Monday, August 16, 2010

Tila Tequila Had A Very Bad Weekend

I'm guessing that Tila Tequila will think twice about ever performing at the Gathering Of The Juggalos ever again. The gathering is a festival for fans of Insane Clown Posse. For some reason she was invited to appear and she did. Immediately after taking the stage she was booed and people began throwing things at her. At that point she should have just walked off. For some reason though she not only stayed but she took off her top. Huh? When the crowd kept booing and she got cut by some of the flying objects she retreated to he trailer. The crowd then made its way to her trailer and rocked it back and forth and smashed its windows and the windows of her SUV before she was able to make her escape.

Unlike most events involving Tila this one was not a figment of her imagination and was confirmed by lots of witnesses, video and the police.


  1. I think she is ridiculous, but she didn't deserve this.

  2. While I think she is wretched, no one deserves to be treated like that. But after saying that, I seriously think she should have done a quick internet search about the event-you couldn't pay me to attend let alone perform.

  3. I wonder who thought it was a good idea for her to even go there, let alone perform there?

  4. I feel a little bad, but she is going to MILK THIS for the next zillion years.

  5. Everything that one gets up to is a complete wreck. Too bad one of the bottles didn't knock some sense into her.

  6. I don't know, she's done some pretty horrible stuff. Remember how she exploited Casey Johnson's death?

    I suppose saying she deserved it might be going a little too far, but I'm not all that sorry it happened to her.

  7. do you think they invited her just so that they could this to her?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @linnea Exactly my thought!

    But I feel kind of bad for her, if she doesn't cash in on this incident then I'll think twice before bad mouth her.

  10. I feel bad because no one deserves that kind of abuse, but at the same time Tila almost welcomed it. She stayed onstage taunting the crowd long after the assault began- and really, who expects pristine behavior from Juggalos? I think she was likely fully aware of what she was getting into.

    She's probably enjoying yet another ridiculous incident that gets her name out there and people talking about her, as well as cashing in on it. Not saying she deserved it, but she certainly didn't do much to avoid it.

  11. What the heck type of performing can Tila Tequila do?

  12. im not sure, but i think it involves ping pong balls.

  13. Ping pong balls indeed linnea. ROFLMAO.

  14. Bwaa Haa Haa!!!

    That's all!

  15. The Juggaloos are so freaking creepy and icky.
    I would have peed in my pants if that had happened to me. scary!

  16. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Just so you all know even though I can't stand her I was not one of the ones that threw the rock LOLOL.

  17. well what do you expect when they hold this kind of moronic fest in a county that doesn't require permits?

  18. @0 - everything you said! Couldn't agree more.
    Creepy little festival with creepy little Tila = shitshow for Tila to exploit. The end.

  19. Funny you use the word "shitshow" RocketQueen. I read the other day that, in addition to pelting her with rocks, members of the audience were throwing feces. Ewww!

  20. Disgusting. Both audience and Tia.

    Some people will do anything for publicity.

  21. *respectfully in awe of momma karma*

  22. If you listen/watch the video that TMZ has up, you can hear that she was taunting the crowd -- what an ultra-maroon...

  23. Well, taking off her top is what helped her rise to the top, so I'm sure she was just using her go-to move.

    I'm more amazed by the fact that this band has so many fans.

  24. Tila: If someone is booing you and throwing things at you, taking off your top is not going to change their minds. Just sayin'.

    I want to feel sorry for her, but on the other hand, if she is so desperate for attention that she agrees to appear at one of these freak shows, then she should have known what she was getting into.

  25. lol @ ms_goddess - why am I not surprised??

  26. I hope the baby is OK.

  27. When this story 1st broke, I thought that she was attending the concert and things got out of hand. I did read something on TMZ today saying that the crowd had fermented watermelons in urine and feces for days and saved them for her. I guess they were expecting her.

    Mr. Pink, I was also worried about the baby. I've been expecting her to say she miscarried after the incident. How long has she been pregnant with a flat belly?

  28. WTH was she thinking? I haven't heard her music, but I can't imagine it's in the same genre as Insane Clowne Posse. I think she needed a gig, and thought she could handle the crowd. She didn't deserve what happened to her (but I still kinda laughed). She just overestimated herself.

  29. i read that she was warned ahead of time of what the crowd was planning, Violent J tells us, "We told her about the rumor and she didn’t care" ... noting that Tila informed the group that she wouldn't back out of the performance because she's "not a bitch like that."

    Violent J continued, "We paid her before the show and assured her that even if things got out of hand, she could keep the money if she had to leave the stage."

  30. even if she knew ahead of time they were animals, it doesn't mean it's ok for them to harm her physically. juggalo's or not, you're fave "band" isn't an excuse to act like a moron for the sake of being "hardcore".

    i didn't really take her performance as taunting the crowd- she was singing/rapping the whole time and was trying to keep the show going. what's she supposed to say "please don't throw things at me because i'm pregnant!?" cmon, she's a moron, but i don't think she instigated it and either way it didn't have to go THAT far.

    i hope her babies ok and she gets some real help. she doesn't need fame, she needs therapy and she should use this as a great opportunity to fade out and get her life together.

  31. You might be right Ms Leigh, but I think we can all agree she is not pregant. Right? I mean, she has been faking her pregnancy for longer than I can remember,

  32. lol @ linnea maybe alien babies need a longer incubation period ;)

  33. Actually, she's not pregnant. She claims she had a miscarriage from falling in her chair and hitting her head, then went on to Australia the very next morning for her "tour" with white pants on...
