Monday, August 09, 2010

Katy Perry Slams Her Ex

In what she is calling her "You Oughta Know" song, Katy Perry takes a few well placed shots at her ex-boyfriend Travis McCoy. The NY Post has an excerpt from the song Circle The Drain.

"Thought I was the exception/ I could rewrite your addiction/ You could have been the greatest/ But you'd rather get wasted/ You fall asleep during foreplay/ 'Cause the pills you take are more your forté/ I'm not sticking around to watch you go down/ Wanna be your lover/ Not your [bleep]ing mother."

Wow. Sounds like there is some bitterness there huh? Travis has made no secret of his pill addiction but says he is clean now. He also has a hit song. The thing about Alanis' song was that we all think we know who it is about, but I don't think she has ever actually come out and said who it is about. Dave Coulier from Full House was always the popular guess. In this case, Katy does not really leave any doubt who it is referring too and I am not sure if you should be bringing up someone's addiction in a song. The guy has tried to get sober, says he is sober now so it seems like she is kind of kicking the guy when he was already down.


  1. She's such an attention ho! I'm sick of her and her lack of actual talent. If you write a song like this for therapeutical reasons you should hide the identity of the person it's based on. She's only doing this for attention purposes, and doesn't care who pays for it!

  2. i guess the whole thing about song writing is writing about your lifes experiences, but i think Katy Perry is very childish. i would think she would have a little more empathy for a fellow human being who is trying to live a better life.

    but i just can't stand Katy Perry. i hate it when her songs come on the radio when i'm driving the schoolbus and all the little girls want me to crank it up *shudder* it's ure torture!

  3. Geez, she has sex with Russell Brand. Can't be the sharpest tool in the shed.

  4. i'd like to add but you three above me did a bang up job.

    she just rubs me the wrong way.

  5. Travis should reply with a song called "When I F*cked You, I Was Thinking About Zooey Deschanel".

  6. Ha ha, funny Nightmare Child!

    I read somewhere that she and Kesha (no dollar sign from me) used to go out prowling for famous musicians a couple of years back. Makes sense, I guess. Birds of a feather..

  7. They have been broken up for awhile some point you need to get over it. Seriously.

  8. @Nightmare Child...BRIILIANT! i think i choked on my diet pepsi when i read that!

  9. LOL @ Nightmare Child

  10. hahahah @nightmare. loves it.

  11. Bwahahaha may I humbly make an addition to the song title, Nightmare? Perhaps a follow up song?
    "I f*cked the Low Rent, Thai Ladyboy Version of Zooey Deschanel and All I Got Was This Crappy Song Written About Me"

  12. i dont' see what's wrong with it. it's a song she wrote about something she lived through---and i'm sure she went through hell trying to be in a relationship with an addict.
    why should she not put out a song because it might offend some former (i guess) junkie?

    i barely know who katy perry is, but i see nothing wrong with this at all. and if he wants to return the favor, i say fine for him too.

  13. She may have written the song a while back. And Dave said in an interview that the alanis song was about him and that he talked to her about it after and they spent the day together hanging out and it was nice, etc. It was really sweet.

  14. When I think this woman can't get any more annoying, she goes and attempts to rhyme "foreplay" with "forté"...

    Seriously, has it come to this?!

  15. Which Alanis song was about Dave Coulter? (Yes, I will go get back under my rock in Obliviousville.)

  16. @Sunnyside...'You Oughta Know'

  17. You said it Nancer.
    As much as I love this site and as much as I worship Michael K at Dlisted, I wish the Dlisted gang didn't come here. This is not where we get nasty about every. single. thing. ever. Just because we can. But that is what it is becoming.

  18. I can't believe that Alanis Morrissette was that devastated about Uncle Joey. lol. Really though.

  19. "I'm Katy Perry and I sat on a mat,
    I'm Katy Perry and I got a cat.
    I can rhyme my words you know,
    I write well for an attention ho.
    Russell Brand is my main squeeze,
    is it weird that I'm writing about another skeeze?


    I love media,
    I love press
    My boob is hanging out of this dress.
    I love media,
    I love press,
    I don't care that you think I'm a hot mess

    Take it to the bridge:

    I kissed a girl in a song that made me famous
    Who over the age of 14 doesn't think my music is heinous?
    I went to India and posed with my fiance
    I'm oblivious to those who wish I'd go away.

    Chorus to fade..

  20. considering how holier than thou she claims to be, you'd think she'd have mercy on a "lesser being" and his substance issues. you don't kick an addict when they're trying to get better. i could understand writing a cryptic song about your experiences, but you don't air someone else's dirty laundry for your benefit.

    god, i can't stand her. keep it classy katy!

