Thursday, September 09, 2010

Joe Montana Throws Water On My Rudy Dreams

It is that time of the year when I decide that I need to watch Rudy. I love the movie and despite what Joe Montana said today I will keep watching it. It has a great cast including Sean Astin, Jon Favreau, Charles S. Dutton, Ned Beatty, and some guy named Vince Vaughn.

It is one of those true life inspiring kind of stories and since it is about football, guys are allowed to watch it. Well, because it is a movie, of course there are going to be some liberties taken with the actual events, but I didn't really need Joe Montana to point all of them out which he did today. Joe was on the team that year as a freshman. He said the crowd didn't chant and that players did not turn in their uniforms so Rudy could have a chance to play.

Rudy was carried off on the player's shoulders but Joe says they did it as a joke. Wow, I bet Joe told his kids there was no Santa Claus when they were two. Rudy did get a sack on his lone play and it is below.


  1. Hasn't that movie been out for like a hundred years (or seems). Why is Joe running his pie hole now? Missing attention?

  2. fuck Joe. he's just bitter the Love Boat got cancelled along with his acting career.

  3. Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

    God, I love that movie. It's one of those that makes the channel stick when you're idly surfing. You just have to watch it.

    Joe is a bitter has been.

  4. What an asshole. I hate these mythbusters who have some kind of personal bitter axe to grind. Let the guy have his moment.

  5. Suck it Joe. I am not ever sure who you are.

  6. Montana's always been a goddamned asshole. What a prick move. Fuck you, Joe.

  7. Joe, shut the fuck up

  8. I agree with everyone else...fuck you, Joe.

  9. Aw Joe, say it ain't so.

  10. Sorry, but I hate Notre Dame. But I also hate Joe Montana so ditto what you all said above.

  11. Except for the "carrying him off the field as a joke" revelation, I've read all this before. The coach supposedly knew (and gave the filmmakers permission) to use poetic license and make him the villain but didn't realize how much they were going to pile on.

  12. Joe Montana: You're a spoilsport!

  13. @ureallyannoyme. Love the name. And I agree. It has been said before and Joe didn't say anything harsher than what the coach had said. Anyone who believes a movie like Rudy is real in all aspects, well, that's just silly talk. If you've watched it and cried before, I'm sure the next time you watch it you'll cry again despite what Joe Montana said (17 years after it was made!)!

  14. joe could've just kept his mouth shut and said nothing. IMO, that's what he should have done. to do anything else just makes him look like an asshole.

    and what's it to him anyway?

  15. @ nancer. Joe said he was a freshman on the team when Rudy played and he was asked about it in an interview. Maybe he'd never been asked before, which is why he hadn't said anything earlier. But you're right, he could have said nothin'. But I still don't think he necessarily deserves all the harsh criticism. And I'm no fan. Of him or the movie. And this is my last post on the subject, I promise.

  16. This film has been used 100's of times with kids to show them that perseverance pays off, that dreams can come true if you keep trying. Most boys would have quit but Rudy didn't and this story has been an inspiration for so many. Joe did himself no favor by doing this, he could have said nothing. It says more about Joe than anything about Rudy. I'm happy to see nearly everyone one agrees it was a cheap shot. I now know that Joe Montana is classless.
