Monday, May 17, 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal Dancing In Russia

Last week I posted some pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal in Moscow at some party for Prince Of Persia. Now, video has emerged from the party and for two glorious minutes you can watch Jake hit on women and even dance with some.


  1. I watched it earlier and laughed. On the bright side, at least he likes to dance...

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  3. I wonder if this was leaked by himself to stifle all those Toothy Tile rumours. Looks like he's having a good time though *L*

    In other news, I never really found the Gyllenhall (The Yullenhoolahay) all that attractive, but I saw the trailer for Prince of Persia the other night and girlfriend's looking GOOD!

  4. So, does this mean he is not gay after all?

  5. He dances exactly the way I would imagine him dancing.

  6. Oh myyyyyyyyyyy.....!!!

    I've just watched it, and this is the funniest video ever posted on this blog! (My roomate is wondering what's happening because I am laughing out loud).

    It is just PRECIOUS. Love the moves at the end!

  7. I may now see Prince of Persia. That was neat to watch. Seems he even turned down a drink at the end.

  8. My gay friends pretend to hit on women when they're drunk, too.

  9. as i try to get 'her name is rio and she dances on the sand....' out of my head (damn you, duran duran)...i have to re-evaluate my stance on him...he dances exactly like any run-of-the-mill straight white male...confirmed by two of my gheys in the office next door.

    i like it!

  10. Well he sure has the drunk white boy dance down pat...

  11. Wait, did I even know he and Reese broke up?
    I don't care how gay or awkward a dancer he is, he's still dreamy.

  12. Yeah, but he's an actor, so he could have studied the dancing of frat boys and mimicked their dance moves.

    Actors man, you just can't trust them.


    it's only monday and my week has been made. thank you for this gift. one of the best videos I have truly ever seen on youtube.

  14. I'm with Harriet. This was leaked to 'prove' his manliness.

  15. hahahaha, that is HILARIOUS! no way this man is gay.. he just looks like he is having a great time.

  16. I'm with Harriet. When he is trying his wine, he clearly knows he is being filmed and ignores the camera so as not to give away anything. That being said, these are probably paid Moscow VIP socialites, not some random locals planted at the party to sell Jakey's "sexy" image and film. Maybe he really likes them, but probably not.

  17. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Whether he is gay or not at least he was having a good time lol.

  18. Cute. Props to Jake for enjoying himself while doing press for his new movie. Russell Crowe & Kristin Stewart should take notes ... OMG it's so hard to be fawned over, answer a few questions, dine out at the finest restaurants, and then hang out with locals at night. Waah waah waaah.

  19. He looked drunk to me.

  20. If I was drunk enough I would dance and flirt with women too...and I'm a straight female.

  21. ziddolee, i thought i noticed that too about jake being aware of the camera. hell, it's probably austin nichols holding the damn thing.

  22. Yeah, he got the Rolling Rock Rythmn going on!! move boy, move!! and I agree at least he is promoting and not bitching!

  23. Hot. I may be re-thinking "gay" and transitioning to "bi" because THAT boy wants me right through that video ;)

  24. This reminds me of Cameron on Modern Family, when he tried to "dance like a straight man" at his daughter's day care. Then later broke out with his fabulous "gay man" dancing, hilarious.

    Oh, and my gay friends are all very flirtatious with women too, just for fun. But like Jake, they don't take any home.

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  26. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Bless his heart. I don't care if he's gay or straight. I just love him.

  27. GOD, he is so cute. Just love him. I don't care if he is gay or straight but if it does come out he's straight, I will consider it a victory for the ladies.

  28. On the one hand, I've never seen a gay man with such appalling table manners. Who pushes their food on a fork with their fingers? On the other hand, not scoring in a Moscow night club is about as probable as not getting laid in a whore house with a fistful of dollars, so, who knows?

    I hope that some day, gays can come out, have great careers in film, and no one will care.

  29. The dancing is so awesome when you have no sound...
