Monday, May 17, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Wastes Another Drink

I don't know if Lindsay Lohan is getting her drinks for free these days, but she sure does spend a lot of time tossing them into the faces of people. Over the weekend, Lindsay threw yet another drink in the face of a woman. This woman, the model Jessica Stam was sitting with her boyfriend Aaron Voros. Aaron plays for the NY Rangers hockey team. Also there was Sean Avery who also plays for the Rangers.

Apparently Lindsay wanted to sit next to the DJ, but didn't want to sit next to Voros who she claims is an ex-boyfriend. Voros says he never saw Lindsay before in his life which caused Lindsay to throw a drink in Jessica's face. Seriously Lindsay? Considering you are whacked out of your mind almost every hour of the day don't you think it is possible that you are confusing one of your thousands of boyfriends with this guy? And why throw away perfectly good booze?

Lindsay, because she thinks she is the best thing ever then told the club to kick out the people she had offended. The club refused and Lindsay walked out. Oh, and get this. The progress report on Lindsay's alcohol program? According to the school, Lindsay is doing great. I know, I know.


  1. dayum she is looking rough!
    She has that old lady too skinny face now.

  2. I'm turning 46 and I look a damn sight better than this haggard trollop.

  3. please please please please please please please throw her ass in jail.


  4. I do not approve of wasting good vodka. That is alcohol abuse.

  5. how can the school say she's doing great when she hasn't even completed it yet? i hope she stays in cannes, blows off court and is arrested as soon as she gets home.

    i hate this bitch. no sympathy here. just go to jail or die already. i'm so sick of reading about her.

  6. Who paid off the school to give her a good report?

  7. Oh boy, ONTD is going to go nuts! They love Stam. LiLo just royally pissed off the internet, and it is the only thing keeping her going. BAD mistake.

  8. I seriously hope she gets her butt thrown in jail. She may be attending classes, but obviously nothing is sinking in.

  9. What I can't understand come none of these people she's throwing drinks on don't just bitch slap her into next week??

  10. On a positive note: nice scarf.

  11. @Jenny - EXACTLY what I was thinking...

    And why the fuck would they do that? I guess money talks. She needs to be thrown in JAIL for a good year, but we all know that'll NEVER happen... Until it's too late.

  12. her forehead is growing

  13. I wish she'd do something worse in Cannes and get her cracky ass thrown in jail.

  14. lindsay needs help. she's literally a little girl lost and, well, i think jail time just might sober her up.

    that said, not justifying her behavior b/c it's obviously cracked-out...but there's something quite cathartic about throwing a drink in someone's face...i did this to a cheating ex boyfriend and don't regret it for a second. ;)

  15. There's also something cathartic about beating a bitch down after she throws a drink in your face

  16. ali, I don't think her forhead is growing...I think her hairline is receding.

  17. lisa, have never been on either end of that scenario, but i hope it worked out for you.

  18. man! she is looking hard! she has more lines on her face than a map of downtown Boston!

  19. throw her in jail - save her life??

  20. @ Lisa (not original): Amen sister! I HAVE been on the other end of beating a bitch down, and YES! It felt AWESOME! (BTW, she didn't throw a drink, just talked a lot of shit, THEN she brought my mom who she'd never met, into it, and I commenced with the beating down). >:D

  21. I don't see why she ain't gonna go straight to jail for violating the terms of her booze skool. Judge said she had to go once every seven days, not just show up to X amount of classes. Why do I get the feeling that this is ALREADY "celebrity" justice in the works. She's ALREADY clearly violated the terms of the judge.
    I won't shed a tear when this stoopit skag kicks the bucket. I have no faith that she'll give up her partying ways.

  22. Ah Lindsay. Her behaviour is becoming increasingly erratic. It's starting to make me laugh again, but I think that might also mean it's the beginning of the end.

  23. i wish this waste of oxygen would throw a drink of me!

  24. Pookie, it was better than chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. :). Not having to deal with the crazy at all would have been my first choice. Moral of the story: don't drag random peeps into your drama. XD

  25. The only thing that was a waste was that she didn't throw it on Sean Avery. It is my firm belief that drinks should be thrown on Sean Avery as often as possible, just on principle.

  26. I cannot wait for her to go to jail. Of course, then she'll be released 15 minutes later.

  27. Uuugh...just give that b*tch some car keys and an open, empty road the next time she is out and about.

  28. She is starting to look like a rotting corpse. If she doesn't get help, she's going to die, or kill someone.

  29. I think she is even losing the teeth in her cunt

  30. i wish somebody a would throw a drink in HER face for once! how any alcohol program could assist her in her drunken fuckery is beyond me and i hope to hell they lose whatever certification they have with the court. and how any judge could take their word for it when her behavior is documented daily and nightly and NOT have her ass thrown in jail at least for contempt is beyond me.

    this child needs help! if for no other reason then to spare the world of her violent bs!

  31. @devildana
    great line, classic!
