Thursday, May 06, 2010

Publicity Gained - No Need For Michael Lohan To Worry Any Longer

That coolness you just felt wash over your body was a result of not having Michael Lohan spewing hot air throughout the world. For the past two weeks he has been yammering away about how if he doesn't get to see Lindsay Lohan then he is going to set up a Conservatorship and blah blah blah. While doing that he managed to find the time to party the nights away at clubs like Industry until 2am or so. Well, you know, he was probably preaching while Kate Major drank shots and bumped and grinded.

Now that Michael has got the publicity he craved, and realizes the next step would actually mean doing work and fighting to keep his daughter healthy he backed off. If your daughter was in such bad shape, which she is, then why back off? Probably because he either got a concession that he wanted financially or maybe he didn't think it was going to be worth his time money wise. Nothing has changed with Lindsay. He still didn't see her so why back off? Why?


  1. I really think at this point?...A great idea for those who ACTUALLY care about Lindsay would be to go to her drug dealers or anyone giving her any drugs. Naturally - they wouldn't be able to appeal to them on the basis of decency, but how about common sense?

    If, God forbid, anything happens to this girl - it will make the worldwide media in a snap and there is NO WAY the police wouldn't be investigating. No one would want the police at their door or their stuff investigated by TMZ should any drugs they gave Lindsay got traced back to them.

    If they can run a few people off scared, that might actually do some good.

  2. What the hell kind of pose is he doing? What a total douchebag.

  3. He seriously thinks he's hot. Gross.

  4. There is a blind right now about how a trainwreck actress is being secretly recorded at her worst so that a conservator can take over her life. It's not even really blind.
    If ML is collecting evidence on the DL, that's great. If a judge makes his greasy ass her conservator, she loses.
    I think she needs a non-Lohan parental-type chained to her for the next 6 months. Somebody who could really shake some sense into her, with the body of a prison guard and the wit of Ricky Gervais.

  5. Anonymous10:50 AM

    At least we were spared the mesh shirt/crotch shot. This guy is repellent on so many levels.

  6. That photo makes me gag !

  7. LOL @ this picture. This guy cracks me up on so many levels.
    I sent him a nasty message on twitter a couple of weeks ago - he was quoting the bible about how a good woman is a responsible woman, etc. But Michael...didn't you take a picture of your ex doing a line of coke? Get ALL ye folks to a nunnery.

  8. I agree with Libby. (I wish someone with Gervais wit would come babysit me for awhile.)

  9. Now Michael claims he isn't backing off. I think it is just a smoke screen also. I think all this guy really wants is to cash in with a VH1 reality show starring Lindsay and family.

    I doubt Lindsay paid him. She has no money. But he got his name back in the news again like he wants.

  10. That picture is gross...same story over and over again, they need to stay away from each other.

  11. That entire family is delusional. Every word out of their mouths is a lie. I don't feel sorry for Lindsay because she has had plenty of opportunities to get straight and she hasn't. And I know people like to blame her parents, and although I agree they take some of the blame for the way she is, she is ultimately in control of her own life. She continues to live as if everything in her life is fabulous yet we all see the train wreck that is waiting to happen. I don't think she will get clean, and I think it is only a matter of time before she ends up face down in the gutter.

  12. omg, i thought it didn't get any better than the mesh shirt picture...i was wrong!!!

  13. Maybe she promised him a chunk of her payoff she's expecting from her law suit with ETrade.

  14. "check out my sexy armpit, baby! i workout, can you tell??! here let me do some bicep curls for you when i'm done posing like a loser, i mean showing off my pecs. the cameras LOVE ME!!"

  15. LOL @ the backwards baseball cap!

  16. He's so fcukin gross

  17. Someone once said, "Shouldn't there be an age cut-off for the backward baseball cap?" How old is this guy, anyway? How old does he think he is? The man looks ridiculous.

  18. Oh enty.... Why are you asking questions you already know the answer to?
