Monday, August 16, 2010

You Mess With The Biebs You Get Umm The Horns

Apparently if Justin Bieber is your friend he is pretty loyal. That is what Kevin Kristopik found out over the weekend. Kevin had apparently hacked into the Twitter account of one of Justin's friends and ended up getting Justin's phone number which he then bragged about on his own Twitter page.

Well, Justin then sent out a Tweet to his millions of followers which can be seen below.Although the message was only up very briefly, it did result in 10,000 texts in two hours to the phone of the Detroit teenager. Gawker is the one who did all the legwork to find out who the number belonged to and even spoke to the teen.

Brilliant move on the part of Justin Bieber. And a little new found respect from me.


  1. Um how is that brilliant? It's irresponsible and malicious and I hope Bieber gets reprimanded. When someone on 4chan posts a person's number online and said person then gets harassed no one thinks it's cute or brilliant.

    I'm sick of the little shit, sorry.

  2. I'm not feeling all this turnabout is fair play shit.

  3. You need to be a bit more creative to get respect from me. This seems like typical teenage shit. Like rewind 15 years and I was doing the same thing, just on a park bench.

  4. Well, if someone hacked into my accounts and there was nothing I could do about it, I might start thinking about equally childish methods of getting back at someone. On the other hand, I doubt my followers (ie my mum and dad) would do much damage.

  5. childish prank...but they're children so what else it's different. I give him props for defending his friend.

  6. But what if that kid doesn't have unlimited texts or minutes? How is he, or his parents, supposed to pay for that? They're both dicks.

  7. Unless he had unlimited texts, this is going to cost him some money. Wonder if he can sue?

    Sorry Enty. Not brilliant or funny.

  8. Your all being too uptight.
    I agree Enty, I thought it was funny too :)

  9. >and childish, but sometimes being childish is called for

  10. I think most companies have a policy, that if you are being spammed via text, they'll waive the charges. That being said, he's a teenager, he more than likely has ulimited texting.

    This is like the ultimate version of the putting your friends number on a Craigslist/Personal ad prank. Which my friends did to another friend when they were 20. Not 16. Cut the Biebs some slack.

  11. I think most companies have a policy, that if you are being spammed via text, they'll waive the charges. That being said, he's a teenager, he more than likely has ulimited texting.

    This is like the ultimate version of the putting your friends number on a Craigslist/Personal ad prank. Which my friends did to another friend when they were 20. Not 16. Cut the Biebs some slack.

  12. @Treesap & sunnyside1213

    wait what do you mean with unlimited texts? he's getting them not sending them.

  13. jess.. i was wondering that too.. do you pay to receive calls in the states ?

  14. @ jess/121007

    some providers charge for incoming text messages. anywhere between 15 -25 cents per message recieved so it can add up when you are recieving 10's of thousands of them.

  15. @Diane

    Woah...what a scam. I didn't know that, it just sounds so stupid because you're paying for messages you're getting, not sending.

  16. thanks Diane.. wow I thought english phone companies knew how to milk me dry but damn that is brutal!

  17. oh you have no idea how we are getting it in the a-- in N. america on our mobiles..

    Bieber needs to smarten up,he's famous this shit is going to happen...acting like a dick is not the way to handle it.

  18. meh...maybe the next time the kid will think twice before he hacks into someone's acct.

    good going, biebs.

  19. Hacking in to someone's private account is a serious @sshole move.

  20. I don't like Bieber but I don't think what he did is all that surprising...

    Agree w/ @Pookie

  21. Somewhere out there, in a magical land, your minutes aren't used for received calls? Seriously?! WTF, Verizon, WTF?!

  22. when i first moved to the us, i was SHOCKED when i realized my minutes counted when people called ME! It made no sense what so ever! The same with texts. They could never pull something like that off in Sweden.

  23. it's lame, but he's a teenager and we've all pulled crap like this at some point. i'll let it slide if he'll fade in to obscurity already.
