Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mel Gibson Poll - What Do You Think?

60 Minutes and Vanity Fair coughed up a few bucks and took a poll of 847 Americans nationwide to see whether the Mel Gibson rants and violence and overall horrible behavior would have an effect on their movie choices. In other words they asked whether they would still pay money to see Mel Gibson's movies.

It turns out that 76% of the people polled don't care what Mel did enough to the point where they would stop seeing his movies. Only 20% of the people polled say they would be less likely to see one of his movies.

Well, I am not seeing one and I want to know where they found the 76% of the people who obviously have no problem with what this guy has done and are happy to keep giving him millions of dollars. What do you think? Are you going to see his movies?


  1. I won't go see his movies. But I do understand why people would. Many people do not keep up with current events and do not care what a person does in real life. Those people just care about whether the movie is good or not.

  2. Who has paid money to see a Mel Gibson movie in the last 10 years, regardless?

  3. i'd rent a dvd but i dont' go to movies in theatres

  4. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! How can people support a man like that? No thanks, he is selling crazy and I am not buying.

  5. People also don't seem to care about Charlie Sheen's behaviour. And others like him.

    When people "like" a famous person, they will overlook a multitude of offences, the same way they will irrationally "hate" some other public figure they have taken a dislike to, even when they do nothing to deserve it.

  6. I am Team Oksana all the way on this. I don't know what others heard on those recordings but I know what I heard. The movies he directs are not my taste so it's easy to avoid Mel Gibson and I will. I haven't seen any of his movies in around the last ten years or more.

  7. hell to the no, i am even upset that he is in some of my old favorites and i probably won't watch them again. I'm talking "Fairytale: A True Story" and he's only in the very end of that.

  8. I would stop and watch one of his old ones on TV, back when he was likable since a lot of those films were actually good. However, I have no interest in any of his work post-meltdown/rant.

  9. Does anyone really go to a movie anymore because of a certain actor? I once thought I'd go see anything Harrison Ford was in, but no. It depends on other things. If Mel Gibson was actually in a good movie and it looked interesting enough, and I wanted to waste $$ at the theater, I'd go see it, or wait for it to be on cable. Movies allow me to suspend my disbelief, and that includes any belief of how great or how horrible the actor is in real life.

  10. No, I won't see any of his movies....in fact I don't think I've seen any of his latest (15 years foward) movies. He's just Mel Gibson in every single one.

  11. This is a good example of "how to lie with statistics."

    The question was, Are you less likely to see a Mel Gibson movie as a result of the recent scandal?

    I haven't seen a Mel Gibson movie since "The Year of Living Dangerously" in 1982, which I didn't particularly like.

    So I am NOT less likely to see a Gibson film because of Mel's recent behavior. I am one of the 76%.

    And judging by the grosses of Mel's recent oevre, a lot of people are just like me.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I don't see Woody Allen movies,because he's a pedophile that married his stepdaughter even though I think he's hilarious.

    I am sure as hell not going to see some stupid a** movie made by an anti-semitic, misogynist, racist, arrogant religious freak. THat would be hell to the no, sugar tits.

  14. Now that I know how the asshole thinks, no freaking way. I'm not adding bank to his crazy ass.

  15. Does this poll really surprise you? The American attitude towards abusive assholes has always been "love the art, hate the artist."

    Chris Brown is still making CDs and is in a movie that's coming out (or already has come out, I don't care enough to check), and Roman Polanski has the support of countless Hollywood stars. The victims can't win when their abusers keep cashing checks from indifferent movie goers.

    I have had no desire to watch any of his crap since he released Passion of the Christ. That movie gave me a weird vibe.

  16. No. Just no. No Mel Gibson. No Charlie Sheen. No Chris Brown. No Nickelback. I could go on....... There's just too much other good stuff to spend my time and money on.

  17. If the movie is interesting enough I might go and see it, regardless of who is starring in it. Mel is a DICK, but the ONLY difference between Mel and the other LOSERS in Hollywood is that his craziness was all caught on tape. I am pretty sure there are people in Hollywood who are 10 times worse than him, we just don't know it.

  18. Mazemerizing: I used to think like that, until Woody Allen. I watched "Husbands and Wives" last night. I enjoyed it back in the day, but couldn't now (its autobiographical-ick).

