Friday, September 03, 2010

Kat Von D Counts Her Boyfriends

Do you count your boyfriends and girlfriends? I suppose if you have only had a relationship with two or three people it is probably fairly easy. Move beyond that first set of five fingers though and then, I think it becomes a little hard. What do you count? Does having four or five dates with someone count as a boyfriend? Do you have an arbitrary cutoff? What if you keep everything above the clothes? These are the questions I would like to ask Kat Von D because she says that Jesse James is just her ninth boyfriend. Not 10th or 8th, but number 9.

"Jesse is only my ninth boyfriend. I don't hang out with anybody unless I am in love." Oh, so wait, you only hang out if you are in love? How do you know if you are in love unless you hang out? Is this some kind of odd tattoo chicken vs the egg thing? So, if you are not in love with someone and just have five or ten sexual encounters than that person is not a boyfriend?

How come People never asks a followup question? These are the kinds of things that keep me up at night. She gives the statement and then you are supposed to ask and what constitutes a boyfriend. Instead you get a "gee, Ms. Von D, thanks for talking to me. You are like, umm the greatest. Can I have your autograph?"

And why is Kat the only one who ever talks about this relationship? And how can she be in love? It has been like four dates and everyone except the first has been in front of cameras.


  1. Enty, you're in fine form today! LMAO!

  2. So she's been in love 9 times? She is such a fame whore. I get the feeling Jesse isn't as involved as she and probably wishes she would shut up but that's just MO. I think it is a bit disrespectful to keep talking about it to Sandra. Give it a little time.

  3. She's an idiot. I've always thought this and rejoyced when Nikki and her broke up, only because he deserves so much better. She gives us tattooed chicks a bad rep.

  4. I don't think he's really into her. I believe she's in love - and stupid. She's the rebound chick. He should stay out of teenager's closets. She should buy some decent shoes.

  5. I call that a lie. When people are that detailed about something like that it is because they are making it all up.

  6. she's talented and seems kinda cool,but i could never date a chick like that if i were a guy. and its has nothing to do with her appearance. she just seems like the girl who wakes up,lights a smoke in bed and chugs a half opened coke on the nightstand to wake up before giving a half-assed beej and calling you bro.

  7. Love can move fast sometimes (not necessarily 4 dates fast), but I just think this bitch is just in love with the attention. You really want to be sloppy seconds to Bombshit McGee? Oh, no, you just want higher ratings. Proceed while I roll my eyes.

  8. Anonymous10:33 AM

    can't stand this chick!

  9. What Cindy said. Me thinks she doth protest too much. 9 times is a lot of times to be in love when you're only in your twenties.

  10. She looks like Sandy B but with tattoos ~ Jesse's wet dream.

  11. I'm 35 and I haven't had that many boyfriends. Than again, I get the feeling that she's the kind of girl who just loves to be in love and needs to be in a relationship. Serial monogamist.

  12. Sandy must be laughing her ass off.

  13. I. hate. this. bitch. They've been dating, what? MAYBE 3 weeks? And she's "in love"? Come ON. I believe that that CAN happen but A) I find it to be the exception not the rule, and B) Celebrities are in loves with themselves so to fall in love wtih someone ELSE takes them longer than the average person, IMO. And, having dated my fair share of cheaters I have finally realized the old adage is true: Once a cheater, always a cheater. Think he'll dump her after this nutso interview? He doesn't even look that thrilled to be seen in public with her, let alone telling the world that he loves her.

  14. Psycho! She's in love? With this guy?

    She would scare the bejeesus out of me if I were her boyfriend!

  15. She's been friends with Jesse for yrs, I think she's just a smoke screen and he's still creeping with Sandy but she's ashamed for the world to know they are seeing each other.

    just a theory
