Friday, July 09, 2010

Urkel Accused Of Domestic Violence

Jaleel White is being accused of domestic violence by the mother of his baby. According to a police report she filed, the couple were driving with their baby in the back seat when Urkel punched her in one of her breast implants. Then, after they got home, Urkel supposedly slapped her and pushed her into a toilet so hard it broke the tank.

Urkel? Really? Who knew? He honestly does not seem the type, but you know, I also would not doubt he has some anger built up inside him that he cannot shake the character he played as a kid. That has to suck when you want to move on as an actor as an adult and everyone wants you to be Urkel. Jaleel's people say none of this happened and this is all part of a custody fight and she is trying to ruin Jaleel's good name. I don't know. It seems pretty specific with details that would be pretty easy to check out, especially the toilet thing.


  1. I hope it's not true.

    A while ago I read an article saying that he had gone to university and wanted to be a director, and he seemed like a really nice, good-natured guy, who was very philosophical about being remembered for his very distinctive character.

  2. Is it just me or does she look like Gary Coleman's wife?

  3. Yes chopchop I was thinking the exact same thing.

  4. A friend of mine was driving on the 405 in LA about 8 years ago and got side-swiped by Urkel. Even though it was his fault, he immediately jumped out of his car and started yelling at my friend for hitting his car. She said he had a huge temper and was a total dick. He also almost drove off without giving my friend his insurance information, but she did end up getting it from him.

  5. Did I do thaaaat?????

  6. Charges of domestic abuse (along with charges of child abuse) are common in cantankerous divorce proceedings. So I can't say it isn't possible that Jaleel's wife made it up. He's also a black man and, unfortunately, enough people have learned that the easiest way to tar black men is to accuse them of being violent; old Jim Crow myths (and hip hop imagery) die hard.

    That said, nothing shocks me anymore. If Jaleel did it, then he deserves all the embarrassment and shame he should get for being abusive. Abusive men don't get any sympathy from me and deserve worse than they usually get.

  7. When will former child stars learn - don't EVER get involved with a redhead.

  8. @chopchop - I think Coleman's wife WISHES she looked like White's wife :)

  9. Is it just me or do all child stars marry redheads?

  10. Yup, RocketQueen, Coleman's wife is a little on the borderline retardation side when it comes to the looks. Which is insulting to borderline retarded people; at least they didn't push their spouses down flights of stairs.

  11. lol Mack - thanks for the best laugh I've had all day. If she weren't such a murdering, exploitative thief, I might feel bad about it.

  12. Damn! Who knew Urkel could be such an ass?

    I LOL @ the "punched in the breast implant" part.

  13. LOL, Katy! That's the first thing I thought when I read this

  14. LMAO @ Katy and 0, I thought the same thing!
