Friday, August 06, 2010

Ted C Blind Item

Here's an Awful Truth first: This entire friggin' cast is in on the Vice! But instead of focusing on the entire group, we decided to introduce you to the three biggest troublemakers, 'cause we know they'll be making future appearances.

So let's welcome Buella Bland, Kelly Guten-Shoes and Drew Smolder 'n' Such to our Vicey vault for some truly Teddy O'Bong-type behavior...

But before we get to the ganja goodness, let's set the scene for this trio and their night out on the town. See, Buella, Kelly and Drew work extra hard to maintain their fame. Trust, it's a full-time gig aside from their full-time jobs as, you know, actors.

So it's only fair that when the trio clocks out from another long day on the 9 to 5 (or whatever hours they happen to be shooting their sometimes-sexy scenes), they get a little R and R.

And when they relax, they always bring along the rest of the folks they work with. Thoughtful, don't you think? So refreshing to see a cast (and crew, no less) full of folks who actually like each other—whether Vice-induced or not.

On this particular night, BB, KGS and DS2 took the gang out to celebrate one of their fave directors, and where better to create some mildly wild memories than a strip club? Dudes and ladies, alike, packed the place to peep some babes grinding on the pole and flashing their hoo-has.

And when that director—who, no doubt, has just as much reason to need some dubious downtime as his star threesome—innocently asked the cast if anyone might happen to have a little bit of weed, the answer was a resounding hell yes!

Buella, Kelly and Drew even had pipes and other paraphernalia on ‘em—because there's nothing like kickin' back with some g-string types and some not-quite-legal smokes...not when you're young and hot, that is, which they totally are.

See, we're not exactly surprised by this kind of behavior from Kell and Drew, totally chill if you know what we mean, but Buella, on the other hand, can be a downright bitch. Tightass, too.

With all that pot puffin', you'd think her nasty ‘tude would improve, but no. Jeez!

And It Ain't: The Office, Gossip Girl, 30 Rock


  1. Oh, and Buella = Lea, of course.

  2. I have no idea who the people/show is in the B.I. because I can't crack the pidgin English Ted uses. In fact, I give up halfway through his blinds.

    Good luck to the rest of ya'll.

  3. Kids smoking pot. Why isn't that legal already?

  4. And for those who care, Ausiello did some 'Glee' interviews and Cory & Kevin are clearly buzzed. :)

  5. Ted Speak gives me a headache.

    Glee. Why is this even blind?

  6. People who work together going out to a strip club and smoking pot???? ESCANDALO!!!! I hope the Globe will have pictures!!!!

    Slow news week, Ted?

  7. ^ Seriously. This is so not a BI. It's obviously Glee.

  8. I guess it could be Glee since Ted revealed Lea M as another blind already. He said he sometimes gives them new names if they've been revealed.
    Just for fun I'm going to say the cast of Big Bang Theory.

  9. "sometimes sexy scenes" - doesn't really sound like Glee to me.

  10. Glee, and Lea is totally Buella...

    And Valerie, I don't know if it was a pun (bc Ted is an idiot) but they DO shoot "sex" scenes on Glee- awkward, weird, teen sex scenes if that is what he is counting as "sex"y.

  11. @mooshki: i'm one of 5 people in america who hasn't watched glee but i watched that link you had...soooooo high. from one stoney to another, he really can't do interviews or crowds high. and see how he even has a bottle of h2o in hand...

  12. all that trouble for a story about people smoking POT????

    jesus. the world would be a better place if everybody smoked pot.

  13. Make that 6 Awesome Balla!

    Poor Ted, 10 totally effed paragraphs to tell us someone smoked pot & went to a peeler bar.

  14. who the gives a shit about pot smoking? is there anyone who doesn't smoke?

    lame-ass BI.

  15. Work is slammin' my pea-sized brain too hard today to deal with reading this mangled up mess of Ted's. I'll go back and read it Sunday or something!

  16. First I'd like to congratulate Ted on having a blind that wasn't about some over-sexed, in-the-closet actor. However, why the hell does he have to make what should have been a short vice so freaking long??? The good looking young cast and crew of a TV show went to a strip club with a director (presumably young as well) and smoked some pot. One of the actress is known to be a bitch. See how simple that was, Ted?

    I think it's probably Glee, too. But just for fun, how about some of the younger cast members of "Big Love"? Chole Sevenigy (I'm sure I butchered that spelling) has rubbed some people the wrong way. I like her, though.

  17. " sometimes-sexy scenes..."

    I'll guess TRUE BLOOD.

  18. Where did it say it was a television show? I was thinking cast from Twilight - Taylor, Rob, Kristen?

  19. Since when does The Office and 30 Rock have sexy scenes and a "young and hot" cast? His 'Nots' are useless...but picturing sexy scenes between those two shows is more amusing than this blind.

  20. Balla, make it 7!

  21. Balla, make it 7!

  22. I don't think it's Glee. According to other gossip sites, the cast HATES Lea and she's a complete DIVA.

    I think this is True Blood.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. My first reaction was True Blood too. Anna Paquin and Vampire Bill are dating, so it would make sense that they'd go to a strip club together. The crew also seems pretty tight judging from the candid photos I've seen. And Paquin seems like a total pothead.

    Also, Sookie Stackhouse = Buella Bland. Drew Smolder 'N Such = Vampire Bill. I have no idea about Kelly Guten-Shoes though. Maybe the actress who plays Pam?

  25. Why is it that every time a Ted C BI is posted, there are people who insist on complaining about how confusing Ted's language is? You know it's Ted C. You know how he writes. Read it and deal with it or ignore the post altogether. But stop posting to just complain about his writing style!

    Also, I like the True Blood guess. :P

  26. I'm with Trish. Its been years, people.

    That said, I was thinking Gossip Girl. Bad??

  27. love the glee guess... but the whole time i read this bv i was thinking vampire diaries...

  28. Make that 8 people, lol. . . and a ticket for the True Blood train.

  29. Nine people, when you count me. I've seen about 3 minutes of it. But I LOVVVVE True Blood.

  30. People smokimng pot?! Santo Dios! (courtesy of Michael K) It does sound like Glee.

  31. I vote 90210, if not Glee. I don't see three actors from True Blood that fit the three described.
