Even more of a surprise if she shows up to work clean, well rested, and not high on something. When will she finally be given enough chances?

    And her mother looks like a badly used madam.

  7. ANd this Ladies and Gentlemen is what you get when your parent is an overreaching social climber who is trying to cling to and make a life by living through their child. Stage Moms Unite - here's your perfect role model

  8. that picture simply does. not. get. old.

  9. Mother TRUCKER! I must erase that photo from my mind every time I see it, because I still experience shock when I see it 'for the first time' all over again.
    This, this right here, is a direct reflection of her internal ugliness...

  10. Not much of what they do surprises me, but for some reason, this did. What a horrible mother.

    Great choice of picture for this post.

  11. I'm really disappointed about the Linda Lovelace thing. That movie really had the potential to become a really interesting movie...but not with Lindsay Lohan in the title role. Unless she plans on taking some acting lessons and get clean first.

  12. I don't have a comment other than I absolutely LOVE that picture...it really just says it all!

  13. The first step is playing a porn star. The next step will be becoming a porn star. We all know that is where she will end up. But to her it won't be porn, it will be "art".

  14. I'm not for or against porn, but I think it's an insult to allow Lindsay to step into any role. I would be so pissed if I was Linda Lovelace.

    I won't get too upset though because I doubt this will ever come to be. She'll either die or get kicked off.

  15. As I said earlier: what a cool mom! I wish my mom would blow into town and go clubbing with me until 2 a.m. She's not just Lindsay's mom, she's Linday's friend! It's easy to see where all LL's problems stem from. I remember Dina saying when they were out together she'd tell people she was Lindsay's assistant because it was off-putting to people when she said she was her mother--"They just go blank." As in, "What the fuck are YOU doing here?" Does anybody know the details about Dina's attempts at stardom earlier in her "career?" It explains why she's riding Lindsay's coattails.

  16. The producers probably figure she'll drop out by the second week of filming, and whatever money they lose will be more than made up for by the publicity they'll get.

    If Jack McCoy were real, he'd charge Dina with reckless endangerment.

  17. Haha! Exasperated Jack always gets his guy (girl)!
