Monday, August 09, 2010

Charlie Sheen Beat Up Brooke Mueller Three Months Before Christmas

So guess what? The District Attorney in Aspen had a police report that said that Brooke Mueller got the crap beat out of her by Charlie Sheen three months prior to the Christmas death threats.

When police were investigating the December death threats and violence, Broke told police that three months prior she had confronted Charlie about his hooker use and that he threw her around like a "rag doll." He threw her head into a piece of furniture which caused a closed head injury, a CAT scan and treatment by multiple physicians. She told this same story during three separate interviews with Aspen police.

When Aspen police asked Charlie about this he said, "it was inadvertent." He was "trying to restrain her. It was an accident."

Aspen does not care at all about Brooke or any other woman who gets beat up. It's obvious. Yes, Brooke has done drugs and has a shady past but that does not give anyone the right to beat her. Yes, she should have known that Charlie has a history of domestic violence towards women but that does not give him any right to slam her head into furniture. If the District Attorney job is elected in that county, I would hope someone will give him a fight in the next election. I am guessing it must be a guy because I am hoping a woman would have never let Charlie walk like this.

There is so much more that this site has dug up and they have read all the police reports. It is a must read today.


  1. So Sheen is "White OJ". Like they say, follow the money.

  2. I have one name...Yeardley Love...she was from my hometown, my high school...and it never should have happened.

  3. Sad stuff. I wouldn't care except that there are children whose outlook on life is being affected by this. Years of drug abuse by the parents have probably warped their emotional circuitry -- stimulant abuse makes a person brittle and anger-prone for a long, long time. Coke freaks can get really violent and weird, even long after they stop. But if they're sober and wishing they could still get high all the time, they're miserable people. Sometimes dangerous, too.

  4. Can someone please explain to me why this douchbag isn't blacklisted?? Urgh..

  5. But he's funny! So let's throw $10 million more at him! *facepalm*

  6. wow, and i don't see this as an entertainment headline anywhere.

  7. fck fck fck fck. i hate this fcking guy. that is all.

  8. HIGHLY over-rated sitcom, BTW. Just saw about 10 minutes of it for the first time the other day and was seriously underwhelmed by it.

    What's so fucking great about a string of one-liners and a laugh track?

    H'wood can suck my dick (I'll grow one just for them).

  9. @selenakyle, I've watched ten minutes of the show too, but in thirty-second increments over the years. It's a horrible show. Every time I see it, there is someone saying some sit-com put-down at the other character, and I try to turn the channel before the insulted person gets his insult in. Dumb stuff.

  10. Everytime I hear about DA I always wonder why don't these chicks hit back? Surely, eventually, they must get tired of it and snap?

  11. People, if you watch Two and a Half Men, stop watching it. If you know friends/family that watch it, tell them to stop watching it too. He can't have a job if no one watches his shows/films.

  12. somehow charlie gets a pass from his fans even when they know the shit he's done. 'he's just a bad boy. haha. oh, that charlie!' i've actually heard friends of mine say that who love him and love that show.

    it's that appeal he has (that i've never understood) that makes it so easy for him to find women. they all think he's misunderstood or just hasn't been with THEM yet.

    sad and disgusting but it's true.

  13. I hope he won't get any more women to fall for this crap.

  14. I thought all along the fight happened because Brooke was drunk and probably high a 8am and was just out of control. It appears I was wrong and Charlie really is a woman beater. She was stupid for staying after he caused a closed head injury - but she's lucky she's still alive. It doesn't matter either because there will be another woman to take her place as soon as the divorce is finalized. Ugh I can't believe I believed he didn't do anything to her.

  15. He got away with it for two reasons the first being he's very wealthy and the second being he can always use the excuse of her drug abuse. He will continue to choose woman with drug problems or whom have a sordid past to use against them when they report incidents of domestic violence.

  16. NOMD is absolutely correct. This is the abuser's MO. They like to pick damaged women because they can easily take control and when things go bad, they can blame it on the woman with the sordid past. "Of course I didn't hit her; she made it up. You can't honestly believe a whore/drug addict/porn star/golddigger." Sound familiar?

  17. i don't get why this asshat gets so many breaks?! =O
