Monday, September 20, 2010

Paris Writes Her Own Radar Story

Either Paris Hilton wrote her own Radar Online story or somewhere there really loves Paris. In a story which is supposed to be about how Paris is going to plead guilty to lying and to drug possession in a Las Vegas court this morning, instead turned into some kind of Paris is the greatest person in the world story. You know, the same Paris who had no idea who the drugs belonged to and the one who does not use drugs. Yes, that Paris.

How about some of these quotes from the story.

[Paris] "is learning from this experience and [growing] from it,"

"Hilton, 29, plans on making good on her recent indiscretions with charity work, the insider told us, as the Stars Are Blind singer "wants to give back to those who aren't as fortunate -- its very important to her."

The only person who would ever bring up Stars Ar Blind is Paris. And charity work? It sounds like her Larry King interview all over again.


  1. Isn't this what Lohan is saying in her Twitter too? Sounds like they have the same publicist ghost writing their mea culpas.

  2. Oh money. How you do talk.

  3. Can we get a pool going on how long before Paris is caught again?
    (and please God, let it be in Nevada)

  4. Anything more than a minor traffic offense and she heads to jail for a year(that's what the judge said). I would love that.

  5. Anonymous10:14 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Paris will start her charity work (where she actually spends time): ...677, 678, 679...

    Paris will be back in court and/or jail: ...23, 22, 21....

  7. I would respect this bitch more if she just said something like, "I am rich and like to party."

    As if I believe she wants to do charity work. Isn't this the same person who scoffed at people who shop at Wal-Mart?

  8. Her idea of charity work is donating her used infested clothing. Her days must be so long and tiring.

  9. Puhleeze, Paris said the same thing after she got out of jail. I have yet to see her do anything selfless. The only charity she will do now are the things that will give her a tax break.

    How bout her boyfriend? I hope hanging with Paris was worth losing his cushy job.

  10. wait am i experiencing deja vu...didn't she say the same lie on Larry King after getting out of jail??

  11. I *love* the CNN headline for this story - PARIS HILTON ADMITS COCAINE WAS HERS.

  12. ALSO - I'm willing to bet that after she breaks up with her boyfriend, there will be reports that leak out eventually that the cocaine was really her boyfriends and she took the fall for it.
    Can already see it happening.

  13. lol Susan - exactly.

    Also, I actually think those words are a direct re-hash of what she said out of getting jail that first time for drinking & driving - she was going to start giving back to others. Can't stand this useless waste of oxygen.

  14. If she really wants to do charity work, she'd run to the nearest clinic and be sterilized.

  15. Lmao @susan so true! If you're going to be an entitled rich kid then live with it, don't go all Mother Teresa on us.

  16. Anonymous2:19 PM

    She must still be high if she really believes what she is saying hahahaha.

  17. ditto, Susan!

    you know...unlike lindsay, this is a no-talent, racist piece of trash...if something tragic were to happen to'd truly be difficult for me to muster up some pity.

  18. Charity work! What charity work?? Does buying a dress from some down and out designer qualify as CHARITY WORK!

  19. she said the same fucking bullshit when she got out of jail in 2007. I've yet to see her do one thing she said she would do, because "jail had changed her life".

    I just can't. Ugh, she makes me so fucking sick. And she introduced us to the disease that is Kardashian. She needs to be punished severely.

  20. Isn't 29 a bit old to be doing drugs?!?!?! She must really, really be stupid.
