Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Robert Pattinson On Nightline

I didn't watch the Nightline interview with Robert Pattinson until this morning. Honestly, I didn't even know he was going to be on, but it is a brilliant move by ABC. Now, maybe some of the under 14 crowd who love the guy will stick around other nights and watch when the show touches on topics other than Robert and Kristen's relationship or how he hates fame or that he thinks he will be dead by 30.


  1. I can't help it - I love him. And I like this hair much better.

  2. not into these vampire douches or any of their ilk.

    major meh.

  3. OK - I listened to this while doing something else. I actually like that he talks about how easy it is to be an actor and the "it" guy. It's about time that someone owns up to that.

  4. god he looks terrible. stupid thing to say you wont live past 30.

  5. I think he looks good with the new haircut.

  6. Haven't read one of the books or seen a movie.

    The only vampire I ever watched was on Dark Shadows and didn't particularly care for the storyline when I was young either.

    I think Rob looks creepy, the girl seems bored out of her mind and Taylor needs to come out already so that my little Twihard will realize she's never gonna have him.

  7. His hair is irrelevant. He looks like he got smashed in the face with a Mac truck.
    No thanks.

  8. The only honest thing about this interview was when he said he needed to act better and was a bad actor. Now I know he was trying to be funny. But it is still the truth.

  9. I'm not going to judge his acting abilities until I see him in something non-Twilight.

    His hair def. looks better now.

  10. @MCH I started to watch his indie movie Remember Me and I couldn't last 15 minutes with it. He was stiff and awful and was just repeating words stuffed in his mouth.

  11. @timebob - Yeah, I heard that movie got bad reviews. :( He better not screw up Water for Elephants!!
