Thursday, August 12, 2010

10 Year Old Jackie Evancho

A ten year old had the Susan Boyle moment of this season's America's Got Talent. Janet Evancho is amazing.


  1. ok i get she is AMAZING, but why is everyone always so facking surprised when someone can sing....HELLO! it's a talent

  2. Jax I guess it is because her voice is so mature sounding. And also because we are used to the pop crap on American Idol and don't count on hearing real singing.

  3. oh i know,not taking anything away from her,it's everyone else that makes me what did you expect,she'd sing Old McDonald??

    and would it have killed Nick Cannon to put an arm around the poor thing?
    Mimi ain't THAT jealous.

  4. I don't know. I think this deserved a jaw drop. That was beyond words.

    I'll expect to see her singing the National Anthem at a Steelers game!

  5. The voice is it really coming from's almost other worldly.

  6. Wait, that cheery compère guy is Mariah Carey's husband?!

    Would never have imagined. Never.

  7. LOL it kills me how in a world of Britneys, Rihanna's and other lip synchers the world goes nuts for actual talent yet these same talents can't get a record deal because they don't fit some record labels marketing image?!?! I am ever hopeful that we will go back to the days of REAL singers in popular music!

  8. Not my kind of music.

  9. It was the water cooler topic around here this morning. I didn't see it last night.

    Nick doesn't seem as skeered of the wife this year as he was last... hmmmm, I wonder why? Although when Pears made a dissy comment Mariah's way Nick did say "She's gonna kick your ass."

  10. Not my kind of music but it is refreshing that she can SING, hit the high notes, and not singing about SEX at her age.

  11. @Montana~I fear the days of real singers are gone for good. When the stupid countess on real housewives can get a record deal, you know it is a sign of the apocalypse

  12. @skeeball - HA! You don't think "Tardy for the Party" and "Money Can't Buy You Class" are timeless classics? :)

  13. @MCH ~LOL "Money can't buy you class" is sooo bad, I laughed for 3
    days atraight after watching her singing it at the release party! The chipmunk in my backyard sings better than that chick.

  14. I meant 3 days straight. I type as well as she sings

  15. She's got a lot of talent but I can see how it's hard to market that vocal style at her age.

    As for a Susan Boyle moment, not really. She was voted to be on the show by people who saw her video and knew she could sing. She came out in a pretty dress and was polished. Not surprising that she could sing, although if they hadn't shown a clip first you soul expect something more pop like.

  16. Whenever I see little kids with huge talent like this, I can't help but think of Judy Garland and the other child stars that were exploited by the system and messed up beyond believe as they became adults.

    Here's hoping this little girl gets the parental support and guidance that she needs as she is thrust into the entertainment world.

  17. She sings beautifully,and when she takes professional lessons they will teach her not to gasp,or inhale so audibly after each time she sings.

  18. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Awww, when she started crying, so did I. How overwhelming that must be for her.

  19. Not my kind of music either but that still was very incredibly moving. I too wish we could get back to real singers rather than the auto tuned crap that is out there now. When kids start think Ke$ha is the greatest singer ever--you know something is wrong.

  20. For those that think it would be hard to market her, I have one name for you: Charlotte Church.

    She's only been singing for TWO YEARS. At the very least, people will be falling over each other with offers of real coaching and mentoring.

  21. Beverly Sills just got up and gave this little girl a standing ovation. Just WOW.

  22. beautiful! And I love how her parents didn't make her up like those creepy girl beauty pageant contestants.

  23. Hm. Am I the only one that finds this absolutely horrible? *shudder*

  24. Well, it is my kind of music, and while I'm thrilled a kid would try it (assuming because she likes it at least a bit), I'm appalled that people are allowing her to attempt stuff that her voice truly is not ready for. For what? A few minutes of fame. At this point, she doesn't have much control, she's forcing her vibrato, she's wobbling notes, and her timing is uneven, to say the least. I know most people would say I'm being too hard on her because she's young, but I'm pissed off because she's going to wreck the talent she's been blessed with, with all of these really bad habits.

    Give her a few years, and a decent vocal coach, and let her vocal chords and lungs and all of that mature, so that she can truly sing this music the way it's meant to be. For one thing, without a microphone. Then we'll see real ability.

    Why expect a child to do something that is mastered in adulthood? Would we get all excited about a 10 year old writing law school exams, and say, my goodness, it's so cute/impressive when they say "habeas corpus" even though they do it inappropriately? This is like that, to me, only worse, because you can damage vocal chords.

  25. Amen Cecilia250, this girl has real potential, she could be extraordinary, but she needs further coaching. She's got the same chin vibrato that Charlotte Church had at a young age...that is a horribly hard habit to break once it's entrenched, and yes, I do know what I'm talking about.

  26. I don't know if she actually has an entire album out, but she is pictured on itunes. Called "prelude to a dream". When I first saw the picture, I thought "she looks like a kid! what is she, 10 years old?!" Now I know why she looked so young, it's cause she is!
