Friday, August 20, 2010

Most Misleading Headline Of The Day

Wow things must be tough over at The Enquirer today. Not a lot of news so they took two random highly publicized cases and brought them together in one headline.

Anthony-Holloway Linked

They even have a breaking news thing flashing above it. Sounds important right? Sounds like something that would make Nancy Grace orgasm. Well, it is also the most ridiculous thing ever.

The entire article talks about how there is a company that specializes in finding missing people called Texas Equusearch and the lawyers in the Casey Anthony case are going to use it and it was also used in the Natalee Holloway case previously.

Really? That is the link between the two cases? You can do that with anything. I bet it is likely that a policemen in both cases went to McDonald's at some point during the investigations too. That does not make them linked. Ridiculous and a waste of space.


  1. CNN is guilty of this shit too. They post their Cold Case Files like they JUST happened today.

  2. Slightly off topic, but on Saturday night at 10 pm on A&E there is a special on Joran Van der Sloot. I am giong to pvr it.

  3. ooh! thank you.

  4. It must be a super-slow news day over there, because that is pretty stupid. Of course, I think the "Breaking News" moniker is highly overused anyway.

  5. The best part of the article...

    Meanwhile, Joran van der Sloot, long a suspect in the Holloway disappearance, remains under lock and key in a Peruvian prison.

  6. Let's not disparage Texas Equisearch and Tim Miller. He searched for the daughter, Caylee, that Casey murdered, along with thousands of people who helped him. He is an honest person trying to do good work for people in need who was used by killer Casey and her scamming family. Check this article on Tim Miller and killer Casey's case:

    Google Texas Equisearch if you want to help find the missing. These are good, honest people.

  7. @_-_=_ totally agree, and he got into this line of work because his own daughter was murdered and it took a long time to find her body. He is using his pain to help others. like John Walsh

  8. Thanks for the heads up @Sue Ellen!

    @_-_=_ - Totally agree, too. Tim Miller is a really great man, according to a lot of the families he's helped.

    Misleading Headlines & The Enquirer seem to go hand in hand more often than not...

  9. I really hate that asshole Casey Anthony.

  10. Anonymous6:21 AM

    *in Nancy Grace voice* BOMBSHELL TONIGHT! lmfao

  11. They're filming a movie right now about the men who murdered Tim Miller's daughter. They didn't even bother to inform the parents of the victims. Poor taste. Hoping that production company coughs up some of the profits for TES, which is a very good cause.

    Romance writer Judith McNaught is on the TES Board of Directors and has donated hundreds of thousands to Texas Equuas Search to help find missing persons. She deserves a nod, too. She helped finance the searches for Caylee, Natalie, Haleigh Cummings, and many, many more.