    I could never believe Gibson in a role where he was driven by love, beliefs or family (which is his movies). Maybe something where he was horribly mutilated.

  19. Lady J: ITA. You said it much better than I did.

  20. I took Chris Brown off my iTunes, and I love a lot of his songs.

    Mel Gibson -- it's OVAH.

  21. Sorry to post so much, but I find this a really interesting question. I think the main problem with Hollywood isn't the caliber of actors and their private lives, but the caliber of the movies that are made. Most of them suck. So I guess I'm saying if one squeaked by that was actually good and happened to star Mel Gibson, Chris Brown and directed by Woody Allen, I might go see it. But that's doubtful because scandal or no scandal neither Woody or Mel have made anything good in quite awhile. And, well, hopefully Chris doesn't start acting.

  22. I don't think I could see him acting in a movie and be able to totally forget about the man behind the character. If he directs something that I want to see, I will go, but I will buy a ticket for something else the way I did with Apocolypto.

  23. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Never paid to see them before, and I do not plan on starting now. Even if I wanted to: I wouldn't support him. Also, like other over-exposed celebrities, it's hard to separate the tabloid persona from the character on screen.

  24. I won't go...and now with the Bed Bug problem in New York I double won't go to the movies....

  25. I thought in America you were innocent until proven guilty? You guys have already convicted him....

  26. It's not that we're convicting him, but knowing what he has said and done makes his movies less enjoyable for me. I also have no desire to line his pockets or his studio's pockets, or anyone making money off of him. I used to really look forward to his movies, but no more.

  27. Cindy 2+2 doesn't equal 5. If you combine the tapes to the "rants" from his previous arrest to some of his interviews in recent years, he is wholly consistent. He can keep going to "rehab" and apologizing, but it doesn't change the fact that he just does it again. And that whole "they will not believe you" really bothered me. He is PR savvy enough to know that he can say and do anything but his fans will not believe it? Beyond ick.

  28. The last movie I saw of his was "The Patriot" and that was mostly because of Heath & I'm a sucker for revolutionary war films. I saw a single DVD of that on a shelf at Wal-Mart this weekend and thought "Who would buy this with him in it & on the front cover?" I certainly wouldn't now. But I guess 76% of people out there would. For me personally, I just can't. I don't care if he becomes the greatest actor of all time & stars in a movie that I really want to see, as I refuse to put a single penny in his pocket from my own.

  29. I can't support what he did to Octosana, so probably no. It's a shame cause I really liked the Passion of the Christ and What Women want. Thanks a lot Mel!!

  30. Also, I completely agree with Nutty Flavour said about manipulating statistics. The people conducting the poll could have asked better quetions to get a more accurate response. Who commisioned the survey is what I would like to know.

  31. I can't even hear his voice in Mad Max without thinking about the Octosana rants! That was some sick stuff. My ears are forever infected.

  32. "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Disraeli

  33. @GladysKravitz --hahahaaaaaaa!
    Good one!

    And I agree.

    But then again, we don't go to the movies anyway, nor really ever watch them on TV or rent them or even have a movie channel in our cable package...

    But F*CK Mel Gibson anyway, regardless of his sh*tty movies!

  34. Well I follow the gossip sites and after the DUI rant a few years ago, Mel Gibson was dead to me. My mom doesn't follow any of this stuff. I sat her down this summer and told her (also Charlie Sheen stuff). She had no idea, but now they're both dead to her too. And she told some of her friends in her bridge group, her book club .......

    Sometimes, it just takes longer for the word to get around.

  35. Absolutely not. I frigging LOVED Apocalypto, but won't see another of his movies. Just like I'm done with Chris Brown, Polanski and Woody Allen. With so much good 'art' out there, douchebags like that make it easy for me to narrow down what I have time to see!

  36. I did love The Patriot, though. I think that's the last of his flicks I've seen.

  37. Another reason I don´t understand Tom Cruise´s quick fall.

  38. When one of his movies comes on TV, I change the channel. No longer comfortable looking at him, let alone paying more money (than I've already spent) to see him.

