Monday, September 20, 2010

Let's Talk Lindsay

All of you know my opinion of Lindsay Lohan and the entire Lohan clan. It was interesting though this weekend to speak to people who do not follow gossip much about their thoughts on Lindsay. Until the dirty test this past week this group of people had actually bought into the story that Lindsay had been spinning. That story was that she did some coke a couple of years ago but it was just for fun, was a mistake and any problems she had were the result of doctors prescriptions and a misdiagnosis. In other words, none of it was her fault. The thing is, the story she was spinning was working. For some reason any other message was not getting out.

After the dirty test though they changed their mind completely. 100%. The story she had been spinning unraveled and they all think she is an addict who put one over on them. See, if Lindsay had managed to stay clean for six months or a year the whole it was the doctor's fault story might have worked and she could have resurrected her career. Now though she has lost the people who rarely read gossip or watch TMZ. It will be a long, long road to get them back.


  1. She needs to own her accountability before she can get on the right track. And she needs to stay away from her mother. I doubt either one will happen.

  2. Though it is natural to look for the good in people, Lindsay's character flaws will eventually do her in. The drugs are only a part of her problems.

    Here's hoping the coked-up B doesn't wind up killing someone while driving. Of course, it will be their fault for getting in her way.

  3. No Enty, Let's NOT Talk Lindsay.

  4. She's only sorry she got caught. Chances are she only said she had a problem to try to get out of jail free. And until she focuses on getting help instead of getting out of things, she'll never succeed.

    Please, please tell me they will make her serve a whole sentence AND rehab this time. Jail first, though. She's earned it.

  5. I know we've said it before, but I genuinely feel this is the beginning of the end for her. She has no reason to go on.

    It's very sad. Stay away from drugs, kids.

  6. @sunnyside1213, I totally agree. Enough with Lindsay, until she isn't the same person she is now. And even then, ... do we need her?

  7. I'm with sunny and barton. Let's have a Lohan ban!

  8. She needs to get clean, go to counseling, and continue her education. She must be completely uninsurable at this point. I agree with Shakey, her mother is a very bad influence and that's so sad. Dina has never put Lindsay's best interest first.

  9. Dina is just as hooked on drugs and Lindsay, probably the same with Ali (where the HELL has she been?) and probably the idiot father, too.

    Death watch commencing...

  10. how stupid do you have to be to do COKE when you have drug testing...i mean seriously?????? OH wait she's a Lohan, never mind i just answered my own question.

  11. she needs to leave hollyweird. immediately, before she kills herself or someone else.

    i can just picture it. lindsay going out with her usual posse of enablers and one of them pulling out the good shit. one of them probably told her she'd be fine, go ahead, do a will be out of your system in time. lindsay probably felt like she 'deserved it' for being so well behaved these past few weeks.

    i mean why wouldn't her entourage want her drugged up? when she's using she's easier to control, easier to manipulative, and much easier to sell stories about.

    at this point, being an addict is the only thing she has going for her...people one follow her to see what outrageous/ridiculous thing she will do next.

    lindsay, your time, go to a real rehab for at least a year. take care of your health and your addictions. then maybe, maybe you can come back.

  12. She's a liar
    She's an addict
    She's a thief
    theres more but why dwell on her lack of character...she is hopefully over.
    I was worried she'd make it till December and her SNL gig....Ha not a chance..

  13. TMZ says that a warrant has been issued for her arrest. The first failed test was cocaine, the second was Amphetamines.

  14. TMZ says that a warrant has been issued for her arrest. The first failed test was cocaine, the second was Amphetamines.

  15. Amphetamines, oh shes missing her has a big following among those who watch their weight..

  16. This chick will be on SNL in December? Ha, they must not want to pass up the ratings.

    I don't care for SNL, but I'll watch this one!

  17. Well finally. People like us who follow celeb gossip have known for a long time what a liar she is, it's about time everybody else started realizing almost every word out of her mouth is an excuse and a lie.

    As someone mentioned, how SELFISH and SICK do you have to be to take drugs when you have to piss constantly for testing? It's either straight-up arrogance or obliviousness. Then of course she denied failing it, now has to admit it. The whole thing is just utterly incredible.

