Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Glee Continues The Stunt Casting

Glee is a really good show. For right now it is not in need of any stunt casting. Stunt casting should only occur when the series is on its last legs or you need to figure out a way to stay on the air a little longer so you can get some syndication money.

What the producers should realize is that each week's songs is the stunt casting. Just because you are singing Britney Spears' songs does not mean Britney needs to be on the show. I am writing this because yesterday it was announced that The Goopster herself will be making a two episode appearance in November during sweeps. She will play a substitute teacher and sing and also kind of stir things up between Will and Emma by making a play for Will. Oh, and of course Gwyneth will sing and the fact her movie will be opening a few weeks after the show airs will give her something to talk about when she travels doing press.


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Anything with Fish Stick I will not watch.

  2. I'll pass...can't stand her.

  3. Don't ask me... I don't even agree with the premise of this post, that "Glee is a really good show." I think it's a mediocre show that's really smug, not unlike Paltrow.

  4. I've still never seen this show. It looks kinda dumb to me, like live-action Kids Bop records (which are HORRIBLE). And don't get me started on the cheesy character stereotypes (the bitchy one, the gay one, the bad-boy one, the athletic one, the slutty one, etc). But it seems to me they've been stunt casting since the beginning, haven't they?

  5. Glee has some of the most ill-advised producers in the business.

    I can understand getting a big head after the first half of last season. The second half was MUCH too self-congratulatory and I hated it.

    But to continue on in this way, getting worse and worse? Do they think they have a license to do anything because they have so many blind fans who will accept anything as gospel?

    You would think there would be ONE producer on that show with enough power to say, "Slow down. SERIOUSLY. It's too much."

  6. I thought the show was going to be too Hih School Musical (ugh...) but when I saw the pilot back in March, it reminded me of the movie "Election" so I gave the show a chance.

    Some eps are really good some are just boring but this whole stunt cast situation will make the story weak, I just think a show doesn't need a star in each episode or at least it shouldn't need one if the show's writting was good enoguh.

  7. Ugh...I really enjoy the show but hate having the "stars" on them, it almost seems to me like it is keeping the stars relevant and pandering to them, which I hate and for me will ruin the show.

    On the episode featuring Madonna and Lady GaGa's music/costumes etc., they were not on the show and it was enjoyable with the different themes. The Jane Lynch character was priceless in the pointed bra over her track suit, and it was funny. When they had Olivia Newton John and Josh Grobain (sp?) I thought it was stupid no matter the context and it did not work for me, imo.

  8. Well said, Sis! I HATED the Sue Sylvester/Olivia Newton John duet and I LOVE me some Sue. I like the characters and their songs, I don't need all this stunt casting mess. I think the appeal of Glee is that the kids are more relatable because they A) aren't stars (or weren't before the show) and B) the storylines focused on them. Now it seems like the stunt casting is the focus and they make a half ass effort at creating a mediocre story line to accommodate the star. It's annoying and making me think twice about season passing it on my DVR.

  9. Fish Sticks and Glee deserve each other. Gag.

  10. Hahaha, agree with you Sunnyside...*L*

  11. I'm with Sis! I like Glee a LOT but would prefer they lay off the stunt casting. There are stories there, but I find they've been pushed to the wayside to accommodate all the guest stars, which really sucks.

    That being said, the Neil Patrick Harris ep where he and Will sang "Dream On" kind of made my life.

  12. @SFG - just realized you basically beat me to what I was trying to say. High five!

  13. @Jess, SFG & RocketQueen:
    I agree with y'all.

    I wonder how they make the decisions for which stars actually make an appearance and which one's don't? I always wanted to know what happened with Britney's episode after seeing Matthew Morrison make kind of a joke about it on TMZ.

  14. I think the network is doing some major meddling. Ryan Murphy's shows usually get more out there as time goes on, but 'Glee' is getting more mainstream. They're cutting back on the musical numbers for this season too, which I think is really dumb.

  15. They go for Goop and not her husband in Coldplay? How does that even make sense? (And watch her be nominated for an Emmy for this to go with her Oscar.)

  16. Because I do musicals locally everyone kept telling me I had to watch this Glee show. I made the mistake of watching one episode last year, not even sure which episode it was, but the voice of the lead girl, Lea Michele, I think it is, totally turned me off of that show. Her voice is somewhere between a wail and a grunt. *Shudder*
