Friday, September 10, 2010

Maybe She Should Try The Train Next Time

I have taken a lot of flights in my life and every once in awhile you are on a flight with someone who looks like they are going to scream if they don't get out very quickly. It usually is because they find themselves seated next to me and realize their hopes of sliding by me to use the bathroom are non-existent. Other times it is because they are craving nicotine but sometimes it is because they are truly scared. When someone is really scared it scares me and scares everyone else because you are just waiting for them to do something silly and wonder why they just did not take the train.

Yesterday, Playboy Playmate Tiffany Livingston was put into federal custody after she allegedly grabbed the door of an airplane while it was in flight between Orlando and Newark. While it is possible she was having some kind of flashback of something she had seen at Disney World, one of her friends told the NY Post that Tiffany always suffers on flights and this time she forgot her medication.

I admire her for trying to fly when she obviously is scared of it. I mean, I don't even bother trying to eat vegetables anymore even with medication so I am glad she is trying but the passengers on the plane were freaking out.

Although the Post story does not mention it, the FBI did say no charges would be filed and that Tiffany was using the door as support because she was in danger of passing out.


  1. Lol - how do you get on a plane if you're THAT terrified and know you've forgotten your meds? Just change the flight. Scary for the other passengers.

  2. I don't get it. Was she grabbing the handle? That would freak me out. Always wear your seat belts folks.

  3. i admire her for trying to face her fear and get on the flight, but next time she definitely needs to bring her medication. she must be PETRIFIED to fly if she was like that. Fear of something can be paralyzing to some people.

  4. I'm a flight attendant and I can assure you that when the cabin is pressurized, you can't open the doors or exits. Having said that someone who is that afraid of flying SHOULDN'T FLY, they are a risk to the safety of the flight and the other passengers.

  5. I am scared to death to fly and DO take the train WHENEVER possible. However, I wouldn't do anything this crazy, obviously. I have to fly to Orlando in 2 weeks. If this girl is on my flight and forgets her meds, I might have to take her out.

    P.S. I thought she was sitting on a toilet in that pic at first glance.

  6. I totally understand why she grabbed that door handle. Poor thing!
