Friday, June 11, 2010

January Jones Hits And Runs - Kind Of

Last night January Jones made the news for the second time in as many days. Earlier this week she was all over the internet doing her walk of shame or cab ride of shame wearing the same dress she had worn the night before. I am not so sure it was really a walk of shame. If you get hammered and pass out somewhere is it still a walk of shame?

Anyway, last night January was driving alone when she slammed into three parked cars. TMZ says she caused a significant amount of damage. Yeah, that is usually going to happen when one car is moving and the other three are stationary. Little thing called physics. Oh, and a really big SUV. After she hit the cars, January got out of her vehicle and decided to walk home saying she couldn't handle it. She did leave her license behind.

She says she went home and called 911 and went back to the scene while police were there and said she left because paps were trailing her and they had been following her home and she lost control of the car. Look at who is the big deal pap wise right now. Big story coming out about January? Police say no drugs or alcohol were involved. Despite hitting and running, January was not arrested. Hell she was not even given a ticket. Apparently there is such a thing as the I was being chased by photographers and lost control defense. I hope there are some pictures later. I mean, if there were swarms of paps, you would think there would be swarms of photos.


  1. Perhaps a sex tape is on the way or the rumoured she's a lesbian story breaking any day now??

  2. I don't get the big uproar over her "walk of shame". First of all, sex between adults is not shameful. We're not middle schoolers or Beavis & Butthead, okay? She either spent the night at a friend's (male or otherwise) because she got some (good for her!) or because she had too much to drink the night before and decided to sleep it off (double good for her!). What's the big deal? Slut shaming is the new black. Everyone loves Gerard Butler for doing the same damn thing but January Jones is shameful? Fuck that.

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    The question is were the paps really following her like she says she was.

  4. I'm not sure I'm buying her story. Seems like the so-called pap pictures would be splashed all over the blogosphere by now.

    As Michael K would say, "something ain't clean in the milk."

    When leaving the scene, she was quoted as saying "I can't deal with this commotion," which is my new catchphrase for everything.

    I call twat alert on January.

  5. She should have pulled a Lindsay and said the black kid was driving.

  6. She is not having a very good week.

  7. I think the walk of shame stems from her hanging all over Adrian Brody the night before.

    I guess she rode his nose all night and he didn't even get a ride home from him. Sorta cheap in a cab.

    I think January seems a bit mentally unstable. Look at her SNL appereance there was nothing she could make funny it was worse then Kesha & Ryan Phillipe.

  8. "Slut shaming is the new black." Ha-ha!

  9. I'm with January on this one. She knew what she did was wrong, and couldn't handle being surrounded by dozens of paps taking her picture as she cried and waited for the owners of the cars. She had no intention of committing a hit-and-run - too much is being made out of this!
    And I echo everything that chopchop said. Walk of FAME, I say!

  10. If she called 911, left her license and went right back to the scene, she did not commit a hit and run.

    She probably should have been ticketed however for reckless driving or something to that effect.

  11. Six months ago, I didn't believe the conspiracy theorists who said this site was being written by a new person. But after reading this post and a few others that have been somewhat light on the paps and make weird statements legal statements (like calling this incident as described as a hit & run), I'm starting to believe them. I want old Enty back.

  12. TMZ just updated with the news that celebrity chef and Blind Item favorite Bobby Flay (for his alleged multiple affairs) was the one who showed up in his car and told her to flee the scene.

    As random as Sean Penn visiting Eve in her jail cell.

  13. i'm with chopchop, who said what i think better than i could have.

  14. Dayum. Thanks for the TMZ tip, janele.

    That story does thicken the plot.

    Flay says Jones called him. He says the reason she has his number is for kitchen remodeling help. Hmmmmm.

  15. Still no pap pictures published. And witnesses say there wasn't a pap in sight. So January's full of shit.

    I stick by my twat alert. In fact, I escalate it the next level in light of witness reports that she had alcohol on her breath before she went home, changed clothes, and got some gum.

  16. Susan - what I couldn't understand was why a chef would do her kitchen remodel. Is he going to over it in pancake batter with a nice port reduction?

    She's got some shady nonsense to explain here and I wish I cared more but it just seems like celebs are melting down left and right. I'm a little verklept. I need a minute to take it all in...

  17. He'll decorate her kitchen with bottles of his "patented green oil" (which anyone can make themselves).

  18. I've only seen her on SNL and about 5 minutes of Mad Men. She really ain't all that. I suggest she keep a low profile, take acting lessons, and have someone else drive.
