Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lindsay Lohan And Her Cougar

Lindsay Lohan has got her very own cougar. Don't worry though it isn't some animal that is going to be neglected like a Lohan child who doesn't make money for mom and dad. Nope. In an interview with the NY Post, Indrani, who is a photographer and reality star, says that she and Lindsay have been a couple since last year. Indrani's partner Markus Klinko confirmed the pair have been dating.

"Lindsay and Indrani have been seeing each other since we shot her last fall. I've seen them on dates, I have seen them making out . . . Indrani is a good influence on Lindsay. She is the opposite of a party girl -- a Princeton graduate, she's into art and is a philanthropist -- not what you'd expect the typical girl for Lindsay to go out with. When they are together, they talk about art and the deeper meaning in life."

Uh, Markus are you sure you have the right person here? Lindsay? Medium height? Real skinny? Freckles everywhere? Usually naked? Can't string a sentence together that doesn't involve the words give me or that's mine. Often followed by a vacant looking teenage girl?

Well, considering that Lindsay seems to have a new guy every night, I am not sure how solid this relationship is between the pair.


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    this sounds like a photog that needs publicity?.

  2. Really? Indrani is a good influence on her? Has he not seen the pictures/video of her - staying out until all hours of the night, falling down all the time, throwing drinks on people, not making her court dates? I wouldn't call that a very good influence.

  3. Someone wants their 15 minutes........

  4. You must be REALLY desperate for attention if Lindsay is your best shot.

  5. Am I alone in being creeped out by this woman's "knowing" expression? She looks like Dina Lohan being played by Drew Barrymore (in an S&M-themed romp entitled NEVER BEEN KISSED BY MY OWN DAUGHTER). And that just doesn't sit well with me.

  6. Weird, desperate and gross. In that order.

  7. Wait... who gives a flying fuck about anythin Lohan?

  8. It does seem desperate, Sporky.

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM


  10. http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/bravo-orders-double-exposure-reality-series-starring-photographers-8794.php

    Yeppers on the publicity, Indrani's new show is on Bravo.

  11. Princeton graduate AND "reality star" - what a catch...

  12. How old does one have to be to be a cougar? Indrani doesn't look THAT old.

  13. Is one those two people LiLo?

  14. And is the partner the romantic variety or a business partner? What romantic partner would condone this?

    Oh wait, the 15 minutes.

  15. I don't care, I don't care, I REALLY don't care......just please don't ever show pix of that stupid GD mask thingy again!

  16. On a serious note, is this the chick who was photographed with Lilo at Cannes recently?

  17. yet another example of douches trying to cash in on lindsay. they should be ashamed.

  18. Yuck. Why anyone would touch Lindsay right now is beyond me.

  19. @Barton, LOL!

    The fact that she's with Lindsay nullifies any positive qualities she might have.

  20. I really like her name- Indrani is very pretty. Too bad she's not.

  21. Lohan denies she's in a relationship with Indrani. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/showbiz/news/a220571/lohan-im-not-dating-photographer.html

    Looks like people here are right about Indrani..

  22. I loved that description of Lindsay in the post. Perfect.

  23. You're a cougar at 36? Yikes.
