Thursday, September 16, 2010

Want Plastic Surgery? Getting Married? E! Has The Show For You

E! has decided to combine an extreme plastic surgery show with a bridal show. Apparently they are going to have potential brides compete against each other and if they win they get to pick some plastic surgery they want and get it done immediately. Apparently these are going to be women who want multiple plastic surgeries. I don't really like these kind of shows. I don't mind the idea of brides competing, that sounds like fun. I just don't like how it seems the producers are encouraging that in order to look good enough to get married you need tons of plastic surgery. Now some people who watch the show will also think they need plastic surgery before they get married. I also think it is interesting that one of the producers is Giuliana Rancic who is always getting asked about her body.


  1. yep...It is all ready difficult o see how many of us are so concious about our bodies. This will make it more difficult on everyone. I know that if I had the money, I

  2. I wonder what the future husbands would think? I'm not much of a makeup-wearer so the day of our wedding my husband wanted to be sure the girl walking down the aisle looked like the girl he wanted to marry, i.e., not overly made-up with overdone hairdo, fake nails, etc. Imagine having your bride walk down the aisle with a totally different nose or a huge rack or something!

  3. This is just horrible. I would hate to marry someone made out of plastic.

  4. I wouldn't mind getting a little nip and tuck, but I am older than dirt. What would be the point?

  5. Isn't this just a riff on that awful THE SWAN (on FOX sometime around 2002-2004)??? Nothing new, just more horrible.

  6. Too bad about her face, huh?

  7. Oh man....for me this is too far.

  8. Guliana needs therapy,for real. saw her and Bill on The View talking about how they are trying to have a kid and there was serious tension between them because she didn't want to gain 5-10lbs to conceive. my thought to that was, "you shouldn't be a mom then." if you can't gain 10lbs to GET preganat wtf are you gonna do being pregnant?

    this show sounds terrible. score another one for shameless vanity!

  9. My daughter brought up a good point: Genetics won't change-if your body has certain genetic features then your offspring may carry those features. If that is true, then people who get plastic surgery before they have children could essentially dupe their potential mates into thinking that the offspring will look similar to the after picture (not the before-more so if the future mate is not aware of the make over).

    Sorry if this is too much thought for this time in the morning. My oldest daughter's best friend said that talking to my daughter is like being hit with an encyclopedia-I think my head's been smashed in.

    Show: not going to watch

  10. and whats worse is, its kind of like telling your kid that the way THEY look is not good enough either... imagine they get your nose, how are you supposed to tell them that they are beautiful just the way you are, when you had yours done?

  11. Guiliana is a walking eating disorder.

  12. I'm surprised Bill and G are still together. I've tried to watch their show a few times, but didn't make it.

    I watch a lot of crap TV, but this one is too crappy even for me.

  13. I'll pass. My very pretty sister had a nosejob a few years ago and all her kids have her old nose. They look great but I wonder if they look in the mirror and ask why they have a nose she rejected.

  14. ellebee & linnea: That's why the Moore/Willis children are so unfortunate looking!

  15. @ellebee

    There's nothing wrong with knowing a lot. Except other people don't like it. Probably because they don't understand it.

  16. @TinselSass - I was just trying to remember the name of that show - The Swan! I remember watching it in horror - the women with these massive veneers afterward, but still so broken on the inside. I found it so sad.

    Agree with jax and Lana about Guiliana. This chick has issues. To me she's the perfect example of Hollywood vanity.

  17. What about the other competitors...they are going to need massive amounts of therapy to get over the ordeal of learning they weren't good enough to win and are less than 'perfect' for their wedding or for anything or anyone else. Are they going to have a show centered around all the neurotic anxieties this show causes, or are the losers signed on to do episodes of Dr. Phil?

  18. califblondy said it for me: I also watch a lot of crap TV but I have my limits!

    What is Giuliana getting asked about her body? I always get her confused with Debbie Matenopoulos.

    And what moron gave her and her husband their own show? Talk about a total snooze-fest.

  19. @TinselSass - That is exactly what I thought of when I read this post.

    I hope they do follow ups on the couples, like 6months to a year after the surgery and weddings have taken place. That would be more interesting to watch.

  20. she's always getting asked about her body? why not about her FACE? GOD, this woman is unattractive.

  21. The idea of this show makes me sad. Sure, if someone wanted to give me free plastic surgery I'd do a few things, but if I ever get married I'm going to feel beautiful on that day no matter what! I'm not going to let my big nose stand in the way of feeling gorgeous and celebrating the love of my life. I can see this affecting some brides, esp as other commenters have mentioned: the ones that lose, so that they are so focused on their own issues they forget to enjoy their wedding. Sad.

  22. I like Giuliana because she has perfect pronounciation. My english sucks but I understand everything she says.

    E!´s reality shows are ridiculous. Are they competing with VH1 for channel with most depressing reality shows?

  23. Oh my God. Why do people do this??? It figures that Giuliana would be involved because she looks like she's had waaaay too much plastic surgery and that stupid show w/her and Bill makes my skin crawl.
