Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cats Of The World Run For Their Lives - Amy Winehouse & Pete Doherty Moving In Together

The Sun has a scary story up today on their site. They claim that Amy Winehouse has offered Pete Doherty one of the rooms at her place. It seems that Pete has no place to live in London while he is recording his new album. He could have gone to that woman's house who was filming him, but she ended up dead because of the drugs he gave her. Hmm. Kate Moss? Probably not a good idea. Oh, there is his old place. You know the one the landlord has probably been trying to clean for a year to get the stench of Pete out of it.

Can you imagine the amount of drugs and booze that would be consumed if Amy & Pete lived together? It would kill one of them for sure.


  1. If I'm a pap in London, I'm camped out permanently at the Local near Amy's house. This one says trainwreck all over it. I'm starting to wish that I still lived in London, so I could see it in person! (although I'd have to wear a body-sized condom, because just standing in the vicinity of them, you'd be exposed to new strains of just about every STD out there)

  2. This can only end in tears and a couple of body bags.

  3. i really hope that we don't see a "GOOD!" comment...

  4. I pass by their pub of choice in Camden regularly and it always makes me shudder.
    I wouldn't dream of walking in and consuming or touching anything in that place, fearing possible contamination by these two.

    They look like they could give you Hepatitis just by breathing on you.

  5. The photo is a certifiable rock classic. This generation's V-J Day in Times Square; Pulitzer material.

    It makes me feel OK; I have never been that out of it.

  6. Shmooey - Protective clothing can be found quite cheap. I think we could take up a collection here so you could stake out the bar. I guess Amy's boyfriend is thrilled about this?

  7. I was wondering what the BF will say too. I will bet you a cheeseburger, he will be gone soon.

  8. __-__=__ - Haha! I'm not sure even a full-body level A Hazmat suit with self-contained SCBA would provide adequate protection against this particular biohazard.

  9. Is it wrong that I want this to be a reality show? It would have to come with subtitles though . . .

  10. That is the most god-awful pic I have ever seen ! Makes me itch just to look at it !
    I used to live fairly near Camden Town eons ago - my it has gone to the dogs !

  11. lol @ Cheryl - totally agree. These two should be ordered to stay apart by law. The pic really says it all.

  12. OMG... the potential for viral mutation!
    Even Michelin can't make a rubber strong enough to protect.
    However, anyone want to make a bet on who goes first? My money's on Amy. Doherty's got too charmed a life, as has been evidenced by everything around him.
    And that's a freakin' pity, because once upon a time, Amy actually had a future and it wasn't at the morticians.

  13. That photo looks like one of those you see of celebrities that becomes one of the last photos taken of the celebrity alive

    (he actually already looks like a corpse there)

  14. F*cking foul, ugh. I know addiction is a disease, I have many family members who suffer from addiction, BUT DAMN. You gotta think that at some point you would see a picture of yourself like this and SOMETHING would sink in, you know? Gross.

  15. Hell, yeah! I say he moves in with her, MTV follows them around with cameras and they televise it as a reality show. "The Real World: Camden." I guarantee it would be a ratings bonanza.

  16. @Robert - I would totally watch that. Totally.
