Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Evil Ones Are Not Coming Back To Housewives

Apparently Bravo has realized that Michaele and Tareq Salahi are not really ever going to swallow the Bravo Kool-Aid and will be one bad press moment after the next. According to Pop Eater the couple is not going to be invited back for the next season of RHDC. I actually don't think they should even have another season of RHDC. There are already enough cities. I think the only one I would like to see is some small town Real Housewives one. That would be fun. I think there would be more gossip and who says that all "Real Housewives" need to come from big cities. Give me Fargo or something like that. How come they never do shows from Fargo or Boise?


  1. There needs to be a real housewives of Compton

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I always thought a Real Housewives of Dallas would be awesome.

  4. A Dallas one would be great!! People from Texas are a hoot to me. The hair, the twang, all of it.

  5. Real Housewives of Compton sounds great.

    The Talahis are Bad People. Bravo bet on them being so-bad-they're-good, and lost. They're just Bad.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I didn't watch this version of RH, but I'm still glad to hear these two were kicked to the curb. They're just icky to me.

    RH of Compton is brilliant.

  8. They're like that couple on the NJ show that should be in jail if not for their tacky taste and fashion sense, then for their lying and cheating everyone around them.

  9. I can't wait for the day when these two disappear.

  10. Didn't this one just start?! Lol, they must be bad.
    Compton AND Dallas sound awesome. I might actually watch one of these shows.

  11. I'm guesing that anyplace less than a major city and you'd upend just about the entire operations of a suburb. (Not to mention the lives of the real people filmed and make it difficult for some of them to ever recover from the exposure and get back to a real life afterward in a highly insulated place.) Again, just a guess. But I do think suburbanites can be the cattiest, most competitive, most deluded of anyone out there.

  12. I'll sign up for the Real Housewives of Downingtown, PA. I mean, really... we're in the 24th most affluent county in the country.
    Most of the others are around DC LOL

  13. I've always joked with my coworkers that they should do a reality show on us: Real Nightshift Nurses of Sacramento. THe public would get to see whathappens when a unit is understaffed; how people (i.e. patients) really behave; what it's like to miss your family and friends because you work 12 hour nights and your body is all screwed up. It might not be glamorous, but it's real.

  14. I'd watch either a DFW or Houston version. But then again, I've never watched a single RH of anywhere show.

  15. Real Housewives of Biloxi MS works for me.

  16. Am I the only one who thinks Bravo needs to re think the whole reality show idea? Why are the shows called The Real anything when the women on them represent absolutely no one in real life, and all they seem to do is yell at one another or find one to pick on and that seems to be the main focus for the show and any of the press they do surrounding it. I have seen nothing that would make me want to watch these shows, and find everyone really very unappealing.

  17. Agree that they are BAD PEOPLE. And Michaele is either a master criminal or mildly retarded. Haven't quite figured her out yet.

  18. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I would so watch the RH of compton. LOL! I quit watching them all when the OC chics got botox. I just can't with them.

    If Bravo did a RH show in my small Missouri hometown, Andy's head would explode from the drama.


  19. I agree, RHWODC SUCKS.

    The small town thing would be good! There is always so much good dirt in a small town too. My hometown had more drama going on in it than any other place I've lived!

    I'd like to see another southern town/city (I think Charleston would be perfec), somewhere in the Midwest....and I'd def. watch Texas!

  20. I cannot stand these pieces of garbage. They are filthy pigs. They need to crawl back under the rock that they came from.

  21. Once again I must say I HATE poorly-done fake hair. She looks dang good for being 44, though, and I think she's really nice but married to the devil himself.

    I'll bet MS or no MS, she smokes like a fiend with that gruff voice and drag lines around her lips. Plus, no way in HELL she isn't Ano. No WAY.

  22. I'd like to see Real Housewives of Prague. When expat men marry Czech women, all hell seems to break loose. The tawdry fallout would make great TV.

  23. the next real housewife cities are Houston, Boston and Chicago.

    New York just started filming, OC is filming now.

  24. I agree ... no more RHODC. I live in Northern VA and I am appalled by these women. The name dropping is pretty consistent with the DC area and it's as hard to watch on TV as it is in real life. I hope they stop it all together. And the Salahi's ... total slime balls.

  25. I know you were only kidding but thanks for the Boise shoutout, Enty!

  26. i have ALWAYS thought the Real Houswives of South Bend, Wa would be so amazing and so dirty. all 1,000 or so of us here...i can't TELL you the dirt i iknow! i got some crazy sluts down the street!

  27. @mango LMAO! I haven't figured that out either

  28. No RHW of New Orleans? I thought I'd heard that there would be one?
