Friday, July 09, 2010

All The Mel Gibson Nastiness Is Just 30 Minutes Of Tape - Wants To Dump Oksana's Body In The Rose Garden

I don't know how much time Mel Gibson actually yelled or spewed his vile words, but all of the recordings that Radar has listened to only amount to 30 minutes. 30 minutes of the most vile garbage imaginable.

In today's installment, Mel threatens Oksana with death and tells her that he will bury her in the rose garden. You know, you really start to wonder about whether he may have, well you know actually done something like that before or if he is just all talk. To have a spot picked out in your mind where you are going to bury someone is way out there. Think about it for a second. If you say, "I would love to kill so and so," or "I hope they end up dead," whether you are joking or frustrated or a homicidal maniac, at this point you only are talking about the killing.

Has anyone ever met someone who had taken the next step and thought about where they would bury someone and expressed it? It just makes me think Mel is not making idle threats.


  1. It makes me wonder what his wife hsa to say. Did he treat her like that for all those years? Maybe she didn't want to have 8 kids - maybe he forced himself on her. Hmmmm.

    I would buy that book plus the book the Mady and Cara Gosselin are going to write.

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I wonder why you never gave us the BI answer about the racist tv actress? Her doings were public like mel's, ashton's and nicole's. Although, mel was recorded and nicole was in the company of her handlers.

  3. The phrase "bury in the rose garden" sounds familiar ... like from a book or a movie. I don't think he had a particular spot in a rose garden picked out.

  4. @Jenny: In "Rear Window", Stewart and Kelly's characters thought that the man across the yard might have buried his wife in the garden under the roses.

    He clearly has serious problems.

    Parts of his rant - about how she looks plastic and trashy - are actually quite accurate, which begs the question: if he found her so repugnant, why did he let her get near him.
    If you don't like skanks, don't have sex with skanks. Simple as.


  5. That is one freakin' scary picture of him, isn't it? I think he was thinking about the rose garden right then and there.

    I know of a few people who have thought about disposing of really bad co-workers. It was all borne out of frustration and clearly it was morbidly joking. But to say that while you're yelling at the person? He's obviously flipped his lid. Maybe those growth hormones did something to his brain.

  6. Creepy, especially when one considers how violent the majority of his movies are.

  7. naw, i think his trash mouth is creative. tho he seems to hate deep. creepy dude.

  8. @Schmooey, thanks. Then it's a phrase familiar to many.

    I think L.A. has a higher percentage of plastic and trashy than other parts of the U.S., so one sort of gets used to it. I doubt he ever meant to have a serious, long-term, public relationship with her, but she decided to up the ante by getting pregnant.

    I haven't listened to the tapes, but it is not unusual for some to get really nasty during private fights. I suspect she egged him on to get some really good stuff on tape. They are both skanks.

  9. If he had threatened me like this, I would have started recording his calls, too.
    Just in case I really end up buried under the roses.

  10. Anonymous10:08 AM

    There is book called "The Sociopath Next Door"'s fascinating. And a bit disturbing too!

  11. In what way did she ask for this? You can't force someone to be who they aren't. You don't become a racist and abusive asshole out of nowhere.

    I don't care whether or not she wants money from him or child support or if she just wants to embarass him. She has another child with another movie star and as far as I know she is gold digging him.

    She is up against some with a lot of money and power so I won't judge yet what is going on between the lawyers.

  12. I get the part of calling her a wh*re oder c*nt, that may happen when a couple breaks up...

    But threatening to burn the house down, to bury her, or the mention of rape - that's psycho.

  13. @pablo,

    Which one of the Nicole's made a racist comment and what was it?

  14. Schmooey - I totally agree. Mel's got a lot of nerve calling her plastic. He didn't notice that when they first met? Idiot.

  15. mngddess, I agree, I would really love to hear what went on in their marriage. It seems like she was probably the lucky one when he left her for another woman!

  16. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Not On My Dollar, I was talking about the BI about the tv actress using a racial slur towards an assistant. I am not aware that Nicole Kidman uses racial slurs. I hope not, since she is good friends with Thandie Newton. I was just wondering why that BI can't be revealed. Is all...

  17. Considering that her grew up with a father that is beyond crazy, psycho, violent, racist, misogynistic and a huge creep.
    I’m not saying this excuses anything that MG had one. I’m just saying the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

  18. Anonymous11:14 AM

    They both are shady. Its not like she had no idea what kind of racist monster he was before they got together. Both should lose custody and get sent to jail.

  19. You know, it appears Mel isn't the WORST man in the world: In Brazil, a goalie for Flamengo (one of the biggest soccer clubs) has been arrested for (allegedly) torturing his pregnant mistress for 5 days, then murdering her, chopping her up and feeding her to his dogs.

    He denies the charges and says he will "laugh about it later".

    At least so far Mel's "rose garden" remains mercifully undisturbed. Geez.

  20. I agree with Rose...

    Does anyone know if she's on the tapes too?
    I'm not excusing his behavior at all, but maybe she was saying just as horrible of stuff.
    This woman obviously has little/no class.
    One of my bf's friends was accused with no evidence of dv and just spent several weeks in jail only to be released. How come Mel hasn't been taken in?

  21. I really really want his PR response to this to be: "I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden."

  22. Correction: the mistress wasn't pregnant. The baby has already been born and is 4 months old.

  23. He's an actor. He can say anything he wants and make it sound as vile as possible -- but does he mean it? Who knows. I seriously doubt he has the balls to actually kill someone.

  24. Jenny, Los Angeles is my hometown. We have the same number of "plastic" and "trashy" people as anywhere else in the world. People are primates. We are alarmingly consistent about all things.

  25. Mel keeps digging deeper. Sure she looks like a slut but that's not a reason for hitting her and saying that he'll kill her.


    It's an awful story! They say that Bruno throwed Eliza's body parts to the dogs.

  26. Please note, this is not a defense of Mel. He's a vile, nasty, racist, homophobic, misogynistic bastard and I hope he gets the chair... or at least never makes another movie. But...
    I don't know, I've had a theory regarding burying a body in a manure pile (I grew up on a farm). I'm pretty sure it would hasten the decomp and destroy any evidence of wrongdoing. All the crime scene people would find would be a pile of bones...Soo...Perhaps I'm a homicidal maniac, or just watch too much CSI.

  27. @Melody the First: I travel a lot & would beg to differ. L.A. is in a league all it's own when it comes to plastic & trashy.

    A fine city, but full of fake.

  28. It doesn't matter what she said if anything. I've been furious with exes before, NEVER have I uttered anything remotely close to this and believe me, I've been encouraged. All the right hot buttons pressed repeatedly, words like this never crossed my mind. Worthless sh*tpile.

  29. @ MyGeorgie. I agree. LA is in a league of its own.
