Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Michael Lohan Is An Idiot

If you have been arrested for DUI, I think the last thing you need to do is open a bar. If you tell the world that drinking is wrong, you should not be opening a bar. If your daughter is a raging alcoholic who takes her underage sister to bars you should not be opening a bar. But, hey if you are Michael Lohan and you see a chance to make a buck, then all those things get thrown out the window. TMZ is reporting that Michael Lohan is planning on opening a bar in the New York City area. He is actually a partner with a few other people, but he is supposedly the guy running the show.

Michael says the bar will offer a driving service and will test their employees for drugs. He didn't say whether Lindsay Lohan would have to pay for her drinks.


  1. you had me at Michael Lohan is an Idiot. I didnt even need to read the rest of the post :)

  2. Michael Lohan is an idiot

    Wow, nothing gets past you Enty

  3. would he even be able to get a liquor license being a convicted felon? Maybe the bar won't be in his name.

  4. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Maybe his good friend Jon Gosselin can get a job as bar back?

  5. Nice. What a fucking ASSHAT.

  6. Lol. This is so outrageous it's funny. Unbelievable.

  7. You know who may be a bigger idiot than Michael Lohan? The dumbasses investing in his will-be-ill-fated bar.

  8. hahahahaha....what a dumb*ss. Is Lindsay going to promote the bar? -lol

  9. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Wonder if Michael is going to be wearing that fishnet shirt every day now LOLOLOL

  10. And did anyone hear that Lindsay's scram bracelet went off that the Mtv awards? She should be in major trouble...

  11. Cecilia00, she'll probably blame it on her oral surgery meds. But oh, would it ever be nice if she went directly to jail!

  12. "Michael Lohan is an idiot" ...

    Can I get a show of hands from those of you who were shocked by this?

    Thought so.
