Friday, June 18, 2010

Jay Leno Is Doing Worse Than Conan

This should warm the hearts of Coco fans everywhere. Jay Leno has now been back on The Tonight Show for 15 weeks. So he must be kicking butt and NBC must be thrilled with the move and the drama and burning a million bridges. Well, actually it turns out that Jay's numbers are slightly less than Conan's numbers were after 15 weeks. Jay is also losing out to Conan by a calendar week basis. Oh, and he is also now getting beat by Letterman. The good news is that Jay still has the bigger chin. And ego.


  1. I bet Conan secretly hates being called Coco.

  2. While I normally dont take pleasure in seeing someone not doing well, karma is a bitch for Leno. He should have bowed out gracefully and stayed out. I always preferred Letterman and glad he is doing betta than Leno in the ratings. (I believe Letterman lost out to getting The Tonite Show the first time around b/c of Leno too stabbed him in the back).

  3. Jay should have bowed out gracefully when he was replaced by Conan. He already has more money than he can ever spend. But no way, he had to pitch a fit with a hole in it and have a show on primetime. This started the whole mess. Him being on air every night threw off the viewing audience for Conan, drove Conan's numbers down and got him replaced with his own dumb ass that caused the problem to begin with. What is wrong with peoples egos and greed for more money?

  4. Exactly! Just how much money does he need? Cash the check and just go away Jay! Play with your cars and motorcycles and let the rest of us enjoy television.

  5. I used to watch his show before he "retired" but now the whole Conan fight and return to late night television has thrown me off. Between his fight and Letterman's cheating scandal I no longer watch either one of them.

  6. I really wish Craig Ferguson was on earlier because I find him absolutely adorable and wish he could be cloned for me.

    Leno is an ass who's getting his karma handed to him.

  7. I agree with Lisa, Craig Ferguson is the best. I have been watching him because I was out of work but I got a damn job today and now will have to go to bed like everyone else. I hope he is on earlier sometime down the line. If you haven't watched his show you are really missing something.

  8. oh this is AWESOME.


  9. @lisa I agree, he's funny and has a "fresh" sense of humor.

    Before the late night wars Leno was already un-original and just annoying(imo). The crowd just got tired of him.

  10. i would rather watch an infomercial while drinking a Tang w/ vodka drink late night than Leno...he getting is karma handed to him...wonder if Coco is going to have a BBQ this weekend

  11. It's nice to see karma at work. I love you Coco!!

  12. This is great!

    Drcocks- congrats on getting a new job! You should celebrate by getting a Carvel ice cake. :-)

  13. This news makes my day!

  14. Who said Karma is a bitch and she buys round trip tickets...

  15. Good.

    And DVR is my Friend - CraigyFerg any time! ;)

  16. Excuse me while I back away from my desk and do hte dance of PURE JOY!!!! Karma's a bitch, Jay. I am thrilled and can hardly wait to wat Coc's new show. And no, Nosey Parker, Conan does not secretly hate the name Coco. He's always been quite vocal about how much he dislikes the name.

  17. This story is based on 1 week of ratings, Leno has been doing well overall,usually beating Letterman. BTW Leno didn't steal Conan's job,Conan stole Jay's job and then Jay stole it back.

  18. I watched Leno a couple of times the past couple weeks and determined the only explanation was self-loathing. It was so bad. Example - to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf send Italian bread. And that was one of the better ones.
    It sucks. Shoot it, put it all out of its misery.

  19. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Conan stole nothing. Jay was fired more than once for sucking.

  20. Anonymous12:49 AM

    I was channel surfing the other night and watched about 1 1/2 minutes of Jay Leno. It was painfully unfunny.

    Made me sad for the days of Johnny Carson.

  21. I'm with not on my dollar - I was a big Leno fan and watched every night I could. Then this whole stupidity started, so I stopped watching him. Kevin Eubanks was smart to leave.

    Haven't watch Letterman in years. Just not funny to me. I used to watch him tons during the '80s/early '90s.

    If I'm up late enough, I wait to turn on Jimmy Fallon.

  22. It is Craig Fergusson for the win! That guy is just good and he is a natural. He puts Letterman, Leno, Kimmel, and that other one to shame.

    I am happy to hear Leno is sucking. He was an ass for what he did to Conan.

  23. Conan did not steal anything. I place most of the blame on NBC & morons like Jeff Zucker, but after seeing Conan's 60 minutes interview & the fact that Jay never once reached out to his "friend" speaks volumes about his character.

    I got to see him in ATL last Monday & it was the best two hours of my life!

    Coco for President!!