  39. No.
    And while there are a number of reasons for that decision, the latest episode was honestly the straw that broke this camel's back.
    Support the SOB? Only when the Pope personally conducts a gay marriage.

  40. i saw "the ghost writer" by Polanski(great movie),i'll go to see the movies with Christian Bale and i'll go to see movies with Gibson if the movies are good.All i want is good movies but i never listened Chris Brown's music and i never will listen his music.Why? because usually i like to see older movies with Gibson(Lethal Weapon 1/2) Gibson again needs to see these movies because Riggs was a nice guy(remember his lines about Apartheid)and i don't believe he's racist or antisemist or homophobic(he's friend with Richard Donner,Foster ...)

  41. NOPE!! Never. Despite the fact that Mel Gibson movies have been on tv like crazy since this all started coming out. Hmm, surely that's a *coincidence* right?

  42. Braveheart use to be my favorite movie. Ever since the "sugar tits" rant I can't even see him in commercial without wanting to puke.

    My cousin still loves him and thinks he can do no wrong. I told her she's crazy but she won't listen to me.

  43. Oksana is such a loser that she made it into a 'he said/she said' with not only her actions, but the money she sought. She stopped pretty low. Not justifying a beating, just pointing out 2 dirtbags in a relationship.

  44. Oksana is such a loser that she made it into a 'he said/she said' with not only her actions, but the money she sought. She stopped pretty low. Not justifying a beating, just pointing out 2 dirtbags in a relationship.

  45. Oksana is such a loser that she made it into a 'he said/she said' with not only her actions, but the money she sought. She stopped pretty low. Not justifying a beating, just pointing out 2 dirtbags in a relationship.

  46. I stopped several years ago after the first round of craziness; so @nutty flavor may have a point.

  47. Say it again, Lady J!

  48. Wait, did I miss something? Christian Bale boycott. Why?

  49. Sure, if he actually did something good.

  50. I won't see his movies as I find him repulsive. Many people don't see how making a stand makes all that much of a difference. I guess I'm one of the deluded idealists who thinks it could. I've been boycotting WalMart for 13 years. Then again, both Mel Gibson and WalMart are richer than god, but still a couple dollars poorer, LOL. Chris Brown isn't going to get any of my money either, nor is anyone who I know to abuse women, children, or humans in general.

  51. Depends on the movie. Sometining like The Patriot or Braveheart Yes I would go see it. Something like Passion Of The Christ no I wouldn't. Maybe if I thought Octosana was a decent human being and not a gold digging whore what he said would bother me more,but to me she is every bit as bad as him.

  52. Honestly Enty? If I couldn't see movies or listen to music everytime I disagreed with what a person does in their real life, I wouldn't see or listen to anything! According to you, we shouldn't be watching anything with Charlie Sheen, Sean Penn, Mel Gibson, Ethan Hawke, Jude Law, Sienna Miller, we can't listen to Chris Brown, can't watch golf, Monster Garage... so many many others.

    If a movie is good, I'll watch it. If music is good, I'll listen to it. People can go do whatever it is they're going to do in their real lives. It's not my responsibility to police them.

    If it makes you feel any better, I don't generally PAY for said movies and music. And the chances of Mel Gibson making a movie I want to watch are pretty slim anyway.

  53. Not like I've seen any of his movies in the last 10 years anyway, as someone else said. But definitely boycotting him now. As a survivor of a verbally abusive marriage myself (I am female despite my moniker) I don't know how anyone can make excuses for this man. It makes no difference what Oksana's actions or motives were. It doesn't change the fact that Mel Gibson is guilty of domestic abuse.

  54. No way in hell. That ship has sailed, and while my little contribution to his downfall may mean nothing in the long run, I will NOT support him in any way shape or form.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Well, you know, I would, but I am just too darn busy starting wars.

  57. Probably not...but b/c I rarely go to the movies.

  58. I did pay to see Signs. Not because it was a Mel Gibson movie but because it looked like another interesting M. Night Shyamalan story back before either guy had become laughingstocks.

    Mel has never really done anything for me as an actor but we did watch the DVD of Signs a couple of days ago because we were in the mood for an alien picture.

    That said, I'd be unlikely to go out and see a movie produced by Sugartits himself. He's just too silly to me.
