Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Valerie Bertinelli Not A Christina Aguilera Fan

I love when celebrities say something bad about another celebrity and actually name the other celebrity. Oh, and it helps if you actually like the celebrity doing the trashing. In this case we have both. Valerie Bertinelli was on the Jonjay and Rich show and described the first time she met Christina Aguilera.

I met her and she was so mean to me. I thought you know what, forget you. She's too young to be blowing people off. She went to a Van Halen show and I went to go say hi to her. My son was up there, and she's like, 'Yeah, okay, bye'. As I walked away I said to my friend, 'Did I just get dissed by Christina Aguilera?' and she said 'I think you did!'"

Granted, this was when Christina was near her peak so she was probably being a bigger diva than normal. I am guessing that despite being at a Van Halen concert she must not have been a fan. I mean, how can you be a fan of Van Halen and not know who Valerie Bertinelli is or that her son is up on the stage playing?

Since the episode happened, Valerie turns the radio station whenever she hears a Christina song. Well lucky for her, Christina is not getting much airplay any longer.


  1. I like Valerie Bertinelli, and I applaud her for stating that interesting little fact. I also turn off the radio when I hear Christina Aguilera, but I love playing her new music video, mainly because she's bowlegged and desperate & I find that combination amusing. :)

  2. The same people you step on on ur way to the top is the same people you meet when you fall down.

  3. Love it!

    I've always liked VB. Good for her.


    This is so funny!

    Sucks to be you Xtina!

  5. Years ago I worked for an attorney who had a friend that worked at CBS and supposedly Val was a first class b*tch during her "peak" too.

    Two bitches in Hollywood? No big whoop.

    I still like both of 'em.

  6. I love VB, always have. She seems like such a nice, down to earth person and not full of herself. Let's see whose career lasts longer shall we????

  7. Califblondy I can believe that considering that was during Valerie's coke fiend days.

    I like Christina's voice and wish her well but I have no desire to ever meet her.

    I'm sure both of them were bitches during the height of their career.

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  9. Ok, in defense of Christina...and if this happened a few years ago. I am about the same age as Christina, and I wouldn't have known who Valerie was a few years ago. I mean, I don't claim to be a Van Halen fan, although I might have rocked out to one of their songs before I wouldn't think specifically "oh, this is Van Halen." I don't make a habit of dissing anyone, but like califblondy said, a diva in Hollywood, surprise surprise! Anyway, I don't know a lot about VB, but she doesn't come off particularly likeable either. To be honest, I don't really like any of those "I-lost-weight-look-at-me-now-people." I get that Americans are fat. Whatever, but Hollywood would not be the place to look for weight loss tips. I mean, what? The crack/vodka/cigarette diet is not exactly healthy. Not saying that that is what VB did, but I guess I am just a little jaded at looking to celebrities to "fix" people's lives.

    Okay, nevermind, maybe I am just bitchy today. It's a nice day, and I am stuck inside studying.

  10. i'm willing to bet good $$$ that at some point vb has acted like christina did at her peak too.

    not saying diva behavior should be excused, but get real, valerie.

    as for longevity, christina's the real deal, i've worked w/ it first-hand and it's mind-blowing...she has vocal prowess that far surpasses valerie's lifetime movie acting chops. ca's young, she'll bounce back. as for valerie, i really like her too. i hope going forward she takes the high road in interviews, and does her new show justice (after all, she's got the queen of queens, ms. betty white, to represent).

  11. Honey this is a story old as time!

    The Industry is full of singers who pulled that Diva crap thinking they could treat people like dirt and they would still be adored, never lose their record deals and be famous forever and lo and behold, where are they now?!?!?

    Taylor Dayne
    Stephanie Mills
    Jody Watley
    Chante Moore
    Anita Baker
    and the list goes on and on

  12. Look out Xtina -- there's a new diva in town! =D


    ITA Pookie

  13. I always thought Christina had one of the better (best) voices. She's one of the few who can sing live. Her "packaging" hasn't always worked though. WTH, at least she doesn't dress like Mariah.

  14. I don't think Christina is going any where. This is not a good album, but she'll bounce back. She needs new Marketing/PR people.

    And I'm with Chihuahense - i'm also the same age as Christina. If Valerie had walked up to me a few years back, I wouldn't have known who she was either. I don't mind that Christina is a bitch - it really annoys me when those with no talent have attitude (I'm looking at you Miley!).

  15. i've loved valerie since she was a kid. i've never read anything bad about her. she was loyal to mackenzie phillips when most people weren't, she did all she could to save her marriage and she just seems like an all-around good egg.

    i hope christina is stung by the story. she deserves it.

  16. Christina has a big voice but as some of her current peers prove, talent isn't really a requirement in this era.

    With that said, the diva act is NEVER cool, no matter how much of a steady it is in Hollywood. CA has been the common denominator in many Hwood feuds. Her latest one-side fuss with GaGa and her shiteous attitude are the reason Bionic is tanking. I've often heard that she was a b-i-sh. Pop singers are a dime a dozen, talented and otherwise, she should work on the attitude.

    Thanks VB for this little gem.

  17. Don't pat yourself on the back for something you didn't earn. Christina is lucky with her talent. I'm sure she works hard, too, but don't we all?

  18. Being a woman and a mother and a diva is a hard act to pull off.

    I think Ms. X Tina thought she could quiet for a few years have a baby and have the fame buffet back anytime she wanted.

    As much as I dislike Mariah Carey she knew not to get knocked up and kept at her career. At least Mariah earned her crazy Diva stripes. And for the record I don't think Mariah is preganant I think she is just chunky.

  19. really? Hm, I don't think that a baby is necessarily a career-killer. And if it is, then shame on us.

  20. While Christina was taking a break to make a movie GaGa slipped in and now everyone is being compared to her.
    I don't doubt that Valerie had her diva moments too, but it was a different time and it wasn't all over the internet the second it happened.

  21. Having a child doesn't make her a bad singer. Her career right now is bad because she's trying to be something (Gaga) she's not.

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  23. It doesn't matter that Christina didn't know who Valarie Bertenelli was (which is total conjecture at this point). There is never an excuse for bad manners. And, yeah, karma can be a real bitch.

  24. Heard that entire Bionic record. Ugh.

  25. almost all of this site is conjecture. Aren't we allowed to speculate to the why's and how's?

    And I said that Christina might not know who Valerie was does matter, because VB is basically pulling a "don't you know who I am?" by saying it was her son up there.

    VB displayed just as bad manners by talking about this after the fact than CA did initially.

    Anyway, like califblondy said, I am shocked that there would be diva attitudes. I think VB said it to get people talking about her/her show.

  26. TrLaLa,

    "bowlegged and desperate"

    I've also thought the same but not as eloquently. You've captured her ungainly essence. Bravo.

  27. Wait, when did I say we weren't allowed to speculate?

    Sorry, I don't agree that Valerie talking publicly about her encounter with Christina is as ill-mannered as Christina for throwing shade at Val for saying hi.

  28. Ok, sorry Stephani, when you said "it was total conjecture" I read that as "you guys are just guessing at why she would not speak to her so why even bring it up"

    Re: who is more ill-mannered

    I would be more likely to brush off a "perceived dis" if someone did not speak to me or blew me off. To me, I would think, "well maybe they had other things on their mind, etc, etc."

    But with VB "outing" CA, to me, there is no chance that she WASN'T trying to hurt/down/etc her. That's just how I read it though.