  21. I can't stand Katy Perry but I don't think this is a big deal. People put out songs about their experiences all the time. If you date a musician, expect to show up in a lyric or two.

  22. "If you date a musician, expect to show up in a lyric or two."

    Example - Fall Out Boy:

    "I'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song."

    Godsmack's new song "Cryin Like a B****" is about Nikki Sixx, Eric Clapton's "Layla" is about Patti Boyd...we could go on & on...

  23. @Dani: "Godsmack's new song "Cryin Like a B****" is about Nikki Sixx"

    I didn't know Sully Erna and Nikki Sixx had dated!
    I am learning so much on this blog.

  24. it is absolutely ok to write a song about an ex, theraputic even! the problem i have with what Katy Perry did was it seems she was kicking him in the nads and digging up very personal demons of a former loved one to further her own 'career'. kicking drugs has got to be insanely hard, and then to have someone crap on your efforts like that is just cruel.

    on the other hand, maybe i'm a big old hypocrite because i genuinely don't like her music and she gets on my very lastest nerve...i'm open to that possibility :)

  25. John's comment/song is full of win.

  26. really, katy, really? fail. do not pass go, do not collect $200. back to the taylor swift school of boy-broke-my-heart-and-here's-a-little-song-i-wrote-about-it 101.

  27. Thanks chopchop - I'm only sad I don't have her lyric writers money. I was asleep when I wrote this so apparently there is a great million dollar market for sleep induced writing?

  28. I think his next song should be:

    " I can get sober but you'll always be a low rent media 'ho."

  29. I agree with Ms. Leigh... lately Ms. Perry seems full of judgment, sporting the holier-than-thou attitude a little too often in recent months.

    She can write whatever she wants but it just strikes me as yet another cheap shot at more PR.

    Sick of the whole "I'm such a quirky pin-up girl" schtik. How many incarnations of that have we seen. If her music was better, I could tolerate it. Boring. Moving on.

  30. Love this line: You fall asleep during foreplay/ 'Cause the pills you take are more your forté


  31. Speaking from experience of having an ex husband with a dug habit and was/is an's a family disease and it effects everyone. The family and spouse and partners go through so much pain that the addict has no clue about. They aren't mentally able for that. We all come out of it with our own pain and our own truths.

  32. Hey, she's a Christian--she IS holier than thou! And notice how that outfit (and all her other ones)show off her boobs?

  33. Come on, now... How is she a Christian?
    Just because her parents reportedly are Christians and raised her a certain way, it doesn't make her one.

  34. Sue Ellen Mishkey said...
    I can't believe that Alanis Morrissette was that devastated about Uncle Joey. lol. Really though.
    Neither could I! BYW, it was rumored her other song, which I liked better, "Hands Clean"was also inspired by Uncle Joey too? Katy Perry is no Carly Simon. We will not be here 40 years later trying to figure out who the subject of her song was.

  35. She still claims herself to be a Christian, and used religion to take a few stabs at Lady Gaga on her Twitter not too long ago. Not to mention she was originally a gospel musician, before getting a makeover, selling out, and pretending she actually kisses girls.

    Having said that, Katy Perry is ten times more obnoxious, annoying, and overrated than Gaga, with not even a fraction of the talent. Why this manufactured skank gets so much attention I'll never understand.

    And she doesn't have room to talk about ANYONE'S drug issues, be that past or present, what with being engaged to quite possibly the sleaziest cokehead ever, Brand.

  36. If she recorded this song on her first cd, I don't see much of a problem with it, but if it came out now it's a little too late.

    But in any case, mighty Christian of ya Katy!

  37. I'm not a huge fan or anything but...I don't think this is that big a deal. I'm sure he's a big boy & can handle having a song written about him. Its not like it was a secret.

  38. I don't get why she is so pissed about his pill addiciton.

    Her fiance is an addict. Heroin, cocaine, pot, sex...etc. etc.

    Maybe it's who she attracts.

    Imagine the song she'll write when Russell cheats on her, if he hasn't already.

  39. As much as I can't stand Katy Perry and her terrible "music," the ex-bf came out in interviews a few months ago questioning her lightning-fast engagement to Russell Brand (insinuating that she cheated on him although their relationship was long over when she met Brand, and I'm SOembarrassed to know this). He also released a mixtape/album called "Forgetting Katy Perry," so seeing as how he's trying to make $ off her new (albeit undeserved) fame, I'd say he deserves whatever he gets. They're both losers and poor excuses for "musicians." Blech.
