Friday, August 20, 2010

Larry Birkhead Testifies Again

Yesterday Larry Birkhead spent some of his afternoon telling a packed courtroom about Anna Nicole Smith's drug use. Nothing he said really shocked me. He said that she told him that she was not a drug addict and he believed her. Don't all drug addicts say they are not addicted? He did say he was concerned about her drug use and that at one point he tried to hide some, but Howard Stern told Larry to give them back because Anna needed the methadone to live.

Larry believed him and never hid drugs from Anna again. To me this all sounds like a bunch of people who were supposed to be friends like Stern and his sister and the various doctors all just enabled this woman to take as many drugs as she wanted because they wanted to bask in her fame. It kind of reminds me about Elvis and how no one would really stand up and say something even though they knew the drugs were killing him because they did not want to get fired or lose their access to the star.

It is kind of disappointing that Larry backed down so easily and just let Anna keep taking drugs and letting other people provide them. If you care for someone don't you want to try and help them? I am still amazed that Anna managed to even have a baby with all of the medications and drugs she was taking.


  1. I think Larry probably did some of the bad stuff too, but not nearly to the degree Anna Nicole and Stern did...and was naive. I don't know. Stupid and tragic all around, except for that cutie patootie Dannielynn!

  2. Do we know if Anna Nicole was a recovering heroin addict? Because if she was, she might have, indeed, needed methadone. Although typically you don't get your own supply for it, you are enrolled in a methodone clinic where its use is supervised.

  3. You can't force someone to stop taking drugs, they have to do it on their own. I am sure plenty of people told her to stop but if she was unwilling to do it then their was nothing that they could do. In the end the loser in this situation is her daughter because she has to grow up without her mom.

  4. I think it was worse then wanting to bask in her fame. Howard K. Stern was obsessed with her and the drugs kept her under his control of sorts. She needed him to get the drugs and that kept him in her orbit.

    All very, very sad. But she was a walking train wreck and I am just glad her daughter won't be subjected to her mom's insanity.

  5. @Lady J - I think Dannielynn may be better off growing up without her mother. JMO but ANS was a mess.

  6. Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors, I totally agree with you. I was going to say the same thing. Heroin addicts do need Methadone to live. I would not be alive today were it not for Suboxone. I had a Narcotic pills dependency,not Heroin though,and Suboxone is the wonderful!

  7. i dont think it's fair to blame larry, no one knows the complete truth and although a lot of people seem like they were the enablers in her life, it was her decsion to take the drugs. She could of stopped and gotten help if she seeked it out.

  8. I am still angry about Stern trying to keep Dannilynn away from her real dad. I think Stern is a user. Of people.

  9. @Mikey

    I agree that Anna was a mess but I don't think her daughter should have to grow up without a mother. But I understand what you are saying too.

  10. Lady J said it well -- it's impossible to get someone off drugs who doesn't want to get off drugs. It's pretty damn hard to help someone who does want to get off drugs.

    In any case, I can see where a little of both cases come into play. Anna Nicole didn't want to get off drugs, but then very few people in her circle of "friends" seemed willing to tell her "no" for anything, not just drugs.

    It's a no-win situation.

  11. slightly ot...but how is it that stern isn't in jail?! =O

  12. Larry is just a STar FUcker and I don't mean that in a bad way who knows what anyone else would do in his postion. She was batshitcrazy but he was getting LAID, by a STAR.
    You know the daughter was fed lotsa crap thru the womb let's just hope for the best.
    I'm sure we'll see them on the front of People when she hits a landmark birthday like... 5 ...if it's a slow news week.

  13. you don't need methadone to live if you are a heroin addict. methadone is given to lessen the effects o weening one off H. it's brutal to come off of,but it won't kill an otherwise healthy person.

  14. You can't make a drug/alcohol addict do anything. You can try, but in the end all you can really do is be there (if the addict doesn't behave too destructively toward you). It really doesn't fucking matter -- they have to want to stop and usually they don't (there's a reason people love to drink and to do drugs).

  15. Addicts are very convincing liars if they want to still keep taking the drugs. To say that all these people are star f.ckers and just enabling her probably isn't the entire story.

    So yeah, I can see how Larry B. believed her.

  16. I know my ex-boyfriend became addicted to crack, and after he told me and claimed he was clean, he was still doing it, and convinced me he was clean. But he became my ex for a reason. Luckily, he actually IS clean now.

  17. It's sad that DL will never have a mommy, but she may very well end up with two daddies if Larry settles down.

  18. too true fester!!!
