Friday, August 06, 2010

A Dating Site For Virgins

If you want to stay a virgin until you are married than I support your decision 100%. Please feel free to do what you want. This is not about you, but about this new website that is only for virgins and only for people who will wait until they get married to have sex. Nothing wrong with getting on board the Jonas Brothers train or that train Britney said she was on until we found out later she lied to us. Wasn't Miley on this purity train too?

My problem is with the site itself. While I think it is great you want to put two people together who share the same values, how do you know they do? How do you know that someone who says they are a virgin is a virgin? Are they having to provide medical documentation? What if they got drunk one night at college and slipped up but have been good since? Does that throw them off the site? What if you have decided to be celibate after being married a few times? What if you really love Madonna and Like A Virgin? What if you are not a heterosexual virgin but are a homosexual virgin? Is there a loophole there? Who makes the rules?

The owners of the site were virgins when they met and say they were virgins until they got married 17 years ago. The good news is that "Looking back in retrospective during our marriage, we can attest that we have grown more intimately and are becoming more talented in that area. We do not regret for a moment having entered marriage, with both of us being virgins. On the contrary, we see virginity as a major blessing that has given us the opportunity to appreciate one another even more."

I have looked through the site, and here is the link so you can also. Can anyone find out how they do the virgin check? I also can't figure out why they would mention the woman who sold her virginity for $5M. That seems kind of the wrong message to be sending on a dating site. Do you think that is the business they want to get into? Taking a percentage of the money a woman gets for her virginity?


  1. Oh my god, that is going to be predator central.

  2. Parts of me are virgin. Does that count?

  3. Agree Mooshki, that site is going to to keep Chris Hansen very busy catching predators.

  4. People who are not virgins running a site for virgins. Interesting...

  5. I am a born again virgin. Does that count?

  6. whoa, that is crazy stuff! i don't think it matters so much if a person stays a virgin, but that the person you decide to marry has your same values. i actually was a virgin when i got married at 21, but that was my own personal decision, and i didn't need a website to help me find a husband!

  7. It's a nice thought, but I agree with Mooshki. Some asshole(s) will ruin it.

  8. Dangerous. I was really innocent and naive in my virginal days. I'm lucky no one took advantage of me in a bad way.

  9. @Cheryl...ditto ;) i look back and see where some people tried and i shudder and my naivete...hahaha

  10. Ya, creep magnate for sure.

    I don't understand the sacredness of virginity when some folks think it's okay to do everything else in the book, but are somehow more chaste & noble because they haven't had intercourse. If people are going to ram that down my throat (pun intended), then TRULY remain intimate free 'till your wedding day, otherwise get in line with the rest of us heathens.

    Everything is replaceable & fixable: Wealthy Saudi Arabian girls fly to Europe to have their hymans restored before getting checked out for marriage. I'm sure the Royals in other countries have done the same.

  11. I agree with many of you. This website is going to attract some real lowlifes. The type of scum who think it'd be really funny to "hunt" virgins. I've heard of frat houses that make a big deal out of it if any of the brothers "bangs a virgin." Lots of these dirtbags will ruin the intention of this site. As for the virgin authenticity, I assume this site, as with most dating sites, has to operate under the honor system. I wouldn't have wanted to marry a virgin, but I think it's great if someone else does.

  12. @sunnyside1213 Me too! "Born again virgins" rock! :P

    BTW...I think it's okay for Miley and others to change their minds about the pledges their parents/churches/managers forced on them, if they so choose. Changing your mind doesn't make you hypocrite. Lying about your current activities does.

    On that note but off-topic, um...none of the Jonas Brothers wear purity rings any more as of this summer. Nick (almost 18) wears his on a necklace...but Joe (almost 21) got rid of his completely a couple of months ago, after a mission trip. I'm surprised no one's noticed, since such obnoxious hoopla was made of them having them in the first place.

  13. Has anyone else noticed that the site is now offering some sort of membership upgrade if you're a FEMALE virgin? That makes me think there are a lot of dudes joining up, and not so many women. Well, duh. You've got your geeky guys who were too scared and have ended up virgins as a result, and your guys who are nowhere close to being virgins, but love popping cherries. Yuck. This site gives me the skeevies.

  14. Speaking of predators - there's going to be a law in New Jersey that says the any teenage driver needs to put a sticker on the license, so the police will know. I think this is a horrendous idea - I don't need predators or even a car of drunk frat brothers following my daughter. I hope this law will be shot down..

  15. Shouldn't it be You and I are Pure?

  16. I am a non practicing virgin.
