Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Pretty Good Katherine Heigl Interview

Katherine Heigl is in Harper's Bazaar this month and I have to say that it is a pretty good interview. She didn't say anything that was diva-ish or outrageous and she seems like a great mom and as we know she is a huge animal lover which comes through in this quote.

When Katherine found Mojo on the set of 27 Dresses, Josh told her no more dogs. "I started crying," says Katherine, who everyone calls Katie. "I said, 'Where's your heart? Where's your soul? I'm supposed to be marrying you, and you don't know who I am by now,' and he's like, 'Fine, just take the dog. Jesus.'"

Mojo made 6 dogs for the couple. Katherine also clarified that her daughter is not really a special needs child. Instead, Naleigh had a heart problem which was fixed prior to her even moving to America.

"Her heart is 100 percent fine now. She has a scar, so she won't be wearing bikinis, which is fine by us," Katherine explains, unembarrassed by her overprotectiveness. "A lot of children don't find forever homes because they're on that special-needs list, even if it's because of something as simple as her mother smoked cigarettes for a month, not knowing she was pregnant. That's not so huge that you couldn't handle it."


  1. I don't care. I still hate Heigl. She irritates me and all I think of when I see her is "princess of Asstalk" (normally Lainey makes me cringe but she's dead on with that description).

  2. Maybe Motherhood has given her some perspective?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I've always liked this broad. She says what she thinks, and I find that refreshing.

  5. i don't really understand why the heigl hate? she's fairly likeable imo, is a decent actress and is fairly honest about herself, which is respectable.

    is it because of the grey's drama? she seemed to take a lot of flak from what i read, tho i've never actually seen the show, so i'm sure there's more that i'm missing.

    at any rate, good for her. i can appreciate a parent with a big enough heart to adopt an "unwanted" child- it tells me her heart is in the right place, and she's doing it for all the right reasons. i think i like her a little more now.

  6. Why not wear bikinis? As long as they're not photo-sensitive, there's nothing wrong with showing scars, the child shouldn't be made to feel like it's ugly.

  7. I agree with you @Shmooey--as someone with some visible burn scars, I don't let that stop me from wearing whatever I want. There's no shame in having a scar(s).

    I do like her tho, always found her appealing.

  8. I hope that she's stopped smoking.

    And I have a large scar from heart surgery, too. And sometimes the top inch or so shows, but it's faded a great deal and I usually wear a necklace to cover it a bit. I'm not embarassed by it, it reminds me of what I've been through and survived it.

  9. I don't watch her little tv show, so I had no telegenic impression of her. The only thing I knew about her a while ago was that the gossip people hated her tremendously, but the clips I've seen of her movies show an actress who has some good film acting qualities. I just don't like her material, in television or movies. For me, she's an overhyped and overhated commodity.

  10. By the time her daughter is older, I'm sure the scar will be barely visible. The body heals faster and better when you're young and over many years, scars fade. They don't go completely away, but by the time she is in her teens it won't be much. I say go for it!

  11. Anonymous11:10 AM

    We've all got scars. Better on your body than on your soul.

    I sort of like Heigl too.

  12. Scars? Who gives a shit! Those are war wounds, battle scars that shout to the world (or nosey folks) you've been thru stuff & survived! Wear 'em proudly.

    Pitty the child whose mother is passing on her shallowness to an impressionable baby :(

  13. My friend has worked with her. Says she's a HUGE B****.

  14. @lyz, details please! :-)

  15. Bitch or no, I can't hate on someone who rescues animals and children.

  16. I like her. She has a huge mouth, but so what? Is this reason enough to hate someone? Not in my book. Especially if she cares about dogs.

  17. Lyz, that is why I don't like her. I have a lot of friends in production and they all DESPISE her for her general bitchery. I've heard enough stories and survived an encounter with her *shudder* which is why I can't stand her...

  18. I thought the issue with the bikini was that she doesn't want her child to wear a bikini not that her scar is shameful. Did I read that wrong?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I think Katherine can go both ways. If she's passionate about something and you happen to agree with her than she comes off as kind.

    If she's passionately against something that you like well...then I SEE I GIANT B@&CH!

    I must say I liked her when she was younger and on the tv movie Wish Upon A Star, now I no longer respect her opinions.

  21. I'm with the rest of you regarding the scar - nice thing to teach your daughter. We can't all be born with giant white teeth caps and implants. I work hard to make sure my son isn't self-conscious about this scars.

    I like confident, smart, capable women who are nice. She does not fit the latter. Hate her.

  22. So weird, i always DID like her, but this interview just rubbed me the wrong way! First of all, the thing with the scar that you all mentioned, why should she hide it? Second, maybe I am reading this wrong, but it seems like she is saying she COULDNT have handled a kid that had a "serious" problem?

  23. WHAT beautiful photos (AND clothing!). I LOVE the 50’s diva look but enough with the blondes already Harper’s (no offense blondies)!
    Although I’m not a fan — I’ve ne’er seen GA and only saw her in that Seth Rogan flick — Katherine (she doesn’t quite seem like a “Katie” to me) is really quite beautiful (when she’s not speaking or smoking). She’s just gorgeous!
    That said, diva attitude is bull-swinky but I know I’ve also been guilty of “open-mouth-and-insert-foot” syndrome — I’m just thankful I don’t have people following me around documenting it all. I do find her honesty refreshing (as opposed to say, Courtney Love or Megan Fox)… and I like her attitude towards parenting... EXCEPT for that "scar" comment (my daughter has a huge scar and keloid formations on her arm because I had chicken pox while pregnant and she has NE'ER let that get in the way of her wearing anything revealing). Other than that, she seems like she’ll be a great mom. Pretty girls are a dime a dozen -- hopefully KH understands that soon...
    P.S. Didn’t she say she was a trailer park girl some time ago? Good luck KH!

  24. @PeepStone, that's how I read it. That she was commenting on how they're more than fine (from overprotective parenting standpoint) if, in the future, their daughter forewent bikini-wearing because of any hesitations about her scar.

    And, no, I'm not a fan of this woman. I, too, have heard from those who've worked with her *MANY* unflattering behaviors & attitudes.

  25. I like her assertiveness. I think strong powerful women who know what they want are kick arse.

  26. I have always, and will always like her. She is secure and doesn't take Hollywood's shit.

  27. as one who is adopted, and has a scar on her face (from getting cheek pierced with a branch falling out of a tree).. i am torn between love for her and a bitta "bish pleeeeese."