    I can't wait for her mother to come out and say "well, she's sick!" so shortly after saying "she's totally clean and her problem was never really that bad". Self-delusion runs in the family.

  18. Let her fucking rot in jail already. It's what she deserves and clearly what she needs at this point since nothing else has worked.

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  20. I'm totally with 0. Let her rot in jail. A real jail sentence with none of this 'out in 13 days' shit, followed by real rehab and a mandatory post-rehab period of daily drug testing. Fail that and her ass goes back to jail.

  21. IMO those Twitter comments announcing the drug test results came from her lawyer's office; I think they drafted them back when she got out of rehab and they knew she'd be on the stuff ASAP. They'd learned their lesson after the nail polish fiasco.

    She just doesn't want to be her mother's cash machine and doesn't see the point of following rules. This is what happens when you don't allow a child to have a childhood.

  22. @Weezy - Here I was thinking "Wow, for once in her life she is admitting the truth." I think your theory makes more sense. I think on Friday (?) she called into US & said that the accusations were "crazy" and she was "fine."

  23. i don't want her to die...but she seems hellbent on it. :(

  24. CONSQUENCES? I was surprised she could spell the word let alone understand the concept. Oh wait....

  25. See even I can't spell consequences.....

  26. Robert Downey Jr. was an even bigger mess, and he is now one of the the most sought-after actors. Hollywood is forgiving to those with talent and bring in big money.

    She should look him up. And realize life has more to offer than nightclubs.

  27. I hate being preachy, but I am coming across young adults who have no insurance, and can't afford their insulin and testing strips to treat their diabetes. These are productive members of society who have a true disease and don't have the income to keep themselves in the best of health. Then there is this bitch who had the world at her feet, and threw it away for drugs. Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? How many chances is she supposed to get? I don't wish anything bad to happen to her, but she sickens me to no end. I don't have a shred of sympathy for her.

  28. I really am terrified that some non-celebrity(ies) will LOSE THEIR LIVES due to her behind a wheel whacked out. It's not okay that the system just keeps letting it all slide. It's really not.

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  30. anarchi: It's apples & oranges--yes, RDJ was a complete mess, but there are some very big differences in the 2 situations. He knew he had a problem, and didn't blame everyone else for things going wrong; he already had a reputation as one of the best actors of his generation and a hard worker who kept on working even when everything else was going to hell in the proverbial handbasket; and people genuinely liked him and wanted to see him get his act together. LiLo, on the other hand, was a decent actress but not much more; has a dreadful onset reputation (Georgia Rule, anyone?); is a known liar and thief; and refuses to take any responsibility whatsoever for her current situation--if she did even that last bit, there could be some hope for her. Perhaps if she got the same amount of jail time he did...yeah, right, like that's gonna happen. *sigh* I wish her no harm, but if she can't or won't take some responsibility for herself, she won't get any better. I just pray she doesn't take anyone else out with her...

  31. I'm with Lutefisk

  32. Can't wait to hear her "Mommy's" take on this.

  33. She took drugs even though she knew she'd have to test because, hell, why not? I mean, when has she every paid the full consequences of her actions? She knew she'd likely get off with a slap on the wrist, or at worst, a couple days jail time that will be shaved down.

    I saw her VMA clip somewhere and was wondering if this was the great talent everyone has been talking about for the past few years? Yeesh. I don't get the fascination, but who couldn't be fascinated with her? I can't click on two links without running into some story on her or her whacked out parents. You sort of get used to it, until one day you realize that if 'Oxycontin' is hillbilly heroin, 'Lohan' must be hillbilly meth.

  34. Rehab will continue to do nothing for her because she doesn't believe there's anything wrong with what she's doing. She thinks none of this is her fault and she's been targeted because of her "fame". She will continue to try to subvert the system, and I hope instead of continuing to give her chances in rehab they just make her serve her time in jail.

  35. Maybe she is looking for the parent figure she has never had to put her in line. Sounds like a cry for help, she needs to have the book thrown at her and for her to serve her time. Agree with Robin's call on RDJ.

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  37. Pretty soon she'll be working with David Weintraub and DWE Talent along side Kari Anne Peniche! She is this generation's Dana Plato. As long as she continues to be in contact with her family she will never heal. They are toxic, every one of them including Ali. Her lack of talent won't help her now.
