Friday, August 20, 2010

Always Tip The Midwife

Apparently it is a good idea to tip midwives. Who knew? Police in China have confirmed that a woman who had recently given birth had umm, her anus surgically sewn up by her midwife after the woman had given birth. The midwife said she was helping the woman with a bleeding hemorrhoid and that she was doing it out of goodwill and because she is a good person. At first police did not believe the young mother but then had a look for themselves and discovered her anus had been sewn and the bleeding hemorrhoid had not been touched at all.

This all came about because the husband of the new mother only gave the midwife a $15 tip. Apparently she was expecting much more and even told the man that he should give her a big tip before the child was born.


  1. Do midwives charge for their services in China or are they only paid by tips and donations? What a nasty thing to do.

  2. um, why are the cops looking at her NoNo? isn't there a Dr around for that?

    i'm wondering if midwives are big thing there since they have a max on children...if you don't go to hospital its possible the gov't won't find out?

    I was in China in May and it was odd,hardly any kids around.

  3. she could have killed her...poisoned her entire system...yuk

  4. That is absolutely hideous!

  5. Sorry, but I'm dying over this one. Awful as it is.....

  6. That's ok Clanger, I am going to hell over this one too. At least she figured it out.

  7. @sunnyside1213 - oh good! Wouldn't want to go there alone! LOL

  8. Um.. You can't go very long with a sewn up no-no. That had to really be painful. What an ugly person to do this. She should be ashamed of herself.

  9. I'm disturbed by this post. :)

    I think you just set me off having kids a few more years, Enty. Thanks for the visual! Nothing like a bleeding hemorrhoid anus to start your weekend off! :)

    I'm going to have to ask my mommmy friends about this one....I thought they just paid their midwives/doulas by the hour. Didn't know it was customary to tip but I guess maybe a sewn anus constitutes a bonus payment?

  10. I am wondering, what was the nurse thinking when doing it? Did she think noone will discover it? Or nobody will link this to her? Or that woman will not go to the police? Or that woman can live with sewn No-no without further medical interferance? That's just a crazy thing to do!

  11. that is just heinous. i hope the mother is alright

  12. What in the WHAT. I'm guessing word of mouth isn't a THING in China.
